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Everything posted by paulb

  1. I thought that it was just orbiting space debris Jack?
  2. Well done Jack . I too would like to see GB South.
  3. Excellent post Nick . Good to see a vintage tri-motor.
  4. An excellent set Bernd. Well done! . I too sometimes take a relaxing boat trip in the sim.
  5. Thank you Nick . For info, I normally 'choose files' (jpgs) from my pc. When that failed, I used postimage.
  6. Thanks Wayne . I have posted a lot of shots this past month, so perhaps that is the cause.
  7. Thank you Bernd . There are a small number of airplanes that fill me with nostalgia. This is one of them.
  8. Thanks Wayne . Well they gave it a full valet before I left!
  9. Thanks Bernd . The detail in the airport is fantastic. Moving people, trains, gantrys and more!
  10. Thanks Wayne . Indeed, I had my mower for about 10 years before I gave it away - still working fine.
  11. Very nice image Iain. I like the rear view mirror in the shot .
  12. Nice shots of one of my favourite areas Carlos . But, yes you do need a yellow plane!
  13. Following on from my last thread "247D at Renton", I went for a test flight. Just a take off and landing at KRNT Renton Municipal Airport (MSFS). No ILS for me!
  14. The Boeing 247D needed a service. So where better to go than KRNT Renton Municipal Airport (MSFS). It is situated next to Lake Washington and adjacent to the Boeing Renton Factory in Washington State, NW USA. Amazing detail in this airport which covers a large area.
  15. What is error code 200 please? I saw it when I tried to upload some images today. Thanks
  16. Looks a nice flight .
  17. Nice shots Pete . Do you find the clouds much better than stock MSFS or just different?
  18. Very nice Bernd . I always have a soft spot for warbirds.
  19. Thanks Landon. Let me know when you need your lawns cut. I can fly from Wales to Colorado fairly quickly!
  20. Indeed, a first class mower John. The handing of the jet is very 'friendly'. I like going low and slow, but sometimes fast is nice!
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