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Golden Coast is pure beauty


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23 minutes ago, BradB said:

Top class shots !! .

Thank you very much, Brad! :) 


1 hour ago, jankees said:

Very nice shots.

You've busy buying new scenery?

Thank you very much! Busy? I would call me luckily “lazy” buying new sceneries. Busy I will be tomorrow back to work :( 


1 hour ago, carlosqr said:

Yeap it is

Great shots


Thank you very much, Carlos! :) 


1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Fantastic shots, Dario.

How long does your computer need to load the scenery?

Thank you very much! :) I didn’t measure, but I would guess something like 1 minute, 1 minute and a half. The scenery is saved at an HDD. 


2 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Just a splendid set of shots Dario.




Thank you so  much, Iain! :) 

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11 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Elegant shots of a beautiful area Dario!


Thank you very much, Jack! :) This area is indeed a beauty. 


11 hours ago, TerribleT said:

Beautiful captures indeed!


Thank you very much! :) 


10 hours ago, adambar said:

Top-notch captures Dario! :)


Thank you very much, Adam! :) 


7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

The Gold Coast has never looked so good Dario, a splendid set.


Thank you so much, @VH-KDK! :) That's very kind of you! 

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