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Terrain Mesh 2010?


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I see many mentions in, particularly, order of install guides, of Terrain Mesh 2010.

I haven't knowingly got this, I haven't bought it but neither can I find where to get it!

I have FTX Global Base, Vector, OpenLC and various Orbx regions and airports.

Please can anyone tell me where can I get Terrain Mesh 2010?




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OK Spud, that's appreciated. I will try and see some photos/videos of the addition to see if it's worth it.

I have already spent quite a bit - and with addition of N. American regions (and no doubt more to follow!) so I need to be sensible.





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Thanks for that encouragement.

I will have a look at it.

But I wondered, presumably it being 'old' going by it's title '2010', that it might have been included in the install order just for those that had bought it as maybe an earlier variant on the current FTX products?

5 years is a long time and haven't the benefits of "- PILOT'S - FS Global 2010 FTX Compatible" been included in the current products or even improved on?


Maybe when I get see some examples I will see it's advantages



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Thanks birdguy for that link.

I had just beforehand though decided to pass up on adding this to my set.

Perhaps I am missing the point, but the examples don't a show a lot of difference.

Maybe the point of it is that it provides lots of small difference the world over.

I am part way around a world tour and so the worldwide aspect of this could be useful.

But I am also not sure without looking if the FTX set which I already have doesn't include some of that.

Maybe I can reconsider later and retrospectively add it.

Thanks again


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Nigel, Although it is advertised as being updated specifically for FTX, Global 2010 is NOT an FTX product - it is made and sold by a separate company called PILOT (although you can purchase it through Orbx's FlightSim Store).  Note the product called Global 2010 is a component of scenery called mesh, and it is what gives your scenery its mountains, hills, valleys and plains.  You very much need mesh for the areas you fly or you will be very unhappy.  However, there are a number of mesh products available including that which came default with your original version of FSX.  Many of these are free and available from the internet.  However, also note that Orbx's full fat Region products already include their own detailed mesh components so the main use of add-on mesh packages is to improve the appearance of scenery outside of the Orbx Regions.



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Thanks for that insight.

Yes I appreciate the purpose of the mesh and benefit an enhanced mesh might give.

I have the UK regions from Orbx and also have their North American regions which is where I will be flying next.

Perhaps when I get away from those and to where Orbx don't have any regions I will feel inclined to look again at Global 2010


I have just migrated to FSX SE and seem to be benefiting from improved perfomance, which has been bugging me for a few months.

So I need to get comfortable with this and what 'scenery' add-ons I have.and continue my RTW flight.



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Interesting discussion! I'm surprised no one has mentioned Pilots FS - Ultimate. I'm having a tough time,deciding whether to buy this to go with my new rig + Global, Vector and all NA regions. Two questions:

1: Is FS Ultimate significantly better than their 2010 mesh?

2: What impact does FS Ultimate have on FSX loading time - given that presumably there's heaps more data to load up?

Thanks as always for info/advice


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I have Pilots Global Ultimate installed Don.  I like it very much and see no discernible effect on loading time.  I have all the FTX scenery installed now as well as others like AeroSoft Maldives, Seychelles, Balearic Islands, and Tahiti.  My installation loads up in less than 4 minutes.  While flying I sometimes get slight pauses, but nothing significant.


As I understand it (someone correct me if I'm wrong)  2010 goes down to LOD 12 (9 meter resolution) while Ultimate goes down to LOD 14 (2 meter resolution).


Also consider Global 2010 eats up about 20GB of space while the full Ultimate installation needs just over 100GB of space.  I have my Ultimate mesh on a separate drive than FTX.  For global coverage you need to purchase three packages; The Americas, Europe and Africa, and Asia and Oceania.



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Curious that the Pilots webiste is offering :-

"FS Global Ultimate - The Americas (FS9/FSX/P3D)
Bundle with FS Global 2010"

It would seem to be mixing two mesh purchases.


I suppose it might be useful for someone who wanted an up-to-date American mesh with an older mesh for the rest of the world.



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I believe it is because to have the absolute best mesh coverage you need both packages. There are area not covered by ultimate so you need 2010 to fill in the gaps by being the underlying base.

Ultimate is a personal choice, when you see the comparison pics you can see the difference but for me the extra little bit on top wasn't worth the cost in money or disk space especially once it is covered by global and vector.

Look at the bottom of this review, there are a few comparison shots, you can see the difference but only you can decide if it is worth the extra for you.



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For my part, thanks for that mjr

But I have flown from UK to US and down to S.America and I am just on my way back up the west coast now.

Seen quite a range of terrain as featured in FSX (with FTX).

