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first test flight after last weeks CTD.......


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So after suffering from CTD's last week I have been updating / checking system and sim and addons......this flight is my usual test flight from EGGD to EIDW, Aerosoft A320, REX SF, all scenery Orbx including TE and both airports are Partner ones, fps locked at 33 didn't go below 30 the whole flight, VRAM was around 3.3 to 3.7, I have 8 available....here are some shots ......
















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1 hour ago, wain71 said:

thanks for the positive comments, 5.2 is looking really good now with the help of Orbx and friends....

I think (current P3D platform) is a very serious challenger to MSFS as being perceived as the Top of the Heap.  This clearly taught me a lesson...to not count P3D or even XP11, as down on the boxing ring mat, and the 'count' being taken over them.   Not any more!  This 'Boxing Match' ain't over with MSFS's debut, and I have P3D v5.2 HF1 visuals on my hard drive to prove that...:)

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You took great screen grabs that go further to show off just how different and amazing P3D v5.2 HF1 truly is.  I still have no clue as to how L.M. pulled this off as a 'step up version number, and not as a major rewrite of such as putting out P3D 6.x.  So...why could they not have released THIS version as the R.T.M. v5.x?!?!?   I just smile over stuff like that...and I'm sure others do as well, if they even think along those lines...

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