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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello,

    it is pretty clear that there are no across the board results as a consequence of installing SU10.

    As a sweeping generalisation, anecdotal evidence points to the effect being much less pronounced

    on "high end" systems than it is on those lower down the scale.

    In my case, for example, the difference between SU9, SU10 and Dx 11 and Dx 12 is negligible.


    My preferred settings never get anywhere near the frame rates that some are reporting, but I have

    always chosen the quality of what I see on the screen over the number of frames per second.

    I also find that even with the highest possible settings, allowing the frame rate to run amock achieves

    nothing in terms of on-screen quality but instead simply produces much higher temperatures in the

    PC hardware for no other return than more frames per second. 

    For this reason, I keep the frame rate limited to 33% of 75hz, 25 fps and the frame rate counter switched off.


    In the FS forums, one can read posts that state that SU10 is the magic bullet, followed by a post that SU10

    has broken the simulator, so the range of results appears to be as large as the number of users who care

    to contribute to those forums. 

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  2. Hello,

    it seems that you have issues with "FMOD" which are affecting some of your aircraft

    and with plugins that are affecting the others that you have tried.

    Perhaps you can try to restore your copy of X Plane 11 to its default state and then try it

    with the Orbx scenery.

  3. Hello heinzight,

    if this is a problem with the installation, then it might be useful to open the Orbx Central log,

    click on select all, delete the entire contents and save the empty file.

    Then run Verify files for the troublesome products and attach the resulting log to your next post.


  4. Hello,

    my own uninformed opinion is that today's high end computers, such as yours, are hardly

    affected by a few background Windows processes and that the pursuit of trying to close them to allow 

    a particular game or simulator to run better is probably something that can be confined to the past.

    That said, I have disabled most of the addon software that would like to start with Windows in

    the Task Manager\Startup window, so that there is no need to close it later.

    All of them can be opened from the start menu if and when required.



    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, 007Marky said:

     It's also not explicitly mentioned on their website which is shocking given that it is vital to know. I am still awaiting a response from them.  


    This is what is written on "their" website:

    Key Features

    • Complete airport and island package
    • Highly detailed rendition of Skiathos Airport
    • 2021 custom aerial imagery for airport
    • Complete with PBR textures
    • Meticulous detail landside and airside
    • Custom GSE & static aircraft
    • From developer Matteo Veneziani

    The fact that there are static aircraft is mentioned.

    There is indeed no mention of a control panel.


    This is the response to your ticket, written by me, 45 minutes after you sent in your ticket. 


    very few of the current orbx airports have an Orbx central control panel that would allow disabling static aircraft.
    As you mention, there is no connection at all between the two marketing media.
    I did my best, the forum topic that explains in detail was posted on 31st August 2020, thirteen days after the release
    of the simulator.


    4 hours ago, 007Marky said:

     Here's another suggestion - how about warning you that the scenery has static aircraft, or even better offering two versions of the software. 


    This is the description at the Marketplace.




    The fact that there are static aircraft is mentioned.

    Indeed, there is no mention of a control panel, as the Marketplace does not support product control panels.

    I am told that at present, it also does not support the uploading of two versions of the same software.


    This is the release announcement for LGSK, posted on 5th November 2021, 322 days ago, as of today.




    A control panel is mentioned and it has been available to all Orbx Direct customers since its release.


    Customers are able to make an informed choice between the two purchasing media.





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    • Hello,

      my own experience is that the best choice, for me, is Direct X 11 and my 2K screen using DSR to emulate 4k.

      Direct X 12 appears to be exactly the same to look at as Direct X 11 is, except that all 12GB of the VRAM is immediately filled to the brim.
      DLSS just makes everything look less sharp with no upside, the frame rate and general performance do not change.

      The highly intrusive in-game frame rate counter consistently tells me that the game is CPU limited and my very expensive new graphics card

      is just leaning on its fence, idling along with what dribs and drabs the CPU can feed it.


      Meanwhile, the simulator looks great and performs perfectly adequately.

    • Hello,

      the purchase of the model of a closed airport is a delight to some and a disaster to others.


      Meigs Airport in Chicago closed in a blaze of publicity in 2003 and yet there is still demand

      for a model of it, even in MSFS.

      I think it is highly unlikely that it would appear in any "FMS database" either.


      It is not a secret that Tegel airport closed in 2020 and it should be no surprise to find that 

      it is no longer in a database.



      Please submit a support ticket and a refund will be considered.


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