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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello,

    I have had the answer and it is that the number of Orbs to be redeemed for each product has been increased by 50%.

    Of course the products obtained by redeeming Orbs are still a bonus compared to before Orbs were introduced and

    still free of charge.


    • Thanks 1
  2. Hello,

    there do indeed appear to be too many.

    I have asked the developers of Axonos KPSP on Discord.


    They answered straight away.

    They point out that the windfarms are not a part of their product.

    You will need to submit a Zendesk ticket to Asobo and see if they can thin them out.


    For the record, this is how they look with no third party addons.








  3. Hello,

    I cannot comment on the apparent price difference between morning and evening, because I 

    don't know the answer.

    However, if you would care to specify which product, I can enquire for you.

    I see that all of the terms and conditions relating to Orbs have been added to the Orbx EULA.

    It looks like they are valid for a year.

  4. 47 minutes ago, phil white said:

    Glad i was able to help. I often need to find help myself with this sort of thing so i was able to pass the help on to you.


    Many thanks indeed.

    You saved me a job, taught me something that I didn't know and solved Don's problem.

    That's how I started here too. :)

    • Like 1
  5. Hello,

    on the assumption that you have installed everything into an Orbx Central Library.


    1 Open Orbx Central and delete your existing library.

    This does not delete the files, only the connection to Orbx Central.


    2 Create a new folder where you want it and give it a name to suit yourself.


    3 Use Orbx Central to create a new Library, pointing to your new folder.


    4 Close Orbx Central.


    5 Copy the 70GB msfs folder from where it is now into your new folder.

     Do not change anything at all inside that msfs folder.


    6 Orbx Central will recognise all of your products in their new location.


    Once you have done that, you can delete the 70GB from wherever it is now

    • Like 1
  6. Hello,

    when updating all of the default airports in P3D v5, Lockheed Martin changed all of the default buildings.

    As I understand it, because all of the airports in the Orbx Regions are enhanced, their exclusions

    no longer exclude the default buildings and therefore some of them will appear at or near to the

    locations of the P3D v4 buildings.

    To update them all, in every Orbx region is, as I am sure you will realise, a Herculean task.

    I believe that it is still ongoing.



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