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Coming soon: FTXG freeware airport packs

John Venema

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Hello all,

We will soon begin to release freeware airport packs for FTX Global. These are similar in quality to the "upgraded default" airports you generally find in our FTX regions. The first batch are by Neil for North Amercia, the second batch by Eddie for the Philippines. Here's a few shots of Eddie's upcoming work at RPLL Ninoy Aquno Intl:



We will bundle these installers matched to the upcoming openLC landclass addons, so you will have installers for North America, Asia, Europe etc. (More info on that here:


Yours in freeware updates :)

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Fantastic JV .. :) . I am currently going through all the freeware atm - big job !  ..so much out there of varying quality . At least we know that here there will be a "Standard " quality . Looking forward , as usual , to the next Orbx advance .



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This put a big smile on my face this morning. :) I was actually thinking (hoping) about something like this yesterday as I tried out my freshly installed FTX Global + UTX USA. Everything looked so nice except the default airports. Can you say anything about how many airports we are talking about in USA? - and which state(s) you will focus on? 

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I hope I'm reading into this correctly...if so, I think it is a GREAT move by Orbx.


I recently dusted UTX America off the shelf now that I fly in non FTX regions.  UTX makes a huge difference with roads, waterways, landclass, etc.  Also, I love their custom textures for commercial landclass/textures and universities; however, they don't really blend in seamlessly with FTX Global (color palette is a little different and FTX 3d lights don't show up next to these textures).  


I for one was already a "FTX-only" guy...I would only fly in FTX regions.  Hopefully, Orbx can come up with something that includes these things (landclass, vector, custom landclass, etc.).  I'm ready!



Nothing to share on that front yet Bob, but stay tuned ;)

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Not sure if I like the textures for RPLL, the terminal and apron look OK, but the grass, runways and water textures look a bit 'cartoony' I appreciate it's still under development and has more work. Is the image shown in the stock FSX scenery or FTX Global?

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Is this freeware (like in 'freeware') or is it added value in payware openLC? Sorry for not yet getting it; coffee's still in the making ...

Yes, 100% freeware.


Not sure if I like the textures for RPLL, the terminal and apron look OK, but the grass, runways and water textures look a bit 'cartoony' I appreciate it's still under development and has more work. Is the image shown in the stock FSX scenery or FTX Global?

"These are similar in quality to the "upgraded default" airports you generally find in our FTX regions."


Everything shown in these screenshots are default FSX buildings, APX (afcad) and objects from the Orbx Libraries. I'm using FTX Global. Yes, it's still a WIP so things will be changed for RTM.

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Nothing to share on that front yet Bob, but stay tuned ;)

Thanks!, Oh I forgot to say thanks for the work on the freeware stuff. The roads have always bugged me and you spoiled me on your custom areas as the roads are so nicely done! :-

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Many thanks to the ORBX the team for this.

You guys certainly work miracles, any chance of coming up with something that makes the time go slowly on the week ends as there are so many places to fly now and the time goes too quickly 8) .

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Hi Brett,


I've noted your request for Indianapolis and Orlando airports.  By making these plural I assume you'd be OK with some of the smaller surrounding airports, remember the big ones are hard to make look good due to our lack of large hanger objects among other things.


Cheers, Neil

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Uh oh .... something's leaking ......


I especially like two words: "yet" and "but"




I have always thought if ORBX released their own Vector, LC and country wide airport collections with their current texture and AG library, that life would be good. Really good.

Looks like a wish is being granted.


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Some of the smaller international airports would be good bang for the buck with development time. Easier to make but not so obscure as many GA only fields so they'd get lots of use in the community.

I personally wish someone would fix up KABQ. It's in the middle of a bunch of good payware airports in the SW for connecting flights, is a military base as well, and has a big GA section.

KMSY isn't that big either and is a cool place to fly in the southern US. KJAN, KSAT, something in the Midwest as there's a big void of any addon airports there.

I think all these Orbx could do well with default and library objects without much work.

Internationally, Africa needs some work. Yiamey would be easy to do and makes for good flights from Europe. Lagos is an important hub in central Africa but not very big. Casablanca of course has a lot of traffic. Not familiar with the southern parts.

In Asia, China is a huge aviation commercial aviation country with few good airports. They'd be more work though. Their airports in major cities are huge. Maybe Xian or Chungdu is possible.

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