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Last but not least. Beijing


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6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set of shots these Carlos. 



Thank you so much Iain


6 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Another highly enjoyable tour Carlos.

Some fantastic modern architecture on show but in RL I am not sure if it is that clear!:lol: 


Thank you Marty  :)


5 hours ago, BradB said:

Magical shots Carlos , now off to bed you go . :):D

Thanks John, yeap night is over already, phew  :lol:



1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Great scenery detail as ever. But: Bejing without fog and people - again this can only happen in lockdown.

MSFS takes huge profit during Covid times, and they need to develop PeopleFlow until the pandemic ends...

Very interesting, Sam told me that, that Beijing tends to be foggy or hazed due to factories in the area. When I fly in China it tends to be cloudy very often

And and Marty semmed to be very travelled guys :)

I think at some stage will see people flow. Have you seen FL's Corfu video?




1 hour ago, andiflyit said:

A lot of nice buildings Carlos but the ground looks a bit weird here and there. Perhaps they have footprints but not good images fot the city.

Is that the stock scenery? Great set indeed.

The ground indeed is a bit of a down but I bet it is very domplicated to achieve realism with it.

Sam puts all of his effort in detailing the buildings and I think he made a good job here. Maybe in time the platfomr improves that ground or enables a way to make it better.

I believe he was more focused on the city itself than in the terrain though, but it is a very enjoyable product




1 hour ago, Caluma65 said:

What a really great set of shots.  Cheers,



Thank you Calum, I appreciate you like them



41 minutes ago, lifejogger said:

Enjoyed the shots and the tour Carlos!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks a lot John, happy to know it




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