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Everything posted by BradB

  1. Way too green for WA , anyway nice shot Martyn .
  2. I would love to turn back the clock Don ……….
  3. Excellent shots Darryl .
  4. https://pms50.com/msfs/
  5. Good too hear your about to take the plunge Jack . AS does not work in MSFS yet , live WX or REX are your only options now . Aerosoft and Just Flight have traffic apps .
  6. Good looking shots Don , glad you got it all sorted out .
  7. Hard to top these shots Pete , you are da man ........
  8. Some big words that I would not try too spell Martyn , but I can spell Nice Shot .
  9. Sounds like a nice place too empty my bladder .............
  10. That 5th shot is a doozy Gerold , should be in the contest this month .
  11. Looks great T , good too see your shots again .
  12. Ripley and I approve of your shot Martyn .
  13. Grand set of shots Andreas .
  14. Beautiful shots Paul .
  15. Great plane and shots Don .
  16. Spectacular shots Pete , sorry I can't see any better ............
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