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ESSB .... it snowed


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14 hours ago, wain71 said:

great shots there Pete, out of interest, was the snow your doing or did you use live weather function?

Hi Wayne


No it was just moi, playing with a slider. BTW if you set  ambient occlusion to ULTRA it will really improve the perception of depth 

to the snow cover (example in the last screenshot with the grasses).


Normally I either keep AO off or on low, because IMHO the implementation by Asobo is the worst I have seen in any modern gaming engine.

I really dislike the current technology that MS2020 is using (SSAO - screen space ambient occlusion).  I am really keeping my fingers crossed that

they will implement soft shadows  algorithms when they move up to DX12-1


This video does a good job of showing what advances in gaming engine technologies are capable of. You may have seen automobile ads made

with Unreal Engine and the CGI of a lot of Hollywood movies use their technology.


 At 3.05 in the following video there is a good discussion on soft shadow illumination



Cheers & thank you



14 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set these Pete.



Thanks so much Iain




11 hours ago, boetie said:

Great set Pete. A couple reminded me of a Christmas cards.


Graeme :)


Ha, thanks Graham !!

You've just invented a "cottage industry" using MS2020. I love the idea :D




11 hours ago, adambar said:

Outstanding captures Pete! :)

Thanks Adam:)



8 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Enjoyed looking at your shots Pete!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you John. I am really pleased you enjoyed them:)

All the best 



3 hours ago, John Mac said:

Great shots Pete, beautiful colours and an Aer Lingus to boot!



Thanks John


I was thinking of you when I made them and hoping that you might catch it.

I'm very pleased you appreciated it!

All the best Sir:)




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