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Jon Clarke

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Everything posted by Jon Clarke

  1. can you show a pic with your VFR map in the pic so I can see the exact area you are referring to? A pic like the one below would help. Thanks.
  2. XP's 1x1 tiles format doesn't help. Again it is all or nothing when it comes to photoscenery whether Orbx or Ortho4xp
  3. Have you tried out the suggestions that @carlosqr suggested? Quote: A blank community folder Deleted the scenery indexes Deleted the content file Opened the sim and cleared the Cache and turned it OFF Closed the sim and opened it Closed it and opened it again Added a scenery and tested All working I cannot and others also, reproduce the CTDs you are experiencing. Very difficult to work out the problem when seen by some but not others. i don't think there is an issue with the addon that an uninstall and reinstall may help resolve the issue. after trying the suggestions above.
  4. There were exorbitant costs being asked for NI aerial photography which was not worth pursuing as far as Orbx were concerned, for in reality, such a small piece of coverage. I will have to ask the Dev about your question but due to the Devs current workload I cannot guarantee a quick response as your query is more of a question of how to modify the addon rather than the addon not working as it should. I trust you understand @Tony Wroblewski please comment. Thanks
  5. My suggestion is that you delete the contents within your SceneryIndexes (AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SceneryIndexes*.dat) folder and delete your Content.xml. The 2 files will be renewed when you next open MSFS. It can solve a lot of problems. Also it is advised to temporarily remove or rename your Community folder when doing any updates of MSFS so as to minimise any negative impacts on addons. You may have done that but this is just a guide to others. When sim updates occur they can sometimes disrupt the sequencing in the folders I mention above.
  6. I will try and resolve that issue for you by attaching a couple of my copy's files. Open the EGFF folder. Unzip and place the attached file Earth_nav_data_statics in there, overwriting the existing one. Place the attached Control Panel.xml and the GroundTraffic.xml in there as shown in the attached pic Earth nav data_statics.zip control_panel.xml GroundTraffic.txt
  7. I have no idea I am afraid. The 3rd party NZWU addon is not something I have, and there are no cars in the Orbx mesh.
  8. This is what I see at ESGG with all MSFS updates and recent hotfixes installed. Something your end is amiss but as Nick says, deleting the contents in the SceneryIndexes folder and deleting the Content.xml may well help resolve the issue. It is recommended to rename your Community folder to something like .old .x or .bak when doing sim updates be they either World Updates or Sim Updates and hotfixes. This can help alleviate issues like the one you are reporting.
  9. Have you tried the deleting the sceneryindexes folder as was a solution to a similar problem. I note you have visited the linked topic but raised a new topic here. The solution maybe the same.
  10. I don't have time for all this silliness as I am too busy moaning and being grumpy
  11. I will pass that info to the Devs for noting/comment.
  12. Really glad you got it sorted. Happy flying....again
  13. Thanks for letting me know @Sentry11 I have informed the devs but am not sure if the incompatibility issue is something that will be looked at in the near future due to devs work load.. Besides no fire trucks, I believe the addon is working as intended.
  14. Free space is required on both the drive you download onto and also the drive you are going to install onto. By default your Temp folder, to which all downloads will go, is on your C drive along with any backup copies of Orbx addons if you have that option enabled in Orbx central. That link given to you explains that it is easy to relocate your temp drive to a higher capacity drive, like your one that has 600GB available and also maybe consider moving the backups storage location to that drive or if you have a good internet connection just back up the really large addons like the True Earth ones.
  15. That's good news. Having never had the Demo I was unsure whether the needles would be a part of it. All True Earth addons require World Objects set to maximum, should you ever consider buying a full version.
  16. I have checked and your scenery_packs.ini is fine. TE Florida will be placed correctly by Orbx central, but for some reason it is not, then you need to place the files directly under the TEGB files you already have except for a small file called TE Florida_airports, which will go above Global Airports
  17. The demo pack is not a complete addon. I do know however that in order to see the full contents of a True Earth addon, not the demo, you will need to have World Objects set at max or you will have restricted autogen, buildings and POIs displayed. The Needles is only the lighthouse with a helipad on top and not an airport in the true sense of the word
  18. @marco1212 Please drop this into the main EGLC folder. As @Sentry11says, it looks like you only have a groundtraffic file in the Plugins. GroundTraffic.txt
  19. I have both Bijan and the new GB Central installed and running both together. Please try naming your Community folder to Community.x and then make a new Community folder with just the Bijan and GB Central addons in it. See if it crashes. I cannot replicate the issue so it may not necessarily be either of the addons causing the issue despite removing Bijan not causing a crash your end. I assume you are using Bijan v6.04 if not you need to update Bijan asap. This is what Bijan says in his update notification email: Compatibility with Sim Update 5. Older season version will not work with sim update 5. Kauai, Hawaii jungles enhanced. Added Pinus Sylvestris trees in Skuleskogen National Park in Sweden. New York Central Park winter trees for fall and winter season (works best with photogrammetry off) Manilla airport trees restored. Singapore airport trees restored.. Palm trees on Santa Monica and Venice beaches restored. Amsterdam spring trees restored.
  20. Thanks for the info. You say you "have put" those folders into Custom Scenery. I assumed they were already in there were they not? Not quite understanding the relevance of the pics unless to conform my question as to whether you hade the ground traffic files. Something must have changed in Mac to make the ground traffic file incompatible.
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