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The End Of The Line

Jay Kae

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Dear All,

This post is to let you all know that as per immediately I am withdrawing from all things FSX related. All sites and services I supply will be maintained and continued. All questions related to the site and services will be answered as per normal but I do not wish to be involved in the Flight Simulation community anymore. This does not go for Orbx alone, it goes for all sites I am involved in. I will continue to help Adrian out with his ticket system for FSS but that is it. A similar post to this will soon appear on OZx site and REX site as well.

Yours Truly,


PS I have never liked people writing goodbye messages like this, if you want to leave just leave is what I think but as I supply a lot of services to a lot of people I wanted to let you all know that nothing changes in regards to that, that and that alone is the sole reason for this post.

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This really upsets me to hear Jay - you have been a great mate to me, even in times I did not deserve it you continuted to give me a second chance every time.

Thanks for your time and effort that you have given me/us - it has gone a long way.

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Shocked!! I have to say the tone of the "goodbye" is most dis-concerting and obviously there is more to this than just getting bored with a hobby. However that is nobody's business but your own. Your contributions will be greatly missed; a great loss to the community. So all I will now say is, all the best for the future in whatever you decide to do mate.



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Wow, that's not great news. If something happened, I'm sorry it had to happen to you. If you just got burnt out, believe me, I understand fully. You're one of the good guys, Jay. Don't be a stranger, even if it's just an occasional pop in to say hi. You probably already figured out by now, but you'll be missed.

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As I said to you the other week my friend, you need some time away from FS because it's burning you out. I am glad you're stepping away Jay, it will give you some perspective and hopefully an insight to the things and people that matter to you the most.

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Fair winds and following seas Jay, you will be missed.

Thank you for everything you've done for the community and myself. Without you, I would never have been given the honor of being an Orbx Team Member.

"How little do we know of time, Alfred. A one-syllable word, a noun. Yesterday's laughter, tomorrow's tears."

- (Adam West's) Batman

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Well then Jay my friend this is very sad news indeed you have been a true friend to us all here mate with your unwaivering support for us all you are a true GENTLEMAN indeed and i for one will miss you here, But you have to think of yourself and your family first we will all still be here when you return at some point and i wish you well with everything.

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well jay,all the best mate,you have done so much for us all and seeing how many replies you are getting to this thread proves you will be missed,you are a top bloke mate and you have to enjoy also wat life has to offer,all of us have to work and support our familys but need our time out also to live and enjoy wat life throws our way,all the best mate. :)

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Although I am one of the many that is sadened to hear this news of you leaving us.,You have been a very significant asset to this community and you kept it all in order whilst bring fair and friendly

But, whatever reason you are leaving, I know you are doing it for the right reasons as a person and a human being.. And I wish you every success and happiness in your new path.

Best and warmest regards


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You will be sorely missed, that is for sure... The FS scene is an odd one at times, and I feel it's very important to get away from it now and again.

I would like to personally thank you for the kind, friendly assistance you have given me when I have needed it... you are truly good bloke Jay.

Hope this is not the last we see of you.... enjoy having a well deserved break :)

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You will be sorely missed, that is for sure... The FS scene is an odd one at times, and I feel it's very important to get away from it now and again.

I would like to personally thank you for the kind, friendly assistance you have given me when I have needed it... you are truly good bloke Jay.

Hope this is not the last we see of you.... enjoy having a well deserved break :)


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Fully understand this, whatever the reason is. As JV said, sometimes one needs to step back. I did the same a few years ago. Took a few years to come back, but when I did it was with a different perspective.

Keep your head up.

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Well this was a bit of shocking news (for want of a better word). :(

Very sorry to hear you are going Jay I think we can expect this to become a very long thread of well wishes from a very appreciative bunch of Orbx customers. Many MANY thanks for your extremely dedicated level of support I think we all take it for granted how well the sites work that you maintain work and very likely rarely show you the level of gratitude you deserve. I can only echo the similar comments about the reasons for your decision to step back from things FSX related, you will be sorely missed I am sure, but all the same I hope you find what you need and it goes without saying there will always be a cold beer waiting for you if and when you decide to return. If however there is someone making your life hell I'm sure there are enough of us to go breaking a few legs for you! ;)

Take care Jay, I hope you find what you need. ^_^


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I agree with John that time off is a great way to gain perspective and find that new spark that can re-ignite that flame. Don't let the few with their own agenda take away from your passions. You will find that aviation, real or simulated, is something you can't turn off. I am hoping very much that in time you will return with renewed vigor and focus. I don't think there is anybody out there who can run things as well as you do. And without you around, the community will suffer because of it.

So take as long as you like, but don't shut that door. Stop by, say hello and intermingle with people that you have built relationships with that you enjoy.

What I really think you should do is restart and then finish that around the world flight you had in mind a short while ago. Keep us posted on your progress and don't do anything but fly it yourself. No suggestions on the route from others, just you, at your pace and plan. Take as long as it takes. No limits. No websites to update, no forums to monitor, just the reward of flight. Look out the window, at the scenery, clouds and water. Do it for yourself.

So don't think of this as the end. Think of it as a new beginning.

We'll leave the light on for you.


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I gotta say, Jay, I'm gutted.

After the email we had this morning over a problem that I had and then to read this.

You've been a true inspiration for many flight simmers and you've done an impeccable job here, with the kindest of words from the CEO himself.

I'm sure there are people out ther who will carry on the job, but Jay, the person, will be sorely missed.

Please take care, mate and keep in touch, we are all anxious to hear from you in the future.

Your friend,

Frank Cooper

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Absoluteley gob-smacked, this has come right out of the blue to us customers, forum members and everything flight sim wise. I know from being a member of other simulators that content creators get burn out from time to time, and to take some time out is fruitful for recharging the old batteries, and for some guys, saying hello to the wife again after 12 months in the garden shed...... :lol:

I hope this isn't the last we see of you, you're an irreplaceable administrator, what will all these forums do now...... :'(

Good luck mate, enjoy your break and many thanks for keeping us all organised and administered so professionally.

Cheerz. Transport Steve.

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Take care my fiend. I have also taken a long break from FS after many years of involvement mostly in helicopter sim building. Im still flying but im back to salmon fishing more then ever. Simming taken seriously tends to get addictive and i was missing out on other wonderful things to do.


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I have to admit when I read the topic I thought this was just another one of Jay's harmless jokes. But as I kept reading I kept asking myself "Where's the punchline?". Sadly, there isn't any. I too am in shock as in one day a familiar face is here and then the next day - BAM! - gone.

Though I don't talk much down here I always enjoy reading the posts with a "cuppa joe" and seeing the familiar user names (funny how we get comfortable that way), so I feel like the right arm has just been severed. Jay your generosity and community spirit was noted by me some three years ago way back when I released 9Dragons and how you helped out on distribution.

Take care and I hope to see you again sometime in the bluest flightsim skies.


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The amount of views and responds this post has created speaks volumes on how much missed and how important you have been to us all..

But this particular forum and community will behave and keep up the 'order' and respect amongst others that you have help to maintain... and if anyone in this forun uses CAPITALS.... we will all tell them.... "No you dont!" :'( :'(

Gonna miss that little Batman Avatar, Forever Vigilant!

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