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Hob Nobbing on the Côte d'Azur

Mark Abdey

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Okay I'm late to the Global party, but better late than never...


Nice - Côte d'Azur was always a favourite 'default' place to fly, as it looked good despite MS scenery textures... but I am blown away by Globals replacements, not to mention the Autogen; simply stunning!...















Thanks for looking.

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Thanks chaps...



Fantastic images! This set may convince my wife a bit about my hobby! :)



Ha-ha.. well, good luck with that.


For my wife this hobby is a constant source of amusement... I remind her I could be down the pub, but maybe she would prefer that ^-^

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Thanks chaps...

Ha-ha.. well, good luck with that.

For my wife this hobby is a constant source of amusement... I remind her I could be down the pub, but maybe she would prefer that ^-^

What they really want is attention no matter how much you give them. I don't mind when she spends hours, literally, playing those Candy Crush games, but as soon as I lay one finger on my computer's power button she "Already using your computer?!?!". :)

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Mark, just completely unbelievable shots, my wife could care less, that's how it is. Repaint is gorgeous, very clear indeed, definitely a big difference from fsx, very clear indeed, by the way how is your performance???



Thank you... performance is absolutely great, and does not really deviate from my 30fps lock wherever I fly.


Here is the same area in P3Dv2.1.. which also runs nicely, if not quite as slick as FSX.


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great shots indeed :) This is one of the areas i like to fly more outside Italy, i have been there several times in my youngness and the landscape is tremendously beautiful!


Thank you Maurizio... I too visited here many-many years ago, it really is a stunning area.


Any recommendations for stunning Italian locations now I have Global?


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Hi Mark, Italy is so various about the landscape and it changes a lot depending on the areas. From Rome to Naples, for instance, it's a good route. Also flying in the north, Alps region, it's fantastic, lake of Como or lake of Garda.

But all of Italy is beautiful so it's really funny to explore it :)

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