I am sure it was not fully representative, but it sufficed.

It would be good to see a comparison.

What I have seen on the Pilots website tbh hasn't convinced me of a major difference.

Maybe I missed a point or I am just not being perceptive.



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Thanks for that, I had not see that review.

The comparisons at the bottom do a better job IMHO than Pilots on site!

It certainly gives a better impression of the product

Not such a great difference between 2010 and Ultimate than FSX and 2010, which I suppose is to be expected.

One concern though is, will the texture features at similar places where the mesh is raised, look right when streched upwards?

I have seen a few places even now with FSX mesh, where odd things show e.g., factory texture on the side of a steep hill or roads going up a vertical cliff!!

But I am more persuaded even so!


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One additional point to consider is just where you'll be flying mostly...

The terrain mesh provided by the default FSX installation is extremely variable in its quality... all dependant on where in the world it is (and subsequently, what data was available for use).

You'll find that while FSGlobal 2010 or FSGlobal Ultimate will provide an overall improvement no matter where you fly, the improvements for some parts of the world; the parts where the default mesh are actually not too bad to begin with, will be very subtle and sometimes imperceptible.

For example, anywhere in the USA and most parts of Europe have well crafted and accurate default mesh already... so the improvement with FSGlobal will be small. However, the default terrain mesh for New Zealand is frankly, terrible, so FSGlobal will show a huge improvement.

If you're planning on flying world wide, FSGlobal 2010 is a worthwhile investment, no question. If you're planning on remaining in full regions, or within the areas of good default coverage (North American Continent and Western Europe mostly), the improvements you'll gain may be limited.

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Ah just when I was convincing myself I need this, Rob throws a spanner!

I live in the UK and am currently flying the American continent (north and south). So it seems I may not start seeing much change until I turn left at Alaska!

Some of those photos in the AVSIM review are taken in the 'already good area', but maybe it was cherry picking.

Back to evaluating.



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I have also found that no amount of screen shots were able to give a good mesh product proper justice....it is when I randomly picked a different location in the world to fly and explore that I really gained the appreciation for the detailed accuracy and consistencies of the terrain. :)

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I finally decided to purchase Pilot's Global 2010 FTX Edition.  My Power supply failed and decided to take my mother board and hard drives with it so I am going to go through the FSX install process again.  I have a bunch of FS Genesis products that have served me well but I do not have whole world coverage so I thought this would be a good time.  I also like that there is only the one installer instead of several small programs that I have to use.  



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Good luck with that.

I'd be interested in how you find the downloaded installation runs, assuming you are going for the download.

I spent most of yesterday downloading and this morning I went to install.

But after it had extracted the first file it stopped, telling me it couldn't use the same volume!!!

I am waiting for FSS support to respond to my qiuestion.



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Thanks, yes plenty of space, I have only used about 15% of a 1TB drive.

I was expanding it to the same folder as the source files to start with.

But following the error message I tried expanding it to a different drive and got a different kind of error.

I think there must be a common cause which I can't fathom and it's not lack space.



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I was getting that same error message when I tried to unpack. Then I read the instructions at the top of the Downloads page.  7zip and Windows unzipping utility will not work.   Download the demo of WINRAR, that one worked for me.   I tried to use winzip, I have used that one in the past but when I tried yesterday, it would not work. Hope this helps, also the first file that needs to be unpacked has to be in the same download folder as the other five files or the unpacking process will also not work.


Hope this helps,


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You were ahead of me. But alas I was already upstairs trying again, so didn't see your post until now!

BUT I came to the same solution as you after a few deadends and wrong turns.

Yes WinRAR did the job and very easily too.

So I now have the install set ready to run tomorrow when I have more time.





P.S. No idea why I got so many weird messages just trying to unzip - something I do quite often with no problem at all.

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I have just installed Global 2010 and I looked at Gibraltar before and afterwards.

Probably a rather extreme example and FTX Global textures don't fit very well with it in either!

But it shows a clear difference and the second (after) matches better with actual photos of the rock.





In the second most noticeable it is higher than the first and also missing the second 'hump' in the ridge


I am confident now that Global 2010 has made a difference.



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Hi Nigel,
There's something that's not working in your Orbx system. Check out these Gibraltar' shots here with Global 2010,  FTx Global and Vector.
EDIT: Ha! Add openLC too!

A little more wooded than real, but acceptable.
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Yours does look better in some respects I agree.

I will have to take a similar viewpoint and see how it compares overall.

I maybe have some different settings which are causing this?



I installed for FSX, but it did ask me on the way in which drive I wanted to use. So I assume that it can be installed on a different drive to FSX, or P3D.



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