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Has Orbx ever let you down?

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I put in a ticket for a refund on my TrueEarth UK purchases last saturday because they do not provide a 10m mesh, as advertised.


Haven't heard a peep out of the chaps. Bit funny that. Are we dealing with cowboys or should I continue using Orbx products.


No technical support for the products they make and they choose not to respond to customer concerns.


This place is starting to stink to me.



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That's a very broad statement.. I would think twice before posting something like that..

This site has been operating since the 1990's and has many thousands of happy and contented clients.. Has it occurred to you that the fault probably lies with your own inability? Terry.

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9 hours ago, OldHobber said:

I put in a ticket for a refund on my TrueEarth UK purchases last saturday because they do not provide a 10m mesh, as advertised.




I'm not quite sure what you're saying about the 10m mesh not being provided.


The mesh in the TEGB series varies from LOD10 to LOD13 as I understand it.  In areas where LOD13 is not needed, LOD10-12 is used to save on disk space.  There's absolutely nothing to be gained by having LOD13 mesh across a lot of England, the ground is basically flat as far as the eye can see in many directions, and a higher resolution mesh than LOD10 would not make any difference to the appearance of the scenery.


Where there is interesting topography, in the Lake District for instance, the higher res mesh is used because it does make a difference.  The product page actually says that the 10m mesh "brings out stunning detail in natural features such as hills and beaches", but does not say anywhere that 10m mesh is provided across the entire scenery.  And as I've said, there's a good reason for that.

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Hi OldHobber


Allow me some suggestions if you don't mid


It is clear than when something we wanted appears not to be what we expected we experiment frustration and react in an aggressive way or sarcastic way or both. If one even puts a ticket for a refund and receives no reply it increases the tension and ends in a comment like yours. It's understandable as it is human nature and I'm sure moderators are very familiar to this and might have seen this through the years, though it is not the correct way. I speak based on experience. I behaved that way too in the forum at the very start, why? because when one is new in the forum unconsciously thinks that will not get a reply, that we are in front of a company that only cares for selling and will not take serious one's post. Negative attitude based on fear, we've seen all type of things in the internet that one gets prejudices. So don't fear you'll get a solution.


Now, the lack of response could be due to several reasons

1.- You put wrongly the ticket

2.- The request doesn't apply (for many reasons such as time you had the product, if your reason is wrong etc)

3.- They could be busy


The title of this post won't help to get a refund as it is not related at all. If you have a problem with it you might like to contact the moderators here for assistance to see what happened or what the delay is but the topic must refer to your problem (ticket and refund, however you want to title it but referring to your issue and they will point you to the right direction)


On the technical support I must tell you that you are totally wrong as I could say this is the main goal of the forum, assistance with issues in the products, among other stuff. I see you are new but in time you'll be able to confirm this. The forum offers good technical support and not only by moderators but also by many members that have a good knowledge or by some that try to assist in their limited knowledge. So trust and visit more the forum to get used to it, learn and get confidence in it.


One important aspect to consider is that in this forum you'll find thousands of people from all over the world and some of them feel this forum like a family, this said, they'll react like a lioness protecting its cubs when they see comments like yours, you'll be tear down to pieces.


The site doesn't stink it is just your frustration for lack of response, but be patience.


So relax, cold your mind, take a deep breath and let's do it again. I hope you don't mind me saying so but I have the impression you're mad for the delay, maybe you think you lost your money.


I'm doing this @NickCooper

Hoping that Nick can provides more guidance to you on the refund


Good luck buddy






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I put in a ticket for a refund on my TrueEarth UK purchases last saturday because they do not provide a 10m mesh, as advertised.


A support ticket is indeed the only way to apply for a refund.

It might be a good idea to read the product descriptions again, they do not advertise what you allege.



Haven't heard a peep out of the chaps. Bit funny that. Are we dealing with cowboys or should I continue using Orbx products.


The way to chase a perceived lack of action is a further support ticket.



No technical support for the products they make and they choose not to respond to customer concerns.


Your other topic of the two that you have posted is awaiting an answer from you.





