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Moorabbin to Avalon

Jack Sawyer

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Nice one Jack, Moorabbin was my 1st strip for Orbx, really steep learning curve, next time your back there check out all the buildings from memory well over 100 Mel’s just for the airport and Graham’s Au AI pack fills it with all kinds of GA aircraft aand lol flying local routes, I’ve often been in a pretty long que both taking off and in a hold pattern to land, a really good test of procedures.


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Well - you got the weather right Jack.


Maybe you are responsible?

Just watching the morning news. Melbourne, and the State of Victoria, have had up to 120mm of rain in the last 24 hours (4.7 inches in US money). Flooding everywhere.


Were you using a Real Weather program? :)





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6 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

Nice one Jack, Moorabbin was my 1st strip for Orbx, really steep learning curve, next time your back there check out all the buildings from memory well over 100 Mel’s just for the airport and Graham’s Au AI pack fills it with all kinds of GA aircraft aand lol flying local routes, I’ve often been in a pretty long que both taking off and in a hold pattern to land, a really good test of procedures.


Thanks Ken, well, you did a marvelous job on it!  What's a Mel?  And you fly for real too Ken?  That's great, good on ya!

6 hours ago, paulb said:

A great flight Jack! :). It does look a little bit wet there, still the Orbx people seem quite hardy and enjoying the rain! :D

Thanks Paul, they said they didn't mind it, they were singing in the rain! 

5 hours ago, BradB said:

At least it's a warm rain....:angry::o:D Anyway ,  you captured some nice shots from your flight Jack . :):)





Thanks John, we had warm rain here today, still way too hot.

3 hours ago, magic1 said:

Very Nice Jack

Thanks Magic kind sir!

3 hours ago, Aussie123 said:

Well - you got the weather right Jack.


Maybe you are responsible?

Just watching the morning news. Melbourne, and the State of Victoria, have had up to 120mm of rain in the last 24 hours (4.7 inches in US money). Flooding everywhere.


Were you using a Real Weather program? :)





Thanks Aussie!  I read about that, 4.7 inches is a flood here.  Hope no one got hurt in it over there.

Yes, I use AS4 all the time so I reckon it was correct.


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2 hours ago, lifejogger said:

I like your shots Jack, nice views of the countryside.

Thanks John!  It was perfect IFR weather, I loved it.

12 minutes ago, Wakashi said:

Grand shots Jack, have you picked up the accent yet, :D, you have been flying down under for a good while now!

Thanks Roger, good on ya mate!  Yup, tomorrow I start in the UK with my new Orbx airports.  Finished testing all my existing and new sale Oz airports and can report I am very pleased! 

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2 minutes ago, Ken Hall said:

Sorry Jack, that’s should be Mdls models, bloody iPad putting words in my mouth again

Thanks Ken, my iPad and iMac do the same darned thing! :lol:  Today's technology is terrific but it can be annoying.  I need a DWIM key, "Do What I Mean".


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Excellent set Jack and It looks just like the RL weather we are getting at the moment.

60mm of rain on Friday night , 110 total Friday and Saturday.

A few roads are now being closed in my area due to rising water but it is not expected to be too bad here although some other parts of the State may be worse.

On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 6:29 AM, BradB said:

At least it's a warm rain....:angry::o:D Anyway ,  you captured some nice shots from your flight Jack . :):)





It was warm rain on Friday John but I was out in it yesterday afternoon and it was absolutely freezing once the wind turned to the south.:o

The return of winter.:(

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Just now, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set Jack and It looks just like the RL weather we are getting at the moment.

60mm of rain on Friday night , 110 total Friday and Saturday.

A few roads are now being closed in my area due to rising water but it is not expected to be too bad here although some other parts of the State may be worse.

It was warm rain on Friday John but I was out in it yesterday afternoon and it was absolutely freezing once the wind turned to the south.:o

The return of winter.:(

Sorry to hear Martyn and this is SO WEIRD!  We're having the opposite with very very high temps!  Is it Planet X, global warming, or aliens?  I'm astonished, at least you're ok, thank goodness.

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Thanks for that Jack, the weather has always been up and down.

In the 18th century the Thames used to freeze over.

I saw a programme about deep sea coral in Queensland which have evolved from a time when the sea levels were much lower.

Anyway as long as there is money to be made by some..........

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10 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks for that Jack, the weather has always been up and down.

In the 18th century the Thames used to freeze over.

I saw a programme about deep sea coral in Queensland which have evolved from a time when the sea levels were much lower.

Anyway as long as there is money to be made by some..........

I remember reading a book on the Thames, caused by a volcano halfway round the Earth.  People were living on the frozen river!  That's what I need, a super volcano eruption so I can finally get some darned snow!

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20 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I remember reading a book on the Thames, caused by a volcano halfway round the Earth.  People were living on the frozen river!  That's what I need, a super volcano eruption so I can finally get some darned snow!

Well I don't know if Mount Agung is super enough but it might give us some spectacular sun sets if we are lucky!:lol:

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3 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Well I don't know if Mount Agung is super enough but it might give us some spectacular sun sets if we are lucky!:lol:

We have Yellowstone, it's a massive super-volcano but if it erupts too many people would die so I hope it stays calm. 

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