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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello,

    there is only one way, trial and error.

    Best practice is to remove half and test.

    If the problem is gone, remove the other half and replace the half that contains the problem addon,

    making sure, of course that you never remove NSS PAJN.

    Then keep doing the same and so on.

    Tedious but effective.

    However, the first thing to check might be the PAJN inside Alaska mesh, if you have that.


    The Addons Linker, as discussed elsewhere, makes this much easier, no files to move, just boxes to tick and untick.


    • Like 2
  2. Hello,

    I thought I had the same problem but it went away when I realised that the version I had installed was not 

    the one by Northern Sky Studios.

    It is probably worth also making sure that there is only one PAJN addon active there at a time.

    It seems to work well on its own.

    Should I close the support ticket?

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, IMatAMS said:

    the devs have already released an update removing the statics so this topic has served it's purpose but is now dedundant I would say. 


    The topic served its purpose at post number three.

    The rest is just a difference of opinion, something that is permitted and does not require efforts to change the other's opinion.

    • Like 2
  4. Hello,

    I can't speak for GSX, as I don't have it, but everything else that you mention will work with it.

    I don't do beta testing but I do lots of product testing when customers report problems.

    You can of course get orbx Central to add links, if you have used an Orbx Central Library,

    but you can also discard them and use the Addons Linker to make the same links from your Orbx Central Library.

    If you do that, you can deselect them all at once, if that is useful to you.


    The way to do it with your other add-ons seems to be to move the files into folders, organised as you want them to be

    and then add them back to the Community folder as links, as and when you want to.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:


    I copied the EGPF Glasgow across to my "local" community and it works - yeehah :D Can I delete "Roaming" and replace it with "local" and it will work, be okay again? 

    Hopefully no "square" one :D But it didn't find/recognise a couple of others in the same Community folder, the two Savage aircraft for example.

    Nick I don't understand you said 

    "Also, Steam will tell you if you still have MSFS installed and if you have, where it is installed." ?

    And I have two "community" folders won't that confuse MSFS. 




    Hello Don,

    you are still left with the problem of Orbx Central installing to what was/is the Steam Edition folder.


    I would suggest that you move everything from the Community folder at 

    C:\Users\doncr\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community

    to the Community folder at 



    You have now posted pictures of two different usercfg.opt files, this one that you posted earlier:

    It's for the Microsoft Store MSFS installation.


    Nick usercfg opt.jpg


    and now this one


    don search result usercfg.opt.jpg


    which is the path for a Steam Edition version.


    Once you have moved all of your addons, open Steam and see if it still sees MSFS.

    It may do and if it does, uninstall it.


    If it does not and your 

    C:\Users\doncr\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community

    folder is now empty, delete it.


    Then go to the usercfg.opt file that contains this line:

    C:\Users\doncr\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community


    You should find it at 

    C:\Users\doncr\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator


    Make sure it's the right one and delete it.


    Open Orbx Central and see if it can still see your products.

    If so, good.

    If not try to install one and see where it wants to put it.

    If it puts it in 


    then all is good.

    If it doesn't then stop there and come back to this topic.


    Please do all of this before you read Brian's reply that has appeared below mine.







    • Like 1
  6. Hello Don,

    you will not find C:\usercfg.opt because that is a path and not simply a file name.

    Imagine that you are telling someone to look for a chair in your house.

    If you ask them to look for a chair in the kitchen, they will not find any of the other chairs in the other rooms.

    However, If you ask them to look in the house for a chair, they will look everywhere and find them all.

    A computer works in the same way.

    To search your entire PC, select "MyPC" at the left hand side and type only usercfg.opt in the search box. 

    Then it will look everywhere for usercfg.opt.


    The last line of the usercfg.opt file that you posted a picture of is telling you that the simulator is installed

    in its default location in the appdata\local folder on your C drive.

    Orbx Central should therefore be placing products into 


    but it is not, which is why I suspect that it is seeing your Steam installation instead.


    What happens if you copy the Glasgow airport folder,


    from where it is now,

    C:\Users\doncr\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community




    Note that you must do that with MSFS closed and then run it afterwards.

    If it still doesn't appear then perhaps we need to go back to square one.


    Also, Steam will tell you if you still have MSFS installed and if you have, where it is installed.


    • Like 1
  7. Hello Don,

    you wrote, earlier on, "Nothing in my community folder is in MSFS and loading to fly. I added a couple of scenery's they don't work either."

    So it seems possible that won't work either.


    Can you have a look for a file named usercfg.opt

    Just type that into the search bar for your whole PC and see how many results there are.

    You can open usercfg.opt with Notepad.

    Do that and post here what the very last line(s) read please.

    • Like 1
  8. Hello Don,

    you must have a C:\Users\doncr\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community folder,

    because that is where Orbx Central has put your installation of EGPF.

    Look here:



    It is becoming likely that you have probably got two installations of MSFS.

    Orbx Central is possibly installing the products into your Steam Edition location and you are running your Microsoft Store Edition.


    Please go to Windows File Explorer and open the View options.

    Change the option highlighted in blue to where it is in this image and click on Apply.




    Then return to the Windows File Explorer and navigate to 

    C:\Users\doncr\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community

    I think that you will find your Glasgow airport there and your missing Community folder.



    • Like 1
  9. Hello,

    on the assumption that you are using Windows, perhaps you are not?


    In Windows, Orbx Central uses a very simple method of detecting X Plane.

    It looks first at the appdata\local folder for both 

    x-plane_install_11.txt and


    it requires only that the paths in those files also contain X-Plane.exe.


    As far as Orbx Central is concerned, the removal or renaming of either 

    of those files completely removes that X Plane version. 

  10. Hello Don,

    did you ever buy the Steam version, or is this still the Microsoft Store version?


    The Microsoft Store default Community folder location is 

    C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\

    John has evidently let the MSFS installer use its default location.


    The MSFS Steam version Community folder location is 

    C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightDashboard_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\


    but you seem to have made a custom installation in your Appdata\Roaming folder. 

    Can you go to 

    C:\Users\doncr\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator and take a picture of the contents.

    Then go to C:\Users\doncr\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages and take a picture of those contents too, please?





    • Like 1
  11. Hello,

    because what I have suggested is a workaround, using products that were created when X Plane 12 did not exist

    and which may or may not work to the customers' satisfaction.

    They certainly will not contain any of the enhancements that have been made possible by X Plane 12.

    In due course, they should all become available via Orbx Central and then they will of course be fully and "officially" supported.

  12. Hello Don,
    as your products are showing as installed, I am guessing that you installed them into an Orbx Central Library and not

    into the Community folder.

    If you did that, then run Orbx Central\Settings\Help\Sync Simulator and Orbx Central will add back all of the links to your new Community folder.

    • Like 2
  13. Hello,

    once you have installed the Addon Linker and set it up as you want it to be, you can remove all of the links in the Community folder

    and then run Addons Linker and it will put back only those that you wish to add.

    Of course, it is best to use the Addons Linker to add all of your products, from any developer and keep all of their files outside the Community folder.

    There are some that add their own files, such as Rex Accuseasons, but you can leave them to do their own thing.


  14. 1 hour ago, cropduster said:

    are you saying you're able to do this with scenery that's been downloaded (and installed) by Orbx Central?  I'd love to toggle the Orbx scenery on and off depending on my intended flight location.

    FYI, I've installed all of my Orbx scenery in a separate library, not in the MSFS Community folder.  Thanks for any help for a new Central user!


    just do this:








    which results in this:





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