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Taming the Angry Puppy

Jack Sawyer

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So I spent some time last night, a lot of time, trying to wrap my mind around this most odd cockpit.  Don't get me wrong, TFDi did a marvelous job, it's McDonnell Douglas.  In all my real career and also as flying complicated planes in a sim I have never seen anything so odd as this autopilot, FMS/MCDU, and instrument system.  Very counterintuitive compared to Boeings.


So after many many tries I finally got it to make an autoland.  But this plane is a strange duck.  Remember, not TFDi, they had to recreate something M.D. created.


Around KATL.












There's that cool rain effect





Buckets for Martyn






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Excellent set Jack, it is a very pleasant looking plane.:)

It must be interesting for you to see the different systems compared with Boeing and Airbus.

Did you work on Airbuses at all?

Next time you fly to the beach don't forget the spades for me!B)

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1 hour ago, Iain Emms said:

Splendid set of shots Jack.



Thanks Iain!

59 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set Jack, it is a very pleasant looking plane.:)

It must be interesting for you to see the different systems compared with Boeing and Airbus.

Did you work on Airbuses at all?

Next time you fly to the beach don't forget the spades for me!B)

Thanks Martyn, it really is.  When I went to school for MD’s I was astonished at the really weird way they designed it.

Hopfully I will be flying again today, hiking now.

27 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Maybe the angriest puppy is sitting on the other side of the screen? But your shots look quite satisfying!

Thanks Gerold, why do you say that?  I’m not angry in the least, amazed but not angry.  I do like this plane though.

21 minutes ago, BradB said:

This plane just might be on my "bucket" list to buy Jack , can I use CTL-E to start it . :rolleyes:;):unsure::lol:





Yes, ctrl e is one way on this plane John.  It’s really cool to learn new things

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3 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Gerold, why do you say that?  I’m not angry in the least, amazed but not angry.  I do like this plane though.

Don´t worry mate, I was just thinking you would be feeling angry because of the creative work of the McDD engineers :blink:. Nevertheless, for us simmers this is just a challenge, isn´t it?

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3 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Wow what a fantastic set of screen shots Jack and I enjoyed coming along for the ride regards stewart

Thanks Stewart!

33 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Don´t worry mate, I was just thinking you would be feeling angry because of the creative work of the McDD engineers :blink:. Nevertheless, for us simmers this is just a challenge, isn´t it?

Thanks Gerold, you're right, I always used to say (in my opinion) that the engineers who designed systems at MD either would not get hired by Boeing or were fired by Boeing.  Seriously, when I went to school for them I was astonished, I'd tell the MD guys, "Are you kidding me, I was doing this on wooden go-karts when I was ten years old!"  :lol:

The reason they call it the "Angry Puppy" is a little play on words, because it's the MD-88's little cousin, which is called the "Mad Dog" they nicknamed this the Angry Puppy.

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17 minutes ago, Orbxtreme said:

Well done, I have not made an autoland yet!

Thanks!  I just made another one, will post shots later.  I just took off from the default airport and set the ILS in the MCDU and flew it manually till the LOC & GS became active, then turned on autoland and it was all green and it landed perfectly.  I was very pleased with it.  I'd highly recommend this plane to anyone.

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