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The future for an old simmer


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This is NOT a complaint, it is simply that the development of the Sims seem to be getting away from me and I would like a clarification on future simming for us old folk that do not wish to upgrade.

I am seeing masses of development of the latest sims, and I wonder if we that do not wish to change our sims will cease to see scenery  development that  we can use in Prepar3d v3.4 and the like? or if in fact the only way we will see further addons will be by upgrading? I hope that you will see this not as some sort of complaint, I would simply like a clarification of the facts for the future..Terry.

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Well I got to admit Speedy, it's my choice to stop at V3.4.. at a pinch I can and would upgrade to the latest Prepar3d. I am happy with my sim as it is, and the upgrade takes days as I am on the old fashioned "wire" internet.. but if this is what it will take, I will eventually do it I suppose. Terry.


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12 minutes ago, teecee said:

This is NOT a complaint, it is simply that the development of the Sims seem to be getting away from me and I would like a clarification on future simming for us old folk that do not wish to upgrade.

I am seeing masses of development of the latest sims, and I wonder if we that do not wish to change our sims will cease to see scenery  development that  we can use in Prepar3d v3.4 and the like? or if in fact the only way we will see further addons will be by upgrading? I hope that you will see this not as some sort of complaint, I would simply like a clarification of the facts for the future..Terry.


Somewhat philosophical really.  I don`t see this as a complaint but rather a discussion item....where are we going from here and what will happen to my old stuff kind of thing.

Technology is changing rapidly, so its easy to see why not take advantage of the new stuff available. And economically for developers its all about making money from this `hobby`or ``simulation training`and it becomes obvious that these developers would not continue to support older systems, old technology. I think we have all seen a lot of redundancy these days...its become a disposable society...heck I still have a massive large screen projection TV which is going to the recycle bins very soon. My RV had spaces for the old CRT TVs, and I had to retrofit create false walls for installed the `new`flat screen TVs....things change quickly so I can see at some point our sims will again as well.


My previous computer PC was six years old when a year and half ago I bought a new system specifically so that I could use it for flight simming....$2700 all in. That is expensive my man. But its already not state of the art. So I just upgraded the RAM to 32Gigs because one needs this to really do ortho in XP...and on and on it goes. One must be willing to keep spending money to keep up.


I still have FSX on a drive, I still have P3DV2,3 on a drive.... but am totally using only P3DV4 and XP11....and many of the old stuff doesn`t port forward, so its lost investment.


Yup so upgrading will provide one with the latest and compatible stuff.


Its sort of too bad though that the sims, and upgrading them and addons require a good level of computer experience, knowing the inner workings of the sims to get the most out of them, its not for the feint hearted.


My day who died last year, ex RAF, RCAF he simmed, but would go and visit him 3,500 km away and spend his money and my time to assist him on building a good working sim because he just didn`t have the computer skills to do this himself...it was too confusing.


Anyway, those are my thoughts.

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I am "of an age" too but I find RL recreational flying and simming helps a lot to keep me physically and mentally fit.  So I like all the new and wonderful things, and I like the very considerable challenge to keep up with them.  I guess the old engineer in me is still there because I think modern science, engineering, computing etc is marvellous.  But it is all a bit tough on the budget!  Cheers.

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Only tough on the budget if you buy all at once..I have been purchasing Orbx from basically day one of their  operation,, and spread over that period it really did not hurt much..only the repetition of "sweetie, can  buy ****?" Terry.

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Well Terry if one is happy with FSX/P3Dv3 then why not just stay with it?


I think that all developers are starting to show signs of dropping FSX etc. This is particularly true for airplanes but less so for scenery. But then, if you already have what you need to enjoy simming, why worry?


I bought P3Dv4 15 months ago. I have still retained FSX Accel on a different drive. Initially I used them both 50:50. But in recent months I find that I never use FSX.


Moving over has not been costly. Orbx and a number of other developers generously allow one 'free' P3Dv4 downloads if one has already purchased the FSX/P3D v3 version.


Some of the other sims (X-Plane etc) look great. But I no longer (66 now) have the enthusiasm to learn a new sim.





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I am a retired pilot , and have used fsim for over 35 years, with the recent upheaval caused by the arrival of LM and Laminar initially , I was forced to make a decision as to which one to follow, the advatages of the LM product was that all my photoscenery (i have the whole of Europe, the Caribean and southern US ) would work in it however most of the aircraft would have to be rebought and they do not come cheaply. Plus even the latest version of P3D does not prortray photoscenery a well as fsx due to its low default LOD setting. On the other hand The latest version of XP wasnt hampered by using masses of 20 year old code , and the flight dynamics were more realistic, it also had a depth of field that one simply never had in the earlier sims. It also required  me to purchse some a/c but contrary to P3D there is masses of great free scenery and a/c available much as it was way back in the days of fs9. And it was this huge community that won me over. Initially i kept going back to fsx (because it worked very well) but after a bout half a dozen revisits I never went back again ,XP11 had won me over completely. Month on month more and more devs are making stuff for XP and the recent release of Trueearth UK south for XP shows other devs the way forward it is simply stunning , and I am a diehard skeptic . At simhaven we have a group of aged simmers who love to make scenery some have now gotten stuck into making stuff for Aerofly FS2 which also shows great potential  but it is a year or two behind LM and Laminar and is suffering a bit, as XP did, with the lack of developers making stuff for it , but that will change over time, we are very lucky to have the choice that we now have after so many years of only having FSX, as good as it was.

