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Narvik to Evenes

Jack Sawyer

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So I made a nice flight from beautiful Narvik to a nice airport called Evenes.


Do my skies look too pale blue?  I use PTA and ASCA.  No REX sky colors.  I was wondering if I should change the ASCA setting for a little darker blue skies.








The obligatory selfie shot.


















































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Fantastic images Jack and yet another close up tour of the scenery.

The sky does look pail to me but that is because I have a bucket on my head.:wacko:

Seriously though the sky here on the horizon is about the same colour as you have but a bit darker the higher up you look.

If you like it then it is fine as what is on your PC is your individual world!:D


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Great shots Jack! :). I agree with Martyn and the guys above. Sky colour very much depends on personal preferences - whatever makes you happy!

When I have changed in the past, I have tested them out in different seasons and cloud settings. That gave me a better idea of whether I was happy or not.

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Narvik is a fantastic scenery, and you show it off so well, Jack!

3 hours ago, paulb said:

Sky colour very much depends on personal preferences - whatever makes you happy!

Basically I would totally agree to that. But I can add two more coins: 

1) Given the high degree of latitude over there, the pale color is not uncommon - even in summer.

2) I had the same feeling on my initial flights in NZL, in summer. I used a darker REX day theme and see more variation now.

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10 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Fantastic images Jack and yet another close up tour of the scenery.

The sky does look pail to me but that is because I have a bucket on my head.:wacko:

Seriously though the sky here on the horizon is about the same colour as you have but a bit darker the higher up you look.

If you like it then it is fine as what is on your PC is your individual world!:D


:lol:  Thanks funny man!  I'm gonna change it today, I'll try a different set of REX sky colors as thats all I use, besides PTA but I don't want to mess with that yet.

10 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Peachy keen shots for sure Jack! I like how the sky colors blend with the fair weather and puffy clouds. You could change the sky color for worse weather but right now I like it fine!

Thanks Erik.  I'm 'speriment with it today...

8 hours ago, adambar said:

Whatever floats your boat Jack, the skies come in all colors, within reason of coarse. :D

Thanks Adam.

8 hours ago, BradB said:

If it was me , the sky could be a tad of a darker blue ; but everything on the ground looks just perfect . Let me know when you vacate Norway , I was planning a tour soon . :):):rolleyes:;):lol:





I agree John, so hopefully I'll get a chance to do it today, lots of RW nonsense again.

I'll be doing one more airport tour then the skies will be "safe", but ya never know when you'll see an inverted yellow plane coming at ya from yer six! :lol:

4 hours ago, paulb said:

Great shots Jack! :). I agree with Martyn and the guys above. Sky colour very much depends on personal preferences - whatever makes you happy!

When I have changed in the past, I have tested them out in different seasons and cloud settings. That gave me a better idea of whether I was happy or not.

Thanks Paul!  Haven't changed them in a while so I wanna see if I can get a rad darker blue.

4 hours ago, stewart1 said:

super set of shots Jack and the sky could be a bit darker and I enjoyed your trip regards stewart

Thanks Stewart, I agree.

1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Narvik is a fantastic scenery, and you show it off so well, Jack!

Basically I would totally agree to that. But I can add two more coins: 

1) Given the high degree of latitude over there, the pale color is not uncommon - even in summer.

2) I had the same feeling on my initial flights in NZL, in summer. I used a darker REX day theme and see more variation now.

Thanks Gerold.  What REX theme?

1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Very clever to wait until skies are safe.


38 minutes ago, Bluebear said:

Fantastic shots, Jack !!
Your sky colors are perhaps a little to pale,
but from RL experiences not unrealistic.




Thanks Bluebear, I agree, they need to be darker.

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31 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Hi Jack, as I am flying on the southern hemisphere I am currently using

Dusk: 03 - Heat

Day: 05 - Ocean View

Dawn: 04 - July Heat

Thanks Gerold, I just changed it to 5-13-5, I was using 5-6-5.

It looks good now, I'll post some soon.

I'm gonna print out your settings though as I'll probably use them soon.


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7 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Variatio delectat :D!

I looked up what this means but couldn't find a translation.  :(

7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Splendid set of shots these Jack 



Thanks Iain!

4 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Bene dictum!B)

See above.  I only know "pig latin".  :lol:

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