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Everything posted by paulb

  1. Thank you Gerold . The medicines must be working. Already I have a red plane (not yellow)! .
  2. Thanks Jack . Indeed, it's the first one that I have flown in MSFS that seems genuinely different to the many that I have in P3D and X Plane 11.
  3. Nice set Jack . I don't fly my C310 often enough.
  4. Thank you my friend, well for many years I owned a Honda lawnmower (excellent BTW), so somewhere in my mind I tend to associate Honda with grass
  5. Following in the footsteps of Mr Heaton and Mr Sawyer, I purchased the HJet from Orbx last night . What a fun aircraft! Lots of detail in the cockpit and things seem to work! So a test flight from EGHP Popham airfield with a flypast at EGLD Denham Aerdrome. Both are close to London, England. I chose Popham as my Honda seemed suited to grass .
  6. Thanks Jack. I bought it last night!
  7. Thanks Adam . They are few are far between in MSFS. Pity really, after so many nice ones in P3D.
  8. Great images Mikee of a classic cold war jet .
  9. Looking good Jack. Gosh, that's an impressive glass cockpit!
  10. I think that I am getting converted Jack!
  11. That is very kind of you Wayne
  12. Thanks Wayne . As you say, a great way to fly - low and slow!
  13. A great yellow airplane, what more can you want Jack!
  14. Excellent set . Your Fokker FVII exudes character.
  15. The easiest way is to just click on OrbxDirect at the very top of this (forum) page .
  16. Mine sounds quite boring, but it's - wholemeal bread, roast chicken, iceberg lettuce, golden sunrise tomatoes, red onion, some ground pepper for seasoning and topped with lemon mayonnaise .
  17. Many thanks Jack . Amazing detail in sims nowadays!
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