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Everything posted by paulb

  1. Thanks Andreas . Well, I am still very new to MSFS. So, I am intentionally avoiding XP11 at present. I want to get 'comfortable' with MSFS first. Then I can start swapping between all three sims!
  2. Thanks Andreas . I might well turn it off for certain flights.
  3. Well the red one is the Forth rail bridge built before 1900. Then you have the Forth road bridge built for vehicles in the sixties. The third bridge called Queensferry Crossing was only built about 5 years ago. This was built mainly because of hugely increased volumes of traffic.
  4. Easy-peasy Jack! . Great set and landing at a super airport.
  5. I think that I have seen real life photos of Twin Otters flying there .
  6. Hi Jack, Well I tried landing in a jet today. I used the T-45 Goshawk. A straight in landing proved impossible as I needed to get over the mountain and then lose 2,000 ft very quickly! It seemed impossible to get a low enough landing speed after 'diving' 2000 ft. So I tried flying around the mountain to keep my altitude around 10,000'. This was a better route, but (after three attempts) I was unable to get even close to a decent 3 point landing on the runway. I do have some nice shots of me bouncing on the runway though!
  7. I would have taken you with me if you had asked Adam . I used a zero payload (apart from the pilot) and a 10% fuel load. After all, I didn't want to survive the take off only to run out of fuel before landing at the nearest airport
  8. Thanks Jack . No, I haven't purchased the mesh yet.
  9. Thanks Landon . It was surprisingly easy. I had quite a few feet of the runway left!
  10. Very good Jack . Dundee is a pleasant airport. It's good to have a few in Scotland now.
  11. Thank you kindly Adam . Glad that you enjoyed it.
  12. I learn something new every day Jack . Interesting that this sim works that way.
  13. Thanks Jack. I will try a landing later today. Have to do some real life work this morning .
  14. Well, I had to try one more flight before going to bed . Thanks Jack for introducing me to this challenge. Orbx partner Aerosoft Bombadier CRJ550 at VNLK Lukla. The runway is 1,729 feet (527m) in length. All of the passengers, flight attendants, co-pilot and their luggage stayed back in the hotel....
  15. Thanks John . It is great fun!
  16. Thank you Landon for providing an excellent explanation . I did not know that fact and will certainly try the sim with the photogrammetry turned off. Then I can see what I lose in terms of graphics. It's the first time that it really stood out for me in the scenery seeing so many 'melted' buildings. Interestingly, I did see the same effect in Washington DC, but to a much lesser extent. Perhaps DD did more work on adding autogen buildings?
  17. Thank you Bernd . I had been told that they had a crash barricade there (similar to an aircraft carrier). Was I misled?
  18. Thanks Jack . Well I am going to play with it again tonight to see what happens .
  19. Well it was Jack's idea, so I should let him go first . But, I think that landing might be much harder than take-off. I guess it will be important to use a minimum landing speed without stalling .
  20. Indeed, it was great fun John . This evening I will see what else I can fly there.
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