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My first 185 flight: Derby - Cape Leveque


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For the Derby delta travellers should use a heavy 4WD ... - or a lovely small 185:

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Unfortunately the "Horizontal Waterfalls" in FTX do not show heavy tides ( http://www.google.de/imgres?sa=X&rlz=1C1GTPM_deDE502DE502&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&tbnid=dG4KEnIFYsFvuM:&imgrefurl=http://www.derbytourism.com.au/pages/horizontal-waterfalls/&docid=2I-j80ncr96cfM&imgurl=http://svc051.bookeasy.com/images/HorizontalWaterfalls.jpg&w=640&h=503&ei=5itsUYy3FoiVtQa9voDgAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=4&vpy=129&dur=3069&hovh=199&hovw=253&tx=128&ty=123&page=1&tbnh=149&tbnw=195&start=0&ndsp=46&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:82 )...

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Is this the new ORBX Thailand scenery? Did I fly too much northwards?

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Aah, it´s all fine: The beaches and lighthouse of Cape Leveque come in sight:

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Turn the beauty to final approach...

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... and done.

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Really a nice plane to fly, great fun!

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Hello Gerold!

Great shots!

If You want to add or try some more realism to/with Your C185, You should consider to maybe taking a look here at the Bushpounder site:


and here:

The cfg. files are by Bernt Stolle and noticeable raise the immersion of the sim while flying this great little plane - and the guide is a great joy and very interesting to read i think!

Be warned though ... just in case:

Flying the C185 may become a bit more bumpy and challenging if You install the new CFG's!

Other than that though and once again:

A great series of shots here!

Cheers, Christoph

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Hello Gerold!

Great shots!

If You want to add or try some more realism to/with Your C185, You should consider to maybe taking a look here at the Bushpounder site:


and here:


The cfg. files are by Bernt Stolle and noticeable raise the immersion of the sim while flying this great little plane - and the guide is a great joy and very interesting to read i think!

Be warned though ... just in case:

Flying the C185 may become a bit more bumpy and challenging if You install the new CFG's!

Other than that though and once again:

A great series of shots here!

Cheers, Christoph

Will be done immediately. Thanks for the hints!

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