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Oh my....

John York

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???  :  :DeadHorse:  ???  >:(  >:(  :banghead: Yesterday, while trying to get REX 4 to work, I not only completely lost P3D from my computer and....and would you believe it?  All, yes, all my Orbx scenery and my addon aircraft!!


Needless to say I'm bloody furious and what's worse, I don't know who or what to blame!


All I know is it wasn't me!



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No, something similar happened to me.  A bit of a setback, but a reinstall is always good.

I did the stupidest thing possible and accidentally formatted 2 TB worth of  add ons , everything gone in one moment of madness however there is and upside


1. found stuff that I bought and never installed

2.will NEVER buy anything from FSpilot again. They charge $5 for every re download 


2 weeks of non stop downloading and IM 95% there and machine running smooth as butter. 

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All the best to you and your second wife Lawrence.


And Macca, if you enjoy re-downloading so much why don't you hop on a plane and come and do mine for me?


I've now got P3D up and running again.  Took forever to redo all the settings, especially those for the joystick and throttle quadrant.


Now, I've got to '.off' a load of the P3D aircraft I don't want in the cfg's, see if the Track IR works and then start re-installing AS Next, addon aircraft and scenery.


I've got Mark Abdey coming to visit tomorrow so I'll get him working on installing REX 4 'cos I like the water textures it gives.  Especially the splashes and misty wake when the floats come in contact with it.  Unfortunately, it doesn't produce the drag effect that the old FSX did.


Right then...onward and upward.



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2.will NEVER buy anything from FSpilot again. They charge $5 for every re download 



Not if you email them along the lines of 'You've got to be kidding!' They back down. But you're right, NEVER again for me either.


Sorry John, I just had to put my two pen'orth in. :smile:

I can completely sympathise with you though. I've just about come to the end of the installation of Windows/FSX and every other thing I didn't realise was essential to my well-being.

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Not if you email them along the lines of 'You've got to be kidding!' They back down. But you're right, NEVER again for me either.


Sorry John, I just had to put my two pen'orth in. :smile:

I can completely sympathise with you though. I've just about come to the end of the installation of Windows/FSX and every other thing I didn't realise was essential to my well-being.

Thanks for the tip Ron, I shot off an email..see what happens

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That's my biggest fear John  and why i'm always scared to touch any thing . I have 7 or 8 Go-Flight modules and now these very smart developers i might add are breaking  codes left right and center with what they call "custom coding" and most of my switches don't work so they have this Go Flight interface tool -some thing like FSUIPC- to set them up so i gave a donation and he is gonna come in with team view and set it all up cause for sure if i try it nothing will work. 




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Hey, Louis


I've got a couple of experts who help me when I'm stuck so I'm lucky that way.


The problem is when these things happen it is so time consuming to put everything back on, especially if the stuff has to be re-installed from the original zip which is what I'm gonna have to do with my Orbx ware.


I'm still putting on my long list of addons from my 'E' scenery disc.  That'll take me a couple of days.


Then its Orbx turn.


In the meantime I've got a mate coming tomorrow who will get REX 4 on for me and hopefully Active Sky again.


When I'll be able to fly again, other than tests, is anybody's guess.


Right...its dinner time now, so I'm off.



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I did the stupidest thing possible and accidentally formatted 2 TB worth of  add ons , everything gone in one moment of madness however there is and upside


I did that once while using an automated Windows install on an older computer. I selected the wrong partition to be formatted in the unattended section. The first partition (0), isn't always the boot drive. Goes by order of hardware installation as I found out later.


Luckily since then I have my add-on installers backed up onto several Blu-ray discs just in case.

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Sorry to hear this my friend, At least Mark will get you on the right track again I know its a pain reinstalling everything but on the bright side you will have a brand new fresh install. I try to do a fresh install once a year to clear all the junk away myself I know John its of little comfort when you want to fly and its buggered though and all the time it takes to reinstall everything.



