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EGLC at first light. PBR is a wonderful thing!


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Frame rate still crippling with TE, but when you're just walking around it ain't so much of a problem. This is simply gorgeous - a wonderful piece of work. And I'm sure it will be even more impressive after my next CPU upgrade, whenever that'll be (probably at least another generation or two away). Meantime, I can always use XP when I want to actually fly.


Not much else to say about the pix. Just a wonderful place to explore on foot, early in the morning (I can do early in the sim, but not in RL)



Love this sort of thing - excellent!





Jiving broom guy is up early, too



That could take a while









Doing a bit of Tai-Chi



Still at it





I put this 'plane in just to remind you that this isn't actually real!




Getting hard to believe the quality of some of these products - stunning stuff, Orbx.

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15 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Ok, these look great Andy, still very very dark but is it because the sun is going down.  On my iMac's monitor they look like night shots.  But all good!

Cheers Jack. Sun-up rather than down, and I will admit they're darker on my "normal" PC than on my sim pc but hey . .


15 hours ago, Breeze said:

Love the security cam on the wall in that next to last shot.  Beautiful job on the airport and the screenshots.

Cheers Jimmy. It's the little touches like that that really impress with this scenery


12 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Smashing shots indeed 



Thanks Iain, can't really fail with this scenery.


9 hours ago, lifejogger said:

I love these these airport shots!!!!!!!!!!

Hi John, me too! and - thanks


7 hours ago, BradB said:

Top shots Andy !! .

Cheers John. It'll be nice to actually move around this scenery smoothly one day. I have some settings that will let me do that but I prefer to retain the higher quality for exploration, even if it turns back into a slideshow. I just use XP when I want to actually fly here, but the P3D version of EGLC is so good it has to be explored.

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16 hours ago, wain71 said:

just looks amazing.....really impressive work, we are so spoiled by what ORBX are doing nowadays....

Thanks Wain, and yes, this PBR stuff really shines (so to speak)


14 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Andy, what a grand walkabout. Loved every moment of it. Thanks!

Cheers Rodger. I do enjoy going walkabout in both this and XP. There's some amazing stuff down at ground level


8 hours ago, olderndirt said:

Your lighting is very well done - that guy in #7 - keeps showing up at airports around the world. Hope he's on our side.

Cheers OnD, and yes, he does seem omnipresent, doesn't he? I hope he's getting well paid.


2 hours ago, Dario said:

Wow! That's really amazing! 

AIn't it just. And all credit goes to Orbx, it's just not possible (oh ok, maybe just really hard) to take a bad shot with scenery like this

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  • 3 weeks later...

All these details are very very nice......sincerely.

But I don't think it is essential for a flight simulation.

The performance of a system, ounce in the sim, is impacted dramatically.............unless you have a $3000 rig.

I don't think that some of those detailed objects (ex: recycling bin or soda machine) should be in a scenery and other objects should be less detailed (ex: fences).

That would give a chance for the rig to perform well (good FPS and no stutters) well during an approach.

If you want to walk around the airport, that's OK but if you want to fly around the airport it can be painful.

With TEGBS even with my system It's impossible for me to fly over EGLL or EGLC without stutters or loss of FPS.

I did all the tweaks recomended by John Venema but I don't have his system.

I really like ORBX sceneries ( I spent over $1200 for them) but those Thrue Earth things are too heavy for our rigs.

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22 hours ago, John Venema said:

The new version of TE GB South for P3D is being worked on now and FPS will be drastically improved.

Good news. It would be great if the team could keep an eye on the partially green roads. Thanks.


Kind regards, Michael

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