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Jon Clarke

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Everything posted by Jon Clarke

  1. Looks like it may be an incompatibility issue then as the dev has indicated. Can you confirm that you have the ground traffic files both when you open the EGLC folder and also in the plugins folder.
  2. Hi Marco Did you run the 2 Verify Files actions I asked you to try? The relevant Dev I hear is on leave at present, but has responded@ Quote I suspect the problem might be that the groundtraffic plugin which controls the fire engines at EGLC is no longer compatible with Mac or perhaps the latest version of XP. Perhaps the customer could check to see if there's other road traffic immediately around the airport - that would indicate that the plugin is functioning. It certainly was compatible previously so if you could oblige and check about the traffic functionality immediately around the airport it would help. Thanks
  3. Have you checked your Support Tickets? Sante has replied and asked a question: Quote Hi Sebastien, This is Sante. I will keep this ticket open and close the other since it's a duplicate. First off, do you see the Volanta plugin within the plugins folder in x-plane? Thank you, Sante- Please use the Support Ticket as having initially 3 queries open about the same issue is confusing. As you can see, a reply to your ticket has been made by @Sante Sottile Thanks for your understanding
  4. I will have to ask a dev as I do not have a Mac version. Please initially run a Verify files option in Orbx Central for EGLC so we can make sure we have all the files, and also a verify files for OrbxLibs. In the meantime I will get confirmation from the devs as to whether it is correct that for some reason the fire trucks are not part of the Mac version, or indeed they should be there. Bear with me as I need to contact them @Greg Jones for comment please.
  5. Flying under bridges has depended on your Damage settings. It needs to be Off. I am unaware that the new Update 5 removes that requirement, but do know that having the damage option Off allows you to fly under the bridges anywhere and do not think it is requiring any Orbx enabling as it was always governed by the Sim and not the addon as far as I am aware.
  6. If you persistently get this message Carlos when attempting an installation of this addon I suggest you attach your Orbx Central log and we can get someone from the Orbx Central team to take a look. Also Nick may have some ideas
  7. Hi Carlos. Seeing that BIKF is not an extremely large download, have you tried deleting or removing any backup copy that may have been made if you have the Backups option enabled in Orbx Central, Clear the Temp folder, Uninstall BIKF, Reboot PC. Reinstall BIKF directly into MSFS Community? Worth a try.
  8. Sorry about your issues with KMEM. Axonos are the developers of this addon and are only using the Orbx Direct facility as a retail outlet. Support and assistance in any issues regarding the workings of Axonos addons available via Orbx Direct need to be addressed by Axonos as per the notice I show below taken from the Orbx Direct product page for KMEM. Thanks Developer This product has been produced by Axonos. For Axonos product support, please to go https://discord.gg/CtFpYjU
  9. Welcome to the forums. I see you have raised 2 Support Tickets No 24820 and 24819 today and the support staff for Volanta will attend to the issue for you. I am not a Volanta expert. @Sante Sottile will attend to your problem via the Support Ticket. Thanks
  10. I would need to ask the Dev, but be aware that although there is a distribution partnership it does not mean that either Orbx or Aerosoft would have the rights to make any changes or modifications to each others respective addons. Any technical or support queries for addons by Aerosoft would I assume need to be directed to Aerosoft. @Ed Correia for comment please.
  11. It could be draw distance limitations within XP but also I have informed customers in the past that it can also relate to the PC specs in that the CPU/GPU combo cannot load the scenery as fast as required when flying a jetliner at speed. Flying low and slow in the same area in for example the default Cessna 172 does not invoke the blue triangles in most reported cases. Just wanting to assure people it ids not an inherent issue in the addon itself like missing files or a corrupted download.
  12. If you are adding more addons, then keep a spare copy of the scenery_packs I have sent you. When you add another addon into your custom scenery folder, XP will revise your scenery_packs to include the new addon and probably place it at the top of the scenery_pack., You could then take the new scenery_pack entries and place them into your spare copy scenery_packss and and place that spare copy, now with the new added addon included in the the text, into your Custom scenery folder.
  13. There is something really odd that is moving your scenery_packs layering. The only thing you need to do is move all the Orbx TE addons plus Laminar London Landmarkes to directly below Global Airports. I have done it for you in the attached scenery_packs.ini. It does look as though there have been "pick and mix" type options to activate scenery just like a well known Organiser does, but you say you don't use any organiser. Something is moving the TE addons to near the bottom of the layering which then allows those TE addons to get overwritten. Good luck and if it happens again remember to just move the TE addon to just under global airports and you should be good to go. Here is your scenery_packs reworked scenery_packs.ini
  14. You already have a main Orbx folder with all your Orbc addons. What i would do is then make subfolders within that main folder. So you would have the opportunity tp lace you addons by region into those subfolders. name the subfolders for example like i have done, e.g. USCAN, UKEU, etc. I have all my addons in a folder called MSFS Addons. In that folder i have numerous other folders spread over a number of hard drives. The below pics show the structure of that folder: This is what i see when i open the Scenery folder shown above: Because Addon Linker uses symbolic links to place into your Community folder Orbx central will see the "installed" addons and update them. Remember to get the addon updated it must be symbolically linked into your Community folder. When i want to install an update i open Orbx Central, look at what updates are available and then open Addon Linker and choose those relevant addons to be symbolically linked into my Community folder. Orbx Central sees those addons as installed and then it updates them
  15. You create libraries, as many as you want, to represent all the regions you want. You then ensure that the path to those different libraries are correctly located and linked to Orbx Central. I show a pic of my set up which also shows you the paths to the different Libraries I have created. I also have a couple of libraries for XP11 as shown in the pic. As you can see i created separate files on my D drive for Mesh, US & Canada, Asia NZ and Australia, South America, Africa and the UK/EU. The pic below shows the options for where to install are displayed when I want to install a new addon. my libraries are not just for Orbx addons but all addons that fit the categories I have chosen: You already have a pic of what my Addon Linker programme looks like when I open it up.
  16. It could well be the layering in your scenery pack.ini so please attach it for me to look at.
  17. I attach a copy of the missing file. Please unzip and place into Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_North_TrueEarth_Custom/objects/landmarks_6 As a cautionary note, your scenery_packs.ini is all layered incorrectly and may well cause issues. Do you use an organiser to layer your addons? Do you want me to correctly layer it especially relating to Orbx addons? TE_GB_POI_RG_Old_High_Church_Inverness.zip
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