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Everything posted by VH-KDK

  1. It is winter here Gerold and very green everywhere. The only green in the summer will be where the land is under irrigation. I did this flight a while ago so it was probably summer.
  2. Thanks Paul, they are about 100km to the left. To the right I think the nearest would be in South Africa.
  3. Thanks John, interesting that we have parts that look the same and we are so far apart. Luckily we are not like Seattle, the nearest we have is Melbourne.
  4. Thanks Gerold, well you can look again on next Friday if you like! Ze/zay, zum/zat, plippy ploppy..... Maybe we should go back to the years before all this nonsense started.
  5. The rain has been so heavy along the east coast that some gardens have been washed away. We have a clown here that said the dams would never be full or it would snow again, a pity he wasn't washed away!
  6. Thanks Andreas, it was a pleasant Friday and now not long until the next one!
  7. Always good to see the Spitfire, a fine trio of views Paul.
  8. Very hazy in those first few views Carlos, was it the curry! Beautiful scenery once the weather was turned off. A splendid set anyways and I am not alone looking forwards to your next offering.
  9. A beautiful part of Germany and the Rhine to fly in Gerold. There are so many well done POIs to see in the country. One good thing about the Schiersteiner Brücke being half closed was that it was still half open. We can send you some water if you like as the rivers and dams are full at the moment but as we all know everything comes in cycles as well as in tandem!
  10. Orbx Partner Aircraft: Iris Jabiru A couple of images from a flight from my local of YSHT Shepparton to Echuca.
  11. Some wonderful images bringing the mountains to life. Scenery wise, the sim has so much to offer but I am finding it so hard to learn and most of all remember.
  12. Superb views from Narita. I liked the TWA 748 too, the livery brings back memeories. I also noticed the reflection the luggage made being loaded onto the UA Dreamliner, they don't miss a thing do they.
  13. Another highly enjoyable tour Carlos. Some fantastic modern architecture on show but in RL I am not sure if it is that clear!
  14. Top quality images Carlos. You certainly know how to bring out the best in a scenery. I like the detailed interiors too.
  15. A spectacular set. Plenty of action on the ground and in the air.
  16. Top class as usual Andreas. Great scenery and planes, I like the Connie. P3D is still my first choice with XP a very close second!
  17. A breathtaking set Carlos with so much spectacular scenery. The ones from Chile caught my eye but I would hate to pick a favourite from the whole series.
  18. An excellent tour around the airport Carlos. Plenty to be seen on the ground and I like the depiction of the railway. Full car parks too with spaces at a premium, just like the real thing!
  19. About 90F Wayne, far too hot to be working!
  20. In 6 months it will be the othter way around but we will have the same Fridays!
  21. Thanks Wayne. You are lucky you used the correct pronoun or you could have ended up behind bars and not the ones that serve beer!
  22. I like mornings like this as it usually means a bright sunny day. It was a little cold on he digits breaking the ice on the birds water bowls. The only thermals around here are the ones the Ibis and Pelicans use to soar! I hope you enjoy the Tutor.
  23. Great to see that livery flying again Paul in your excellent set and that the plane has been preserved in RL. It is a shame the Speedbird logo hasn't been retained today. I like the photo but light poles and fences are always a problem.
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