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OpenLC EU - flabbergasted!

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Dear ORBX Team,


I'm not usually one who sits and writes gushing tributes about products, but felt I had to put (virtual) pen to paper this time.


Yesterday I had the pleasure (!) of having a day off sick, and was delighted to see the release of OpenLC EU - just what the doctor ordered. I purchased, downloaded and installed without any major hassles, and then made ready to take a couple of flights to see what all the fuss had been about.


I use P3Dv2.2 + FTX Global + FTX Vectors + Pilots FS Global Ultimate mesh + REX4 Direct + ASN weather.


First step was to make a PlanG flightplan taking in all of the freeware Global EU airports.


I set myself up in the A2A Cherokee for the first flight from EDMK Durach to LOGO Niederoeblarn and got ready to go. The weather was beautiful to begin with and as I climbed out of Durach I began to see OpenLC EU in all its glory. Close to Salzburg I ran into a thunderstorm which just made the experience even more exciting. After landing at LOGO, I continued on with my second leg to LSZS Samedan - all in all this gave me just over 4 hours of flying.


Never have I felt so immersed in my sim as yesterday! It was humming along with amazing fluidity and frame rates (which are set at unlimited) ranging from 40 to at one point in the Alps 120+!.


The combination that the ORBX team have achieved with Global, Vectors and OpenLC EU is simply flabbergasting. I just wanted to offer my greatest thanks and sincere congratulations to the team on what you have achieved here. I'm really looking forward to the development of the other LC regions around the world, as I am sure that over the development period you will come across new effects and textures to flabbergast even more!


You have made this simmer extremely happy, once again many thanks



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+3. I've only had a chance to make one flight but I'm simply amazed. A short hop from Napoli to Isola di Capri and then down the Amalfi coast has made a believer of me. I have all four layers installed (Global, Vector, LC, and FSGlobal) and couldn't be happier.



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One thing I'd ask...(honest question) is a mesh necessary for Europe?  I fly in the US and from everything I've seen, it hasn't been necessary there.  On the other hand, in some parts of the world the default mesh is awful.  So, looking for some sage advice.

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One thing I'd ask...(honest question) is a mesh necessary for Europe?  I fly in the US and from everything I've seen, it hasn't been necessary there.  On the other hand, in some parts of the world the default mesh is awful.  So, looking for some sage advice.

Addon meshes for FSX almost always improve the situation, wherever in the world you go. That being said, The default FSX mesh in certain parts of the world are considerably higher quality than other parts of the world... Europe and North America are probably the best parts of the FSX default mesh.

Long story short, you will still see improvements, even in Europe/North America by using a 3rd party mesh product, but the improvements in these parts of the world will be very small. Improvements elsewhere will be highly noticeable.

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Echo everyone else's sentiments! Amazing job team.


And is it just me, or has performance noticeably improved over base-Global?!


My Performace has improved from 30 FPS before to 40-50 FPS now (with all Traffic-Sliders to the left)

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Addon meshes for FSX almost always improve the situation, wherever in the world you go. That being said, The default FSX mesh in certain parts of the world are considerably higher quality than other parts of the world... Europe and North America are probably the best parts of the FSX default mesh.

Long story short, you will still see improvements, even in Europe/North America by using a 3rd party mesh product, but the improvements in these parts of the world will be very small. Improvements elsewhere will be highly noticeable.


Thanks.  Flying near Geneva with default mesh, I'd have to say the alps look odd to me.  That may be related to my distance from them but, If a mesh would correct their shape then I'd be a reason for me to get one.

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First step was to make a PlanG flightplan taking in all of the freeware Global EU airports.


Hi Jack,

Glad you appreciate my freeware EU airports. Pack 4 is in progress and will be out soon. You will soon have a few more airports from France, Italy and Germany.



And is it just me, or has performance noticeably improved over base-Global?!


My Performace has improved from 30 FPS before to 40-50 FPS now (with all Traffic-Sliders to the left)

That was my first impression during the test phase. My FSX is smoother than ever.



One thing I'd ask...(honest question) is a mesh necessary for Europe?  I fly in the US and from everything I've seen, it hasn't been necessary there.  On the other hand, in some parts of the world the default mesh is awful.  So, looking for some sage advice.

