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TrueEarth Netherlands

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Is there a problem with this scenery download?

FTX Central is Currently Scanning this for the second time today (takes hours) and then I got an error attached.

Also uninstalled Global Base now cannot download and reinstall because  (presumably ) of the above?

Unloaded Global ready for reinstall because of Migration  report, attached.



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Problem is everytime I start FTX Central it starts scanning TrueEarth Netherlands again?

Does not seem any way to stop this.

The error at the end of scanning prevents Central from continuing to download and install Global Base even though it is in the downloads list?


All I wanted to do was update Netherlands and replace missing texture files in Global, to enable TrueEarth Sthern England to work correctly.

I am allowing the scan to continue again hoping it will finish and then do Global base?

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I have same problem with this Netherlands update.


All proceeded normally, with scanning process passing the target number of files, but stalling at 99%. Now, every time a start FTX central, the scanning process restarts. I had no problems with Central before starting the Netherlands update. FTX central is still working perfectly for P3Dv3 and X-Plane.


I am re-running the update. If it fails, is it worth trying a reinstall of Netherlands?

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Yea same here although got a bit further last time about a third done then locked again. Plus Doug when you say reinstall Global Base I take it that it has to be uninstalled first and the best way to do that. Derek.

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Same problem.


Following the message in FTX that there was an update available for "TrueEarth Netherlands HD", I selected "Update" the package. FTX (version starts "Scanning". The first 98% appears okay, but then scanning slows down rapidly. After reaching 99%, it further slows down to a stop. It does not reach 100%. P3D had not been started yet, and was not running.


After a reboot and restart of FTX, the program auto-starts the scanning process of "TrueEarth Netherlands HD" from 0%, with the same result as previously.


The orbx packages have not been affected in P3D. They appear still active after starting P3D.


How to cancel the auto-start of the scanning process in FTX? Otherwise FTX is no longer usable.


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27 minutes ago, rhb027 said:

How to cancel the auto-start of the scanning process in FTX? Otherwise FTX is no longer usable.


You can delete the Users\name\AppData\Local\Orbx\Metadata contents, and this should allow you to start clean again. Or try the part 2 of the below topic.



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I'm having the same problem with the scan stopping at what appears to me about 99%.  Not sure the problem is with FTXC since a number of people have the problem and for others the installation seems to go smoothly.   Does the scan come before the download of the files?  I can't seem to find a Temp file for it.  Would uninstalling all of TENetherlands and starting over with the original work?

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Took 12 hours and has now finished scanning TEN and installed both TEN and Global Base.

Yet to test however all looks to be okay with ORBX sceneries back in place.

Migration 100%

Thanks for help all.

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I have one question WHY? I understand it's a lot of files to scan then download but it should not take hours and hours to do so, I feel that simply saying do this do that is not an adequate answer to what seems to be becoming a common problem with the newer products and updates to some of the newer more complex things ORBX are pushing out.

I'll probably get shot down in flames for saying this but does anyone who is producing these works of art for us really test on basic machines which are at the lower end of the tech pile because although for me I have a slower machine and a crap connection until the last batch of newer larger products I have NEVER EVER had to disable or reinstall or simply mess around with your products to get them to work, and they all worked out of the box as advertise.

So my thoughts on this are simple, until the new tech you are using is 100% tested and works without taking hours to load or require us to fiddle with our systems to get one product to work then slow down production make us wait until such time it does, because I'm starting to reconsider how many new products I'l get from you if I have to mess around with a stable install to make them work.

This is just my thoughts but I'm sure other may be thinking the same but daren't or won't say anything, but as a loyal supporter I feel obliged to voice a customers opinion.

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7 minutes ago, Ticker7 said:

I have one question WHY? I understand it's a lot of files to scan then download but it should not take hours and hours to do so, I feel that simply saying do this do that is not an adequate answer to what seems to be becoming a common problem with the newer products and updates to some of the newer more complex things ORBX are pushing out.

I'll probably get shot down in flames for saying this but does anyone who is producing these works of art for us really test on basic machines which are at the lower end of the tech pile because although for me I have a slower machine and a crap connection until the last batch of newer larger products I have NEVER EVER had to disable or reinstall or simply mess around with your products to get them to work, and they all worked out of the box as advertise.

So my thoughts on this are simple, until the new tech you are using is 100% tested and works without taking hours to load or require us to fiddle with our systems to get one product to work then slow down production make us wait until such time it does, because I'm starting to reconsider how many new products I'l get from you if I have to mess around with a stable install to make them work.

This is just my thoughts but I'm sure other may be thinking the same but daren't or won't say anything, but as a loyal supporter I feel obliged to voice a customers opinion.


True to a certain extent but most problems that users are experiencing are being traced to permissions problems inside Windows, or anti virus or similar software clogging up the process, or some other issue with the users machines, the use of HDDs rather than SSDs for new generation scenery, or in some cases just plain old inadequate processors for the latest software.  My computer that is now mid range but I run Windows 7 with no antivirus active, flightsim software on SSDs and I estimate it took less than 10 minutes to scan, download and install the Netherlands update.  That is my experience as a beta tester for this software and that's why I gave it my green light for release.


