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Birthday present #1 - burned...


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I was fortunate to receive some useful boxes at a recent occasion... some will be easy to use (you can find them in my signature...), some are not. My first flight in the Catalina (after Ezdoc setup and customizing the gauges) ended quite fast:



CHT overheat within minutes. Hmmm, wasn´t there a hint with the temperatures and the cowl flaps? OK, at least I could land the machine on water safely, even without engines. And the 2nd trial was better:

Townsville takeoff:




Approaching Magnetic Island:



Landing was easier than feared. So I have received just a suitable toy for the reef near my current virtual location... ::)
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Fabulous - but maybe a bit too hot screenshots here Gerlod ;) !

Enjoy flying the Catalina (an experienced pilot as Yours will certainly soon get used to it's unique characterietics and features and handle it properly) - it is a great plane - and sure:

Enjoy it even more whenever flying it above Your great new ORBX-sceneries!

Happy birthday!

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