A good mesh always makes the difference sure if you have FTX Vector. Default FSX mesh is way too imprecise. I use FS Global Ultimate and never more do I see a river flowing on the top of a hill.



Cheers, Sylvain

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Great news Sylvain¨

I'm certainly enjoying them, I particularly liked the train at LOGO :)

Just flew from LSZS Samedan to LSPN Triengen - took the long way round following the A13 up to Chur and on up the Rheintal to Altenrhein (just because I happen to live only a few kilometres off this route!) and then over to LSZH and down again to Triengen. Jawdropping flight again :)



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Some quick comparison shots from a test flight I made last week. Flying from one region to the other, it was impossible for me to know over whitch region I was flying.


On the left: FTX EU England Full region              On the right: Scotland with OCL EU



Except shores and water, I don't see any difference



That said with a full region you have lots of landmark that you won't see in OLC.


Cheer, Sylvain

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Great news Sylvain¨

I'm certainly enjoying them, I particularly liked the train at LOGO :)

Just flew from LSZS Samedan to LSPN Triengen - took the long way round following the A13 up to Chur and on up the Rheintal to Altenrhein (just because I happen to live only a few kilometres off this route!) and then over to LSZH and down again to Triengen. Jawdropping flight again :)



I like particulary flying over the Alps and will sure make other airports in that area.


Cheers, Sylvain

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To be fair there is a lot more clutter in the full regions, lots of visual reference points that you simply won't get in the global products, plus all the updated airports of course,  which is worth the asking price alone in my opinion.

You are right Andy there are lots of points of interest in the regions that you don't find in Global. 

We are upgrading default airports for Global but keep in mind there are 24.000 + so in 20 years maybe...



And if it's not too cheeky to ask, but how about a nice version of LSZR Altenrhein - that would really make my day :)

OK LSZR is on my list for a future pack.

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We are upgrading default airports for Global but keep in mind there are 24.000 + so in 20 years maybe...



Thats a crazy and welcome surprise, I really didn't think ORBX would take on that monumental task in any way shape or form, not for free anyway, or did I misunderstand you?

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I've only had a chance to do a few quick flights with OpenLC but it quickly becomes very clear just what a huge step forward this is... it can't quite match a full fat region, but most of the time you would be hard pressed to spot the difference.

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Thats a crazy and welcome surprise, I really didn't think ORBX would take on that monumental task in any way shape or form, not for free anyway, or did I misunderstand you?

It's impossible to upgrade all airports. That would take a lifetime. Look at the NA and EU freeware packs, we have now +/-200 airports upgraded and Global was released 1 year ago.

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I use P3Dv2.2 + FTX Global + FTX Vectors + Pilots FS Global Ultimate mesh + REX4 Direct + ASN weather.


Almost same as me.  I use FSX SP2/Acceleration.    Otherwise same kit.  freaking BRILLIANT isnt it?  

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    Does anyone $36.95 I can borrow?    How good can this get? 


   My wife took my credit card because I made the mistake of telling her ALL about the release of openLC Europe. She wont give it back until I give her double the $36.95 (US) Cash.

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I like particulary flying over the Alps and will sure make other airports in that area.


Cheers, Sylvain


This is terrific news Sylvain! And I'm very much looking forward to the new Italy ones in Pack 4 too...

Merci bien!  :smile:

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This is terrific news Sylvain! And I'm very much looking forward to the new Italy ones in Pack 4 too...

Merci bien!  :smile:


I have 2 Italian airports in pack 4.


LIRI: Salerno airport. you are at 15 minutes of the very nice photo real Mount Vesuve.



I am particulary proud of LIRU in the center of Rome. This one took me 2 weeks to get it the most realistic as possible



Hope you will enjoy


Cheers, Sylvain

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Sylvain, you are a hero. Are those shots taken with OpenLC EU installed? They look nice, thanks for sharing.

Glad you will continue to build new quality destinations for us in the Alps and throughout that region. Maybe you would also consider Corsica?

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    Does anyone $36.95 I can borrow?    How good can this get? 


   My wife took my credit card because I made the mistake of telling her ALL about the release of openLC Europe. She wont give it back until I give her double the $36.95 (US) Cash.


Sign up for a PayPal account and have the purchases deducted directly from your bank account. No credit card involved. But...don't do this if your wife looks at the bank statement(s) ::)  ::)  ::)



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