I can't tell you why other computers have excess scanning or installation problems but in my experience they relate to something not right in the computers rather than the ORBX software.



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30 minutes ago, John Dow said:


True to a certain extent but most problems that users are experiencing are being traced to permissions problems inside Windows, or anti virus or similar software clogging up the process, or some other issue with the users machines, the use of HDDs rather than SSDs for new generation scenery, or in some cases just plain old inadequate processors for the latest software.  My computer that is now mid range but I run Windows 7 with no antivirus active, flightsim software on SSDs and I estimate it took less than 10 minutes to scan, download and install the Netherlands update.  That is my experience as a beta tester for this software and that's why I gave it my green light for release.


I can't tell you why other computers have excess scanning or installation problems but in my experience they relate to something not right in the computers rather than the ORBX software.



 Thanks for that John, but all things not being equal even using normal spinning discs it shouldn't take hours like so far 4 1/2 om my system to scan the files, I can actually do a full system scan of all my 6 hd's in less time than that so sorry but that doesn't wash. I am running by today's standards now a low to mid range system and all I can say is it works fine, but the software that is coming out from ORBX has changed so much it's not just my machine that it's having problems on and I feel it needs to be addressed before they forge ahead to far and ultimately loose customers because of it. I as I said have every product they have put out but it's only the last few big shiny ones like Orlando, TE GB that have brought it and others machines to their knees, it's not just the hd's and processors it's the new coding that's asking more than it should of a system to get it to scan, load and run without having to adjust things.

BTW I run my av software all the time and it has Never ever caused me one second of grief with my sim so I can rule that out on my system as it's set up correctly not too. I personally think it's not solely a hardware problem for some users but a software one in the new tech that's being used by ORBX.

The pic below is where it's sat for the last 4 or so hours.

scanning 1.JPG

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Well my comp is a modern one admitted I have P3Dv4-4 on a normal hard drive but have had not much trouble before, but now I am with like the others slow installing then does absolutely nothing. Derek

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My second run of the update installer took a similar path to the first, in that the scan proceeded quite quickly until getting to the last few hundred files. Then, it didn't stall, but slowed alarmingly to processing, on average, only one file every 2 minutes.


After 6 hours, I had 180 files to go. At 2 minutes per file, it looked like another 6 hours. I was less patient than tesza, and pulled the plug. Glad you were successful, tesza, after letting it run for 12 hours.


In my case, the only system resource under stress was the HDD holding P3Dv4 and Orbx which, in the latter stages, was 100% loaded most of the time. It's only 50% full and not particularly fragmented. CPU was running at less than 5%, system memory 50% or less, GPU usage was minimal. Two runs of 30 minutes, one with and one without windows security active, showed no difference in file processing rate. Plus, I have had a good experience with rapid installing all True Earth products, P3D and X-plane.


I have since used Matthew Webb's great script to restore functionality to FTX Central and will hold off on this update for the moment.


As my original install for TE-Netherlands was around 2 hours, could I ask if the current update process is optimum for TE products installed on HDDs. It looks as though scanning alone would have taken 6 times my original install time. This is in line with tesza's completed update time. Does the update process require more of HDDs than is compatible with a timely completion? Would this be the case for even a small update to TE Netherlands? If so, updating the larger TE-GB products might be an even bigger challenge.


Assumptions, I know, and apologies for that. I can see that those with SDD's would have fared better. Since P3Dv4 and X-Plane HDD installations meet my needs for simulation, I hope SDDs don't become a requirement for updates. 


I'm a big fan of FTX Central, but would welcome some reassurance that future TE updating will not be problematic.


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I have problems updating Netherlands also..

It hangs with scanning the last 1000 files and after 12 hour process I have tried to cancel the process and try to haver the issues to be fixed.. 


So I X clicked FTX Central... and when i select FTX Central the scanning resumes and I cant stop the process.. So now everything seems stuck. 

I has taken 10 min to go from 1029 to 1033/ 3218 files....

It's way too slow..





Jens Michlas

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Again, You can stop the process if delete the Users\name\AppData\Local\Orbx\Metadata contents, and this should allow you to start clean again. Or try the part 2 of the below topic. I would also clear out the temp folder. 



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1 hour ago, Julean said:

Now its been like that for a couple of hours.. And  I can't' stop the process either...




Jens Michlas






Why is your bar green?

It should be blue, are you updated?

I started the scan and it has taken just an hour and it is about to finish. I would have to wait and see the behavior when it finishes though but it has done it very fast






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Resetting FTX worked; I reinstalled Global Base and ran the "Force Migration".


On 3/2/2019 at 7:19 PM, Doug Sawatzky said:


You can delete the Users\name\AppData\Local\Orbx\Metadata contents, and this should allow you to start clean again. Or try the part 2 of the below topic.



On 3/2/2019 at 6:29 AM, Doug Sawatzky said:

Then reinstall Global Base and run the "Force Migration" option from FTXC3.

Then resume what ever it was you were doing with TE Netherlands.


