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Everything posted by EasternT3

  1. Hi Geoff, Sydney is good on my end, a thought, have you removed the handcrafted airport from Asobo through the content manager? Joe
  2. Have you removed the Asobo version? If so do that and hopefully it will fix it.
  3. No-one is belittling you or new users, the issue is you have said you don't like the product but not explained why until you're 3rd message which is still wooley at best Again no-one is saying you can't have you opinion shown, but you seem to be changing your mind on the product going from it's a disaster to now it's great?
  4. I think the issue here is not your opinion but the fact you haven't explained what your issue(s) is/are, what isn't to your liking and where does it not live up to it's sydney conterpart in your opinion. I haven't got it yet (waiting till NZAA releases) but from what I have seen from photos/videos it looks exactly how it's marketed and is the same level as Sydney/Cape Town/london (all of them tbh) (of which are all similar prices, as that seems to be an issue with you?)
  5. Thanks Marcus, it's a bit of a shame because you have managed to get them to work partly and for me this is ok as I would prefer this over static jetways, but unfortunately others will complain even if you put a massive disclaimer, let's hope it gets added to the SDK
  6. @Marcus NybergI'm guessing the jetways will be revisited at a later date when they are (hopefully) supported by the SDK? Or is this something you'll carry on working on in the background?
  7. Wolfgang is correct and this is the issue we get within the community which is everyone will want there favourite developer to develop the aircraft/airport they want and people are always disappointed when a developer goes down a different path, the other issue we have is if the same airport/aircraft is developed multiple times a large part of the community will go, why have we got 2/3 YPPH’s but 0 YMML’s for example. It’s a lose lose situation. As for @Lance Arnoldasking Orbx to return to their core locations, from a Australia (and NZ) POV we will probably see the entire country covered within a couple of years but probably mainly from Orbx Partners (who are doing a great job), also Lance whilst many developers will take suggestions for future airports, you’ll be hard pressed to find a developer to accept your suggestion, unless it’s 100% in keeping with what they want (i.e would NZA develop outside of Oceania?) or you go to them with a blank check book Hopefully Orbx and partner developers read this thread (and other developers read their respective communication channels) to get an idea of airports we would like to see, for example, I would like to see all commercial airports in the UK, Australia and NZ in MSFS but at the same time I would love the major airports in Asia/Africa to fly elsewhere I haven’t flow before, but ultimately people will be disappointed because developers can’t do everything.
  8. YMML is definitely the Australian airport I’m missing, followed by the smaller ones like ASP , Cairns and others
  9. Does this mean you might further develop in Scotland? Maybe Aberdeen or Inverness?
  10. Last I saw on the forums was Amsterdam, Toronto, Athens are very close (I'm guessing delayed till after SU6 now) and then corfu and boston, hopefully this year, this was as of June/July so some might slip till 2022, but hopefully we'll see them all on Orbx Central
  11. Great news, especially with I believe 2 or 3 more airports close to release
  12. A mute point, I'm only saying it so people are aware, you mention AIG, they are releasing their MSFS version hopefully by Christmas. and then the other things you mention, they'll be coming over the next year or so with various releases, I'm not creating an argument, just merely stating MSFS will be in an even better position to provide full immersion mid-next year, which will only decrease P3D development sadly
  13. Can't help with the taxi issue but unless it's been changed, the airport isn't in the database because the runway is less than 4500ft
  14. Hi Ryan, I do get your point, I think the removal of statics are not necessarily 100% related to optimisation (but could be), I have recalled in several threads (including myself) asking for statics to be removed due to VATSIM/IVAO purposes, so maybe MK/Orbx and others are heeding the requests of the customer base, plus I know of a AI traffic program nearing release. As for toggling scenery features, I know it can be done, in fact as far as I am aware Jetstream's LIML has the ability to toggle statics (if bought elsewhere) but not if you buy it through central as I have. However on a positive note I have read @Marcus Nyberg's ESGG is soon to get an update which has the ability to toggle statics, so hopefully this will the filter through to the other products, giving people the option
  15. Firstly EGLC and LPPD are developed by completely different developers so you can't compare (it's up to the individual developer), and the LPPD dev is external to Orbx and only sells on the platform, secondly static aircraft is a very dividing topic, some people want them, others don't, a benefit P3D has is the ability to configure airports how users want, apparently this can't be done yet in MSFS, although options are starting to be offered. From my basic understanding, PCs have better specifications than XBOXs so therefore it has to be optimised to run well on Xbox as well, but it's important to note optimisation doesn't automatically mean downgrades, I have seen 0 difference between pre and post LPPD. I'm hoping someone with more technical knowledge will jump in and explain this further.
  16. Used to be a fortress but not so currently
  17. Don't take zero response as a no, Orbx (and others) are unlikely to answer questions that would reveal products until they are ready
  18. Great Pictures Iain - especially the first, feels like I'm there waiting for a jet
  19. Great little airport. I wonder if you would consider adding the Formula 1 Building that's pretty much adjacent to the airfield, and then when we get a 146 we can fly the proper FOM ops. Thanks
  20. Great news! The models in the final shot are stunning (well they all are)
  21. Great pictures @FILOU @Marcus Nybergcant wait to pick it up when I’m back from holiday!
  22. Thanks for the update, looking forward to the next project reveal
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