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I have all my downlaods and keys an a hard drive, though needs a new backup this weekend, Dont have time to re download all the addons I have, Also have a full backup of the original clean FSX install, and will backup the current one. Havnt done a reinstall I think in 5 years.

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???  :  :DeadHorse:  ???  >:(  >:(  :banghead: Yesterday, while trying to get REX 4 to work, I not only completely lost P3D from my computer and....and would you believe it?  All, yes, all my Orbx scenery and my addon aircraft!!


Needless to say I'm bloody furious and what's worse, I don't know who or what to blame!


All I know is it wasn't me!




John my friend, I've said it before, if you didn't have bad luck, you would have no luck at all...


Gosh, I sure hate to see you, of all people, having this issue. I'm sorry to hear this, and I hope it gets sorted for you in as easiest way as possible. I know you've been through so much tweaking to get your setup right...Man....

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JohnY, I try to get to the UK annually, but not until your summer.  So can't be of much use.  But Somerset is one of my favourite counties, and I visit a simming  friend who lives near Bristol.


I know it is a pain, and in the world of business litigation we would all be seeking redress from REX.


The only good thing is that if you install a few planes, and only slowly install regional scenery, you quickly find out how much junk we load into our sim.

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There speaks a man who has never had, nor made, a cock-up. ::)


Ignore him.  That is the same moron that says "DX10 is horrible for anti-aliasing or shimmer/flicker reduction, it's the mean reason why I stick to DX9."


Hope he never needs any help around here.

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The only good thing is that if you install a few planes, and only slowly install regional scenery, you quickly find out how much junk we load into our sim.


Wow, I can certainly attest to that statement!


Somehere in this mess, John, there is something positive.  And I am certain you will find it.

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Thanks for all your support guys.


What does worry me a little is not knowing what caused it, the concern being of course that it could happen again!  Having said that, I'm pretty sure it was while I was working on installing REX 4 but I can't fathom what in that would trigger such a catostrophic failure.  I thought it was the 'F' disc, but that seems to be working ok as it has retained some stuff on it..


Perhaps Mark will have an explanation when he gets here.


Still, I'm getting on with it;  I've turfed out with cfg .off's all the default planes I'll never fly, the warplanes mostly, and kept only one of each of the models (panels) that I do and like flying.  Have started, putting the scenery on again.  Luckily, with the exception of the Orbx scenery it's all on a separate disc so its only a case of adding it again.  The Orbx scenery will have to be re-installed.  Luckily, I got all the zips and folders still on the separate 'downloads' folder.


Right, enough chat.  More scenery to go on!  ::)  ;D



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My advice is to backup to at least 2 locations but 3 is even better. 


Currently I have 3 locations as I have my Hard Drive and Backup Hard Drive internally, then I have a third external Hard Drive I back up to once a week that is stored in a fire resistant safe.


The one thing that would destroy all three is a major fire hot enough to burn through the safe or earthquake/tsunami but in that scenario I would either be dead or survived and likely be giving Flight Sim a break for a few years and thank my lucky stars to have survived. 

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Yes I do back up.  I've never heard of Acronis though.  I'll have a look.  I simply have three external hard drives that mirror my three computer discs.


The problem with back-ups is that they mirror the faults as well and some things are not backed up, like the registry and cfg for example.  Its not simply a case of copying and pasting the disc back on, especially when you have some 2 to 3 TB's, yes, TB's, to copy over and if your Flight Sim' has packed up all the bloody addons disappear too and have to be put on individually.


I'll have a look at Acronis.  In the meantime, Mark has got Rex Essential Plus, REX 4, Active Sky, and my P3D all working really well and in the right places!  I'm really grateful to him because just that would have taken me ages because all the Track IR. throttle quadrant and joystick settings went too!!


Ok, here we go.  Now I'm busy mucking it all up with putting my addons back on.    It'll take me two or three days but at least, if I'm lucky, they should slide in perfectly and probably slow my start up time right down too!!




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