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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. 5 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

    I just tried to transfer a file (the PAC P750) to send to MSFS. This is just another problem I'm having with Win11. Maybe someone who runs win 11 can help please.


    To "send" a product to MSFS, open Orbx Central and make sure that Microsoft Flight Simulator is shown at the top.

    Navigate to the product's Orbx Central product page and click on install.

    Even with the user account setting at its highest, all that you will see is a Windows message asking you if you want "this app"(Orbx Central) to make changes to your device.

    Of course, you click on Yes and Orbx Central installs the aircraft.

    Close Orbx Central, open MSFS and select the mewly installed aircraft.

    A search for 750 will take you straight to it.

    No futher intervention is required and no Windows skills.

    All of this happens regardless of the Windows version and despite your misgivings, Windows 11 is widely regarded as the best Windows version so far.



    • Like 1
  2. Hello,

    this is copied from the original announcement:





    This is not the end of development for the PAC 750.



    It is an indisputable fact that it is impossible to please everyone.


    After feeding back customer opinions, requests and reports and adding a couple of my own, 

    not only am I delighted to see this comprehensive and timely update, I also feel a sense of

    inclusion into the project that is completely missing from an aircraft that is released and never updated.


    Orbx Central has just updated the aircraft without incident.

    • Like 1
  3. Hello,

    it is unfortunate that world events have overtaken this product but I am sure that you would all join me in wishing both of our mesh developers the best result from the situation that they find themselves in.

    Until it is resolved, this topic has no further purpose and I am closing it.

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  4. Hello Don,

    the link is the right one and I have been using it with Windows 11 and Microsoft Edge since they were both released.

    If Google and Bing don't work either, then perhaps you need to review your internet settings on the new PC.

    • Like 1
  5. Hello Ken,


    in each case, the purchasing medium is a matter of personal choice.

    As I am given to understand, whether the game is bought from Steam or direct from Microsoft,

    it is only the game that is sold.

    That is the first download of less than 2 GB that starts the game.


    Once that is installed, the remaining content of around 90GB is downloaded by the game and

    from the same source, Microsoft, once again, regardless of where the game was purchased.


    For a new purchaser, once the 90 GB or so is installed, there are then 11 free World Updates

    available, to enhance the default virtual world.

    Installing these will bring the total size of the Microsoft installation to around 200 GB.

    Then there is the Community folder, which is used for all third-party addons.

    It can grow like a weed.


    It is therefore vital to have enough free space.


    Be aware, that the default installation is in the appdata folder on the C drive.

    Almost certainly, you will want to change that and you can do so at the installation stage.

    • Like 2
  6. 7 hours ago, stiletto2 said:

    For SU10, content.xml is now being used as a file that just carries the priority changes.   If you make no changes in the new experimental section for package "reordering" you will not have a content.xml unless left over from before SU10.  As soon as you make a priority change you will find a new content.xml file in the LocalCache folder as before but only containing the priority changes.




    thanks for your insight.

    Can you say why, if there is no longer a content.xml file, that the in-game menu includes the option to delete the content.xml file?

    Or is that a means to reset any changes that you might have made in error?

  7. Hello,

    these spikes are a gift from Asobo.

    They each have a waterbody on top of them, so perhaps someone's pencil slipped when they were writing the elevation data. :)

    They occur even with an empty Community folder and also with World Update X removed.

    Like this:



    Possibly, they came with Simulator Update 10 but I cannot say for sure.

    I have sent in a Microsoft Zendesk Ticket and encourage you to do the same.


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  8. Hello,

    I am not sure that the installer will deal with it.

    As I am sure you know, until SU10, it was possible to edit or even delete the content.xml file, which,

    I suspect, most people were comfortable with and which fixed a multitude of problems with newly installed products.

    This is now gone and it seems that the in-game developer mode is all that is left.

    I don't know where the data that was in the content.xml file is now.

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