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Everything posted by BradB

  1. Not sure if this old barn find will fly : A few snaps around the airport : https://imgur.com/BR7qFls I am sorry I just can't post screen shots much anymore , my eye's are so hit and miss now . But after seeing Jack and Martyn back up and flying , I had too see If I still remembered how too do it . Just like riding a bike ....... Cheers John https://imgur.com/BR7qFls
  2. Yes , you are socked in Mr Jack ....... better get on the ground ASAP .
  3. I was on the edge of my seat Pete following your narration , I thought what disaster was around the next corner .......... Duh , you never left the ramp .
  4. Just a low and slow VFR pilot here so setting up the controls were easy , you might PM Jack Sawyer he just got into MSFS and I think he got all of his controls setup properly now .
  5. Terrific set of shots Andreas !! .
  6. Brissy at it's finest Martyn !! .
  7. Lot's of Portland's I guess ........ Oregon , Maine and now England ; who would have thunk it .
  8. Never hurt's to have friends in high places mate .
  9. They only come out at night .....
  10. Quality shots do come at a price Paul .......
  11. Grand shots of your Jet Blue bird Adam .........
  12. A lot of time Adam uses this as I have also : https://skylum.com/luminar
  13. John Venema is smiling all the way to the bank Jack , third quarter sales for Orbx are really going too jump thanks too you .
  14. Who says you can’t teach a old dog some new tricks , I have patiently waited for you to take flight Jack in the new Sim . Well that day has arrived finally . Well done Sir , well done .
  15. These shots look fantastic Wayne !! .
  16. These look great Paul , more please .
  17. Looks amazing Mate , stay safe ; we are with you and your country .
  18. Well rested and ready to snap some great images , well done my friend .
  19. Looks like the sim shows more water than there really is , I understand some river cruises have been effected .
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