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A few of the airports  seen on a flight I did  yesterday from Southend to Bournemouth.



After flying over the Thames and then across Kent I hit the coast at Brighton and very soon saw EGKA Shoreham which I hope to add to my XP collection very soon.

It is the second oldest airport in England and one of the oldest commercial airports in the world. 



Further west is the now disused Ford Airport. Once a front line RAF station in the Battle of Britain and later a Fleet Air Arm Station it is now home of Ford Prison.



Just before Chichester is EGHR Goodwood which will very soon be released for XP. Built for WW2 it was originally known as RAF Westhampnett and was another Battle of Britain airfield. Now a popular GA centre as well as being home between 1948 to 1966 of the motor racing circuit.



Another defunct location is Thorney Island which was active between 1938 to 1976. Beauforts, Beaufighters, Liberators and Typhoons were amongst the types that operated from here during WW2.

Many types of transport planes were based here post war until its closure.



Saunders Roe manufactured Sea Planes at East Cowes including the massive Princess in the early 50s. The factory and slipway can be seen ahead of the stbd wing.



Lee on Solent was one of the main bases of the Fleet Air Arm. First opened as a seaplane base in 1917 it remained active as a military establishment until 1996. It is currently used as a civil airfield as EGHF.



Holmsley South, 5 miles from Christchurch was opened in 1942 and used by both the RAF and USAF. Marauders and Invaders were flown from here. It closed in 1946.

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On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 6:50 PM, paulb said:

Tremendous set Martyn! Great narrative. Being able to explore these bases is so enjoyable :).

Thanks Paul.

The beauty of photoreal with many of the old bases clearly visible despite being closed for many years.:)

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On ‎11‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 6:51 AM, Stillwater said:

The level of detail in your shots is shocking, Martyn. I could not even enjoy your explanations as much as they deserve.

Cheers Gerold, there has never been a better time for flying the planes from the outside.:)

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On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 12:35 AM, European Mountain Man said:

Fantastic set of shots Martyn will be back soon regards EMM

Thank you Stewart, we shall look forwards to having you back on here again, you have been greatly missed.:)

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