I just cancelled the "TrueEarth Netherlands" update. Scanning file 31884 took 24 minutes. Scanning the remaining 295 files would take 24 minutes * 295 files = 118 hours or almost 5 days, plus the time for the actual download of the update and installation after the scanning.




I use a modern high performance computer with only P3D with excellent performance and lots of available space. I guess a bug in FTX is causing the problem.


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Mine has already finished the scan

It is at downloading/installing stage

BUT I realized that my internet connection was mysteriously disconnected at some point when it was about to finish (I was doing other things and didn't notice that. Re connected and it continued)   check yours



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Happy to hear you are getting there. I had no problem with the internet connection, but thanks anyway. Perhaps an uninstall and a new install of the later version will work. I will wait for instructions from the orbx team.


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I'm curious as to why after 14 hours it still hasn't finished scanning? why not just download the new files and overwrite the old one rather than scan them.

I have done what has been suggested here but it's still the same problem it's stuck at 99% come on guys this isn't good enough and not what I've come to expect from ORBX over the years I've bought everything because it's good and worked until now so what have you changed because I don't think I'm the only one who's having troubles with the new stuff you're making.

I'll ask again do YOU think 14+ hours is fair to do a task I don't !!


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Hi Ticker7,


I understand your frustration. 


Version v3.3.5.0 of FTX Central was just released. It should solve your issue.


25 minutes ago, Ticker7 said:

why not just download the new files and overwrite the old one rather than scan them.

How do we know which files need to be downloded/updated if we don't scan them?

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3 minutes ago, Ben McClintock said:

Hi Ticker7,


I understand your frustration. 


Version v3.3.5.0 of FTX Central was just released. It should solve your issue.


How do we know which files need to be downloded/updated if we don't scan them?

I could be wrong here but if the dev has changed or added newer versions of a file/s then surely those are the ones to put into a download or update file which would or should over write the previous versions, I'm no programmer but that would seem logical to me and besides I don't think most of us average joes can change files in scenery without stuffing things up so we leave it your capable hands to do that for us that is update not stuff up lol ;-)

I'll get the new version from the site and see how it goes thanks for putting up with my waffle mate :)

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1 minute ago, Ticker7 said:

I could be wrong here but if the dev has changed or added newer versions of a file/s then surely those are the ones to put into a download or update file which would or should over write the previous versions, I'm no programmer but that would seem logical to me and besides I don't think most of us average joes can change files in scenery without stuffing things up so we leave it your capable hands to do that for us that is update not stuff up lol ;-)

I'll get the new version from the site and see how it goes thanks for putting up with my waffle mate :)

That would make a whole lot of things easier for us - but the advantage of doing it this way, is that if you accidentally delete some files (or another program, malicious or not, edits them), FTX Central can return them to the desired state.


We also need to account for users who may install an old DVD of Australia, then use FTX Central to update to the latest version. We don't know what state the files are on the old DVD (at least, not anymore ;) ).


Finally, another advantage of doing it this way, is that you only need to download the files that have changed (along with a few other files). Whereas say if you had v1.0 of a product, then v1.1 and v1.2 have been released, we would have to download and install both updates. If v1.1 and v1.2 both change a 2 GB file, then there's 2 GB of unnecessary files downloaded in the v1.0->v1.1 update.


The disadvantage that you've rightly discovered, is that we have to scan the current state to see what needs to be updated. We have put a lot of thought into this, and have made it much faster (almost instant in most cases) with Central 4.

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Hi Doug Sawatzky


Thank you very much for your instructions which I did follow, and together with the FTX Central update today, Neatherlands HD was updated quickly.


Thanks for your help all simmers.. 


Best Regards



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Hi Ben,


Much appreciate your responses. I did give the update a third try last evening and overnight, before the updated FTX Central, and it did complete successfully in a little over ten and a half hours. Good to see from Jens's post above that the new version has greatly improved things.


I suspect all users will look forward to Central 4.



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Hi Doug. That file you said to delete, is that the whole line or just the end bit, plus you said about reinstalling Global , I take it it you have to uninstall it first. Sorry not good at comps. Derek.

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Not sure if the update to FTXC helped or not, but after installing it and again deleting the file Doug recommended and reinstalling Base, it took about two hours to install the TEN update.  The Orlando Cityscene update took less than 20 minutes.

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5 hours ago, Dadtom65 said:

Hi Doug. That file you said to delete, is that the whole line or just the end bit, plus you said about reinstalling Global , I take it it you have to uninstall it first. Sorry not good at comps. Derek.


Hi Derek


Just delete the contents of the Metadata folder, and reinstalling Global has nothing to do with the main subject of this topic, that was mentioned because the OP had a "missing migration.txt attached to his initial post.

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On 3/4/2019 at 3:22 AM, Ben McClintock said:

Version v3.3.5.0 of FTX Central was just released. It should solve your issue.


Thank you for the bug-fix. The update now went very smooth and fast on my computer. I like the addition of all the greenhouses in the "glass city" Westland (south of The Hague). Good job.

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Thank you Ben whatever was changed in central seems to have sorted it out, I had to leave my system on over night but it was all done this morning ;-)

No Idea what it was but it was VERY Frustrating to myself and others so THANK YOU again for your patience and help.

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