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Jon Clarke

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Everything posted by Jon Clarke

  1. Bankstown mod maybe a source of conflict as it is a suburb of Sydney so is in proximity of both the addons of Cityscape and YSSY
  2. Just did a test flight from FT YSSY towards and over Orbx Sydney, tur around and fly back over the city toward YSSY, and then landing at YSSY. No CTD experienced and performance good. Have you tried the problem solving method of renaming your Community folder to Community.x and making a new Community folder and drag and drop Fly Tampa YSSY and the Fly Tampa Library plus Orbx Sydney Cityscape? Then fly in a default plane with default livery. This will eliminate any clashes from other addons which are in the Community folder may be influencing. Sine update 5, there are reports of some addon liveries, sceneries, planes, meshes and utility addons that may be causing issues. The attached pics are with FT YSSY+FT Library, Sydney Cityscape, FBW A320 with Megapak liveries for A320 and the Enhanced AI Vessels and Global Shipping addons plus live traffic (Easy airlines traffic addon https://flightsim.to/file/18285/easy-airlines-aircraft-matching-with-default-live-traffic) enabled: Having left YSSY and over Sydney Heading back to YSSY and over Sydney Arrived back at FT YSSY airport
  3. Do you run in Dev mode? I ask because @Nick Cooper wrote ap iecs about his observations running in Dev mode which included trees in wrong places etc. Regarding Fly Tampa YSSY and Orbx Sydney City I will run a test my end and report back.
  4. I am glad you resolved the issue, I will notify @vittoriogreco as he prepares to do the same in a formal manner for all customers who have the 2 addons and experience the clash.
  5. The planes by the terminal are static planes included in the addon. These can be enabled or disabled as far as appearing in the addon, by going to Orbx Central/My products/EGFF/Configure as shown in the pic below. The behaviour of the ai planes I believe are controlled by the default XP11 ai programme you are using and not by the addon.
  6. Yes it is odd that no one else is having this issue. I cannot think of a resolution at present so forgive me but I need to have a think about it a get back to you. Hopefully someone following this topic may also chime in with a suggestion.
  7. Very interesting topic. I became part of a very limited and small Orbx community when I bought the first Orbx addons back in 2009 which I believe were for FSX. I have remained an interested party ever since and over the years became more involved on the forums assisting in helping resolving Orbx addon issues especially initially in P3D and then XP11. This was purely as a member of the Orbx community and fellow customer. It was the "community" and the friendly helpful nature of the members that was the main attraction in comparison to some other sim forums. There was a bond between a band of simmers. As time passed we got more customers as we developed more addons for sims which were varying in maturity, unlike MSFS is at present. More support and products were developed for more sims, some in a large degree and others like AF2 and Dovetail to a lesser degree depending I assume on market demand. We now have 3 mainstay sims, P3D, XP11 and recently MSFS. To put into perspective how detailed addons can be we need to take into account the maturity and capabilities of the sim in relation to the details that an addon can incorporate at a certain time of the sim's development. P3D is basically FSX (on steroids) regarding maturity and much advanced development since Lockheed-Martin bought the rights to it. It is now an extremely mature sim which allows many advanced aspects to be included in addons. XP was only relatively recently added to the Orbx family for addon development and that sim is soon to be on version 12, so is also a vastly mature sim with differing qualities to it's competitors and also allows more detailed addons to be produced. MSFS is on sim update 5 of version 1 with an unfinished SDK, changes in every update that also affect developers' addons. Too many to mention to date. So to compare details in P3D addons to MSFS addons in the current state of MSFS development and limited maturity is not an apples to apples comparison. The one thing I do hope that will never ever be lost in the Orbx forums is the "community" spirit which is unique in this modern world of forums and other social media platforms.
  8. Try renaming your Community folder to Community.x and drag and drop the Alaska mesh with PAKT into a new Community folder so that there is no chance of any clash. Report back with your findings.
  9. Please provide a pic and location so it can be checked. Use the n built VFR map to have a pic of the general location. Thanks
  10. A big mystery @zkdos considering you appear to have done al the known "cures" processes. Do you have Backup option enabled in Orbx Central/settings/downloader> If so check if you have a Juneau Backup copy and delete it. You may have a corrupted download copy which Orbx Central will read when you run the Verify Files or do an uninstall/reinstall. We need to make sure you have a clean fresh copy of the download. So uninstall, reboot, reinstall fresh copy into a new copy of Community folder having renamed as before your original Community folder to Community.x.
  11. I am sure that Vittorio will do all possible to improve the performance but we must accept that performance is also a mixture of PC specs, settings and chosen aircraft etc.
  12. Thanks Vittorio and please see my PM to you today.
  13. Hi. There are currently 2 options to try. 1. Verify files in Orbx Central 2. see this link: And combined with that you could also delete the contents of your Content.xml folder which is in the same location. Try the verify files first though.
  14. Just done some more testing and I get different results. I have X-Europe installed as well so the comparisons should be on an equal footing as far as addons are concerned. Here are pics of what I see in front of the Tower. No x-europe as far as I can see, but your good eyes need to correct me if I am wrong Above Tower view At the Air Italy hangar I see x-europe but note that my x-europe buildings face North/South where as @RainerBerlin shows the x-europe building East/West
  15. Ok that is odd. I ned to check that the addon is OK first so please rename your Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery.bak Make a new Custom Scenery folder and drag and drop LIEO, Global Airports and OrbxLibs into it. Run XP and exit. Open scemery_packs.ini and make sure it is layered from top down like this: LIEO Global Airports Orbxlibs. For this test it is necessary to have a new Custom Scenery folder rather than using the "Disable" method in the scenery-packs. There is obviously a clash of scenery somewhere but you have so many addons I need to check if LIEO is actually OK.
  16. I have placed LIEO at the very top of the scenery_packs.ini so please see if that resolves the issue. scenery_packs.ini
  17. @Nick Cooper Please move this to the support section as it is not a bug but an issue that requires support assistance. Thanks @DavidFlynn Please attach your scenery_packs.ini for me to look at as it looks like a layering sequence issue
  18. I saw you couple of posts about this subject so ran a flight from Dubai Int'l across to the city landmarks area covered by the Dubai addon. It works fine. see the pic below. When you took all the actions you mention in your post, did you reboot the PC before trying a new flight with only Dubai City pack in a new Community folder? Quote: I moved all other add-ons (Community and Official). There are no Orbx addons that go into the Official folder so why are you tampering with that folder? You just rename the Community folder to Community.x Make a new Community folder in the same location (see 2nd pic) Drag Dubai City Pack into the new folder and try a flight from Dubai International Renaming Community folder and making new one.
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