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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello,

    I have told you what Gaya said in this topic as well, here:


    4 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

    I can tell you that, as far as we have been informed, Gaya do not intend to make any modifications to this product,

    as they see their products as working correctly within the MSFS SDK.


    I would advise you to believe what you have been told, it has not varied, however many times that you have asked the same question in different ways.
    As I am only Orbx product support, I do not find it surprising that I am not privy to communication, if any, between Gaya and Orbx at company level. 

    With all due respect, the situation is entirely clear and the topic has served its purpose.

    I notice that you will now find the file that you want at flightsim.to

    • Like 1
  2. Hello Pete,

    many thanks as ever.

    I also thought I had found a solution, for me, when I went back to Nvidia driver 516.40 but it only lasted a couple of sessions and the 

    memory access error was back.

    There does seem to be a different error that results from trying to run Windows without a swap file and that one is cause and effect.

    The memory access error has a mind of its own, apparently affects thousands of users and is an acknowledged problem for investigation

    at the Asobo/Microsoft site.

    Of course, it also does not affect thousands of users as well, so forums are full of "I can't use this" versus "it's working for me" posts, which

    of course, help no one and make good advice harder to find.

    Occasionally, MSFS will just vanish too, with no error message and the only event in the event viewer is that flightsimulator.exe has stopped working,

    which of course one has already spotted.

    Sometimes, there is not even an event.

    I suppose that we all add addons and Microsoft are quick to blame them, but in my experience, all of these things have happened in MSFS "Safe Mode"
    too, which tends to rule out third party stuff, but not of course all the things that they have added themselves over the past two years.

    A log, like XPlane 11 would be really helpful, both to them and us.

    I would not be surprised if such a system was available to its developers and if not, it should be.

    In the meantime, all positive ideas are good ones, so thank you once again.

    • Like 4
  3. 1 hour ago, Thomas Hurter said:

    It is nice that "you" tell me that, i can believe it or not,..(you are not Gaya)...i don't have any official answer from Gaya.... So, if you would be fair you send me the statement from Gaya......that's it......But as a customer, don't i have the right, when i have problems, that they solve that or get at least an aswer from them? I think you would also want any reaction...or not?


    Of course you have a right to expect an answer to your question from Gaya, but as I have now told you several times,

    Gaya is a separate company, it has its own policies and Orbx are not about to speak on their behalf.

    We will also not be commenting on their customer support policy.

    Customers have made their feelings clear already.

    I can tell you that, as far as we have been informed, Gaya do not intend to make any modifications to this product,

    as they see their products as working correctly within the MSFS SDK.

    The issue of whether they will send you files to facilitate your use of the new GSX software is not only nothing to do with Orbx,

    it is also entirely out of our control and is between you and Gaya.

    Speaking entirely of my own opinion, their apparent lack of response to your request is an answer in itself.

    I realise that the situation is not ideal but there really is nothing more to be said.

    Everyone has made their position absolutely clear, however unhappy they may be in that position, including me.

    It has been my job for a long time to try to help customers solve their problems and to get what they want but sometimes 

    it just is not possible.


    • Like 1
  4. Hello,

    as you make the comparison, you buy your new BMW from the dealer but if the gearbox fails, you deal with BMW,
    who is the provider of the warranty.

    The dealer may well act as your agent and Orbx have indeed contacted Gaya on your and other customers' behalf.

    In the end, whether or not to make changes to the product or provide additional files is a decision that only Gaya can make.

    Judging from the feedback, or the lack of it, their decision was that they are not going to take any action in these two respects.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, captaincharbel said:

    Reached out to Orbx. They advise to look to see if there's anyone with a similar problem.



    there must have been a misunderstanding, I wrote to you:



    I wonder if it might be better for you to ask this question in the Orbx peer to peer forums, where other GSX users may be able to advise you?


    The idea was, and is, that another Orbx and GSX user might come along and offer you advice.

  6. Hello,

    no, there is nothing wrong.

    if you look at the prices without logging in, Orbx Direct cannot know where you are, so it shows you the price without local tax.

    Once you log in, it then knows where you are and calculates and adds the local tax.

    If you look below the price, in each case it does tell you what it is doing.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 8 hours ago, cbcdesign said:

    No it doesnt unfortunately (as far as I can tell) because the create library dialogue complains if I try to create a new library in a folder in which other folders already exist, throwing a "The library location isnt empty" Warning. So I cannot have a folder called FLIGHT SIMULATOR Add-Ons Folders for instance and create various libraries within that folder, it just wont allow it.


    if you want to create an Orbx Library inside a pre-existing folder that is not empty, just rename that folder by adding an X to its name.

    Close Orbx Central.

    Then create a new and empty folder in the same place and give it the same name, without the X of course.

    Create your new library.

    Close Orbx Central.

    Delete the new folder and remove the X from the name of the existing one.

    Restart Orbx Central and you will have your new library.

    Be aware that Orbx Central will create a new folder, named msfs, inside your chosen folder.


    • Thanks 1
  8. Excellent John, is that you standing in front of the Halifax, with the beard?
    I gather that the Halifax is in fact made of many bits of other aircraft but it still looks magnificent.

    Every time that we have been my daughter has berated me for reading all of the boards in front of the exhibits, instead of rushing around.

    I do it on purpose now, just to wind her up. :)

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  9. Hello,

    strangely, I don't particularly like flying at all.
    I have had several offers over the years and flown in  Bell 47, a SeaKing, two Fokker 50s,two Boeing 767s, a few Boeing 757s

    and two different Cessna 152s.
    I was allowed to take the controls of the Cessna 152s but the flying bug did not touch me.
    My most "flown from" airport is Manchester, UK, but a visit there is to invite being charged vast amounts of money for very little

    food and drink, waiting for hours and being herded around like farm animals.

    I don't enjoy being "self-loading cargo".
    My most visited airport is Elvington, UK because it's close to where I live, the superb Yorkshire Air Museum is there and because
    years ago the "Great Yorkshire Airshow" (RIP) was there too.

    More recently, Leeds Bradford, UK because my youngest daughter likes to jet off into the sun.

    • Like 5
  10. 5 hours ago, ravenn22 said:

    That being said - there should be an option to turn them off in a scenery config... I miss the old Orbx Central ability to tune airport perf to personal tastes ( static a/c, 3d grass, etc )



    On 8/16/2022 at 11:22 PM, Nick Cooper said:

    At first, there was no means of providing a control panel to switch from statics to no statics.

    There is still no means of providing such a control panel in the Microsoft in-game Marketplace. 

    Orbx LOWI was developed by someone who has now left and, as you say, it is one model.

    I can say that Orbx is aware of the demand for a no statics option and I understand that it is intended to provide one wherever possible.


  11. Hello,

    I am not writing on behalf of the company or indeed developers.


    By no means is everyone averse to static aircraft, even though there are a few more requests such as yours from Vatsim users.
    They are a way of having aircraft bearing the correct liveries, without the need to add other software.

    At first, there was no means of providing a control panel to switch from statics to no statics.

    There is still no means of providing such a control panel in the Microsoft in-game Marketplace. 

    Orbx LOWI was developed by someone who has now left and, as you say, it is one model.

    I can say that Orbx is aware of the demand for a no statics option and I understand that it is intended to provide one wherever possible.


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