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Jon Clarke

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Everything posted by Jon Clarke

  1. When there are sim updates by Asobo it can, for some, cause a disruption to their MSFS installation and especially to the scenery and content configurations. What Doug offered assistance wise was a known potential fix for those issues. Your experience of Key West crashing MSFS is not a shared experience by all Key West users. As Doug indicates it could be a clash of addons and not an issue with Key West. There is way of testing that theory but it may again be deemed by you as too technical. I will however tell you what it is and leave you to decide if you are willing to do it: 1. Rename your Community folder to Community.x 2. Make a new folder called Community 3. Drag Key West into the new Community folder. 4. Load a flight from Key West and see if the sim crashes
  2. I am sure you also realise that any payware quality plane will also have an impact on fps. My tests were done and always are done, with a default plane. In this case the Cirrus which may have helped me get a better fps count. We will see what the update brings
  3. That will potentially be caused by any AI Traffic programme you have installed like Traffic Global with very high percentage settings
  4. I have heard back from the Devs. The main points of response is this: QUOTE: It would require recutting all of the orthos which is quite a large amount of work. It needs the time scheduling to do it. Would be around 2 weeks work to recut all the orthos END QUOTE This an issue that is noted and will eventually be worked on but as the Dev says it is a major rework of the Orthos. No time frame is given due to the huge amount of ongoing work on addons for all 3 sims plus now X-Box for MSFS and the time required solely to fix the issue around the baked-in greenhouse outlines. I hope you understand.
  5. Just to let you know that an update is in testing at present which may help with some performance issues reported as well as other additions like Marshalls.
  6. Hi. I have just visited the area you are referring to in the default Cirrus. I noticed a drop in fps also in that vicinity but it was extremely brief and as the trees were loading into view. I went from 30)+ fps down to 20 but after a brief moment I was panning in outside spot view at a range of 40+ to 35 fps as I panned left to right across the tree line. All other views at the airport varied from the brief 20fps to 60fps while panning around all angles at the airport addon. These are my XP settings. My PC specs are in my signature:
  7. The synchronise action should work after each install of the addons (Orbx) assuming you have pointed Orbx Central to the correct Libraries and their locations etc.
  8. @Ed Correia Ed, could you pass this info from Emma to Tony please. Thanks
  9. Sorry about your problems. I am afraid I do not understand exactly what the issues are due to your use of unfamiliar to me, phrases like " mount", Please clarify as to me to mount a hard drive would be to install it physically into your PC.I also apologise for knowing nothing at all about Linux and it's operating system. I do however know about Orbx addons in XP i have rearranged your scenery_packs.ini to correct incorrect layering sequences so that should help. Looking in the scenery_packs I see you have the major addons in there like the large True Earth ones so that is good. My initial suggestion is that you replace your current scenery_packs with the attached one. Then open Orbx Central and go to Settings/Help and click on Sync Simulator. See pic below. That should allow Orbx Central to locate your addons locations. If there is still a problem with the 2 airports L35 and 140S , which I do not see as installed addons in your scenery_packs then reinstall them. scenery_packs.ini
  10. @vittoriogreco for comment please. i assume the customer is referring to the textures
  11. As Dublin is a MK Studios addon it may be best to ask them. They don't appear to have a forum just a Support Ticket site. http://mkstudios.pl/support/index.php
  12. I agree, but I still think it is an issue of the Sim and not the addon. I could be wrong but will wait for a response from the Devs
  13. @NC90 Looks like you are using Traffic Global. You need to set Traffic Global to just over 50% as per my pic below and also in my pics above in my post of May 29th. You are seeing planes of airlines that don't use EGFF (see pic 2)
  14. I have just done a flight using your guidance. Thanks. I attach a pic that shows the 2 spikes you show, but my pic is from a greater distance away and taken as soon as i observed the spikes. My findings are that there are several areas along that coast where spikes appear but and importantly, they disappear the nearer I get to them resulting in no permanent spikes. The issue I think maybe with the sim and not the addon. Recent changes in LOD in the sim could be influencing this. Mesh popping up and then returning to normal are trademarks of the early Microsoft sims and carries on into P3D. I would need greater guidance to fully address the spike issue as to where the cause emanates. @Ed Correia Hi Ed. Any comment or guidance appreciated.
  15. Please oblige and let me look at your scenery_packs.ini by attaching it for my review. In the meantime I will ask the dev (they are all really busy at present so bear with me) about the other issues you haver pointed out.
  16. Other users may want to confirm the situation in case i have missed something or other users see different.
  17. Hi Carlos I attach a couple of pics from my test flight just now and I see autogen everywhere. Do you have KBUR and if so have you tried a test flight there and if so are you seeing the same as me? I want to make sure I am looking at the right place.
  18. Please note that prior to the last sim updates you could delete Asobo LOWI by just removing it from the Official folder. If you do that now then when the sim is "checking for updates" it will reinstall it. You now need to uninstall it via the Content Manager
  19. Unfortunately Orbx have no control over how long it takes Asobo/Microsoft to add updates of addons to the Marketplace.
  20. @Matteo Veneziani Hi Matteo. Are Marshalls included in this addon?
  21. Please check if LOWS is actually in your Custom Scenery folder and let me know. If it isn't then try a fresh download. For some reason something may have go=ne wrong but difficult to diagnose the issue without further information which will become available after you respond my suggestions above. Thanks and look forward to your reply.
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