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There is no need to choose one sim over the other. If you’re happy with FSX/P3D then you are assured of many years of continued product releases from Orbx.


We have a whole raft of releases coming over the next few months for both FSX and P3D including airports, openLC, AustraliaV2, TrueEarth, BuildingsHD and much more. We have projects for P3D that have not yet been announced as well.


But at the same time we also are investing in new platforms to introduce Orbx to a new new group of customers. It’s just part of our business strategy.

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I think this discussion goes beyond software because really to run the latest software we often need newer hardware.

You have the choice not to upgrade your sim and/or PC but you lose all the benefits of the latest developments and obviously software is is released with the latest version of a sim in mind (even if just for compatibility) and may not work with older versions of a sim.


Compared to some hobbies flight sims and PC's are not that expensive but the spending is often a lump sum rather than spread out such as hardware upgrade.

The only way to mitigate that is to treat it as a £XX P/W  on a weekly hobby you could afford such as golf or whatever and set that money aside and upgrade your PC piece by piece.

I think a decent broadband connection is pretty crucial these days given almost all software is downloaded.

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Hello guys, I had no fun for almost a year with P3D V4 because my old but faithful CPU (2600K) didn't cope with it no more... so I use AF2, but AF2 for now as it's limit and I was kind of sad to not be able to use the zillion addon that I have paid for. So that is like 2 full fresh re-install in less then 6 month because I gave a second chance to my old 2600.


Now with a new I5 8600K it's a all new game, I have never but never saw 50 FPS with V4.3, now I do and stutters are gone. And I am not even pushing the 8600K


So yesterday a spent the whole day tracing back my past purchase (non ORBX) over quite a few vendor. That is a lot of money.


Most Aerosoft that I bought where not converted to V4 so I won't double buy them again, thanks to ORBX for doing so. I think that ORBX made a great decision of converting their stuff for FREE. It's also so easy with FTX central to do so.

As an example I have bought the older Aerosoft A320 series but can't use them, I would have to buy the professional one.. nop!

At least the Q400 was discounted for V4. Chapeau to Just Flight and Carenado for giving us FREE V4 version.

Just saying that it's a lot of time invested tracing stuff, installing.... But sadly for me, FSX is done. Not because it didn't look good, I even think that it look better sometime then P3D, but it's a 32 bit software... it as reach is venerable limit.


So, for fast fun flying it's AF2 and for a bit deeper serious stuff it's P3D V4

I made a small video comparison in Palm Spring, P3D V4.3 VS AF2... but I won't publish it :ph34r: The performance, the smoothness and the color are way Superior in AF2 


Cheers, Ben

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5 hours ago, chumley said:

When my computer ceases to cope I will stop.

Well I'm at that point now since almost a year now.  The last few years prior I enjoy the creative side of me in working with Photoshop and Audacity for aircraft projects. My radial avatar was done in Photoshop.


Maybe if P3Dv5 has something that will grab my interest, then I might build a new replacement computer with the latest goodies. Otherwise I have a classic muscle car I can restore in the meantime. Oh and still enjoy checking out the forums at times!

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On 10/27/2018 at 11:26 PM, chumley said:

When my computer ceases to cope I will stop.

I will follow my other passions - mountain biking, road cycling and photography.

Not sinking any more money into hardware for something I barely have time to do.


I was feeling like that, but where I live, it's the most boring time of the year,  we have an ugly fall, raining all the time, colder then normal so there is not much to do outside... 
And that can last for 2-3 months.. So all summer I gather some money to upgrade my CPU-mobo-ram.. No way I had fun in P3D V4 with my old setup.


Now I can enjoy P3D V4.3 with plane like the Aerosoft CRJ in Gold Coast airport and city scene




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FSX came out years ago and was light years ahead of the hardware......hardware has evolved to where I consider them about even.

The hardware is now available to see FSX at the level it was intended to be seen.

To me it is a pretty simple equation.

You either get the better hardware or not....your choice.

As fltsim software continues to evolve, so eventually will hardware.

It's hobby merchandise, you either keep up or your enjoyment will wane with the development of new hardware/software.

As long as it sells well, it will not stand still.

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