This place is starting to stink to me.


is no doubt an unfortunate expression of frustration.

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I am not one who enters social media discussions, and certainly not arguments, but I do want to note gently that ORBX has never failed to answer my questions and solve my problems. It's one of the best customer-service companies out there, in my experience. Plus, I like that the Forums stress civility and courtesy--that's a rare treat in today's internet world.

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Just to add my tuppence worth.  Rodger is right, Orbx is just about the best company to deal with if you have a problem.  All you have to do is get on to the right section and voice your problem and it'll be quickly answered.

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I agree with all comments on frustration.


My ticket is now nearly a week old and it has not been responded to, nor have any of my follow ups.


The fact is, Orbx do not provide technical support, for their own good reasons, and it appears they do not respond to reasonable ticket requests.


If you chaps do not think that should be highlighted to customers, then you are not being fair to those who may be faced with problems that Orbx is unable to deal with.


Your problems have been addressed and dealt with, presumably because they were easy to deal with.


That they have advertised a 10m mesh where there patently is no 10m mesh, and because they are unable to reasonably explain why, should be a matter of concern to any person who buys their products or who may consider buying their products in future.


If there is a simple answer, then ask yourself why they are not giving it?


This is not a good situation, and it is not helpful or constructive that people who are not affected by it try to defend it, or do not wish to be confronted with it.


The worst part of this whole thing is the complete absence of support or even acknowledgement. I do not believe any of you would accept that as reasonable.


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I wonder what your definition of technical support is?

You have received answers to all of your questions,  in this topic.

Better still, from fellow customers who have benefited from the support

that we try to offer to everyone with a question or problem.


You will receive a reply to your support ticket, as stated.

Support tickets are, as stated, for account problems and not product support.

Product support is provided in these forums.

I apologise for the delay which is out of our control.


I have addressed your other points in post 6.




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18 minutes ago, OldHobber said:

That they have advertised a 10m mesh where there patently is no 10m mesh, and because they are unable to reasonably explain why, should be a matter of concern to any person who buys their products or who may consider buying their products in future.


If you're referring to the X-Plane version, it was generated using an accurate 10M mesh which we had to license for quite a significant cost, so I can assure you it's being used


The mesh is optimised so that over flatter areas the triangle density is reduced with the highest concentration being around the coastline and mountains/hill areas. There is a fundamental limitation in X-Plane (in comparison to P3D) in that it does not increase/decrease the mesh density as you fly and what you get is what you see. If we didn't optimise the mesh in this way, then nobody would be able to use the scenery at all (and believe me I tried). 


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12 hours ago, tonywob said:


If you're referring to the X-Plane version, it was generated using an accurate 10M mesh which we had to license for quite a significant cost, so I can assure you it's being used


The mesh is optimised so that over flatter areas the triangle density is reduced with the highest concentration being around the coastline and mountains/hill areas. There is a fundamental limitation in X-Plane (in comparison to P3D) in that it does not increase/decrease the mesh density as you fly and what you get is what you see. If we didn't optimise the mesh in this way, then nobody would be able to use the scenery at all (and believe me I tried). 


Thank you for your response Tony. I am afraid that had I known this and the state it would leave inland rendering in I would never have purchased the product in the first place and would have waited for a later generation. It is a shame it has taken two weeks and this thread to find this out.


The Orbx promise "Sharp and detailed 10-meter mesh brings out stunning detail in natural features such as hills and beaches." This does not reflect what you say above.  I am afraid this is not a technical issue. It is a sales issue and that is why I opened my ticket. 


As I have stated elsewhere. I purchased XPlane on the strength of Orbx supporting it with TE products, and purchased full TE UK coverage before I had even installed the simulator. That is how highly I rated your products. The 10m mesh was an essential part of that purchase and is right up there in the product description. At inland points there is no evidence of anything other than the default mesh. 


I have now received a response to my ticket. Not offering my money back but informing me that Orbx do not mislead their customers. No explanation for the delay. 


I may have been forthright in this, but I have remained civil, and I believe it is clear my issue is not with the product, other than that it is not as advertised, but with the lack of support.

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