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Everything posted by paulb

  1. Oh dear . I know that some of the Bing imagery dates back many years. I wonder if they will ever update it in MSFS?
  2. Thank you kindly Gerold . These small details often make a difference when you know an area well.
  3. Thanks Andreas . Well, I think that X Plane 11 offers the best UK scenery at the moment thanks to Orbx True Earth.
  4. I am not going there John! This is a friendly forum
  5. Thanks Jack . Sorry to hear that your home area is poorly represented in the sims. Doesn't the Bing imagery in MSFS at least make it look a bit better?
  6. Thank you Landon . Same here, spent many good hours with FSX.
  7. It just shows what happens when one starts thinking about the past Gerold! Other memories are stirred
  8. Thank you Andreas .
  9. Very good John. I remember it well .
  10. Excellent set of images Andreas .
  11. Thanks Wayne . Glad that you found it of interest.
  12. Thank you Calum . It took me longer than I expected to do the comparison! The thing that I notice most is the absence of landmarks in MSFS. For example, in the other two sims one can see landmarks such as the Porthkerry Bridge and the Aberthaw Power Station. I guess one notices it more in places that one is familiar with. Hopefully Orbx will soon fill the void.
  13. Thanks Calum . Indeed, it was my main sim for quite a number of years!
  14. Thanks Jack . Yes, we are spoilt for choice today!
  15. ......is EGFF Cardiff, Wales . I often flying low and slow simply to enjoy the scenery. So (for my own benefit), I decided to compare the three sims that I use. All are clear skies in summer flying a DA42 or 62. I have my sliders to the right in all sims. Below are three approach shots for each simulator. Hope that you find them of interest. P3Dv4 with Orbx EU Wales X Plane 11 with Orbx EGFF Cardiff and TE GB South MSFS with a third party airport. Still waiting for Orbx Landmarks GB South
  16. Thanks Wayne . Gosh, I had so many aircraft to choose from in those days .
  17. Whilst sorting through my files, I came across these shots of a Handley Page Victor at EGFF Cardiff. A bit of nostalgia for me - Orbx EU Wales in FSX .
  18. Thank you Don . Great scenery (of course) and I am pleased with my recent purchase of the P-38.
  19. Excellent Gerold . Out of inerest, which flight planner are you using there?
  20. Thanks Andreas . I will still fly in both XP11 and P3Dv4 because I have quite a few aircraft for them which I don't have/can't get for MSFS. But MSFS is perhaps the best for screenshots!
  21. It would very likely have been one of these three bridges Jack. If you were travelling by car or bus then it would have been the Forth Road Bridge. That's the suspension bridge ' The Firth of Forth is the name of the 'water' - estuary that the bridges cross.
  22. I am just wondering where you are going to land John. It looks very unhospitable. Hopefully you have a boat following you along the coast .
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