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Wyatt Earp....nothing to do with flight simming.


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I just watched a movie that I never knew existed. The name of the movie is Wyatt Earp (1994). God, how that brought back the memories of some 60+ years ago. Back in the early 1950's I'd spend a couple of weeks each summer at my grandparents house. My cousin lived just a few miles away and we really enjoyed hanging out together.


But then in 1954, while my grandparents were away, their house was struck by lighting and it burned to the ground. And that fire burned memories into mind that I will never forget.

One of my most vivid memories of that house was a photograph hanging on the living room wall. It was a photo of my grandfather standing next to an elderly fellow. It was taken on a street corner in San Bernardino, California in 1923. The elderly fellow's name was Wyatt Earp. Unfortunately the fire destroyed this invaluable heirloom.


Buried in the ruins of my grandparents house was a .45 caliber Colt Model 1873 Single-Action Army revolver which my grandfather said he bought from Wyatt Earp in 1924. He told us that whoever found the gun could have it. My cousin and I searched through the ashes for two days and my cousin finally found the gun. The pistol has been fully restored and while there is no way to prove the provenance, all I can say is that my grandfather was a totally honest man and I have no doubt that, indeed, he knew Wyatt Earp and the pistol was once belonged to him.

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Your story is so fascinating and a great read. It makes me think of the TV shows, where people take some family heirloom into a pawn shop but are unable to prove it's authenticity but you know it is genuine!

60 years ago the Wild West was all the rage and we had many gunfight in the school playground re-enacting some tv show or movie we had seen. 

I saw Robert Redford's series The West, on the History Channel a while ago and at the end of the programme on Wyatt Earp came this story that I had never heard of before. I very much hope that it is true.


One of my all time favourite actors, I still enjoy his movies today.

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Wow this is just  an amazing  story Thank you  for sharing.  It's  really bizarre  how sometime  you meet people  with  some historical connections.

There  is  this little Island in the  North West Corner  of Tasmania  called   Robbins Island , named after Charles Robbins  a Naval Officer &  surveyor sent  by Governor King  to dissuade  the French  to colonize  Van Diemens land ( Now Tasmania or colloquial called Tassie)  Well to make the story short , his great great grand  son of the same name  happens to be  my next door  neighbour                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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On 11/3/2019 at 10:57 PM, adambar said:

The movieTombstone with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer is far better than Wyatt Earp. Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday is classic. :D




Thanks for the tip. I just watched it. And you're right, it's better...................

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