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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. 32 minutes ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

    If I can locate the Community folder, would it be best to copy it to my desktop, and let MSFS generate a new one? Sounds like a slow tedious process.


    Hello Don,


    all "Community" addons are placed in the Community folder.

    The definition of a Community addon is that it was not bought from the in-game Marketplace.


    All "Official" addons are placed in the Official folder.

    The definition of an Official addon is that it was bought from the in-game Marketplace.


    Under no circumstances must a Community addon be placed inside the Official folder and under

    no circumstances must the user manually change anything inside the Official folder.


    Microsoft Flight Simulator can only see a folder named "Community", so in order to hide all of your

    Community addons from it, you only need to change the name of the folder.

    Altering or adding one character is enough.

    The most intuitive way, involving the smallest chance of a mistake, is to just add an X to the name,

    thus renaming it to "CommunityX".


    The next time that you start Microsoft Flight Simulator, it will see that there is no Community folder

    and create a new and empty one.


    As that point, you have excluded all of your Comminity addons and you are left with just the default simulator

    and any "Official" addons that you may have added.

    Most users find that at this point, the simulator will once again start and run.


    If yours does not, then please come back to this topic for some more advice.


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  2. Hello,

    the updates are mandatory.

    Every time that MSFS is started, it checks its own integrity on the computer against what should be there.

    You can't choose not to update, the simulator will not start until it is up to date.


    I can see that this is a very good idea, all kinds of additional problems in detecting and rectifying problems would be 

    created if each customer was allowed to choose their simulator version.

  3. Hello,

    if you click on uninstall, Orbx Central removes all traces of the product from the computer.

    If you had, for example, uninstalled True Earth Florida HD, which you can do with one click,

    you would need a 43 GB download to reinstall it.

    Using XOrganiser, which I note is not freeware, or even manually moving the link to an Orbx Scenery Library out of the

    Custom Scenery folder, the same product can be disabled with one move and re-enabled with another.


  4. Hello,

    so far, not one MSFS update has done anything to the Community folder and there seems to be no case

    at all for renaming or moving it.

    I had understood that from the outset, it would only be a first step in diagnosing a problem with the simulator,

    removing all addons in one go and leaving just the default.


    Secondly, in my experience, the downloads are actually slower or less reliable on the second day, as those who

    downloaded on the first one try out the changes.

    I went ahead and downloaded at 1700 UTC and it went well but later in the evening, presumably when American

    customer downloads were at their peak, the game could not maintain its connection to the servers.


    Similarly, most of the problems that I have had with performance and frame rates and even CTDs have been at

    peak hours, evenings and weekends in the USA.

    These days, I just persevere and so far, the simulator has recovered on its own, as a rule, when next used at an off-peak time.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Dig said:

    Hello. I am referring to Microsoft Flight Simulator.
    At this time from central Orbx you can only install or uninstall an addon, but you cannot link/unlink the addon. Just uninstall it completely.
    The operation would be similar to what the free Addons Linker addon allows.
    Aerosoft One or Contrail App already incorporate this feature as well and it is very useful.



    the operation would be identical to what the free Addons Linker addon allows, as that is the only way to enable and disable installed products.

    I just use the free Addons Linker.

    Anything can be enabled or disabled with one mouse click and all using one "app". 

  6. Hello,

    I think that already, all of Orbx addons, from FSX onwards, can be easily deactivated in their simulator.

    Which simulator are you referring to and what would you like Orbx Central to do, that cannot already

    be done with either simulator settings or a freeware scenery organiser?

    There is a freeware scenery organiser for every simulator that Orbx make scenery for.

  7. Hello,

    using just default P3D scenery, the airport is indeed at 2425 feet but once I add openLC South America, it moves to 3162 feet and looks as it should.

    The files that do this are apparently in ORBX\FTX_OLC\OLC_SA2\Scenery, as adding this is what makes the correction.

    I do have Vector and Vector AEC is active for SKCL



  8. Hello,

    Orbx Central reads the version_xxxx-msfs.txt files for each product.

    If the text file is:

    1 still in the location where Orbx Central placed it

    2 the only one for that product and

    3 the version listed in it is up to date

    then Orbx Central does not offer to update that product.


    These are the correct version text files' content:


     Impulse A320 Liveries Pack (Australia) - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.1.0

    Impulse A320NX Liveries Pack (Australia) - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.1.0

    Impulse Simulations Emergency Response Pack Liveries 1.1.0


    Please check that these conditions are being fulfilled for those three



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