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Onwards to Brisbane and...a bridge!

Jack Sawyer

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Well, with sliders maxed out, and AS4 on, I made a nice flight from YHBA, Hervey Bay to YBBN, Brisbane.


At the end I got some rain so it was very cool to see the new rain effect implemented, now if all developers would do this it would be nice.


And despite no inverted or yellow, I did see a bridge in Brisbane and well, I couldn't help myself. :D






Taxiing to the end of the runway





V1! Rotate!



Positive rate, gear up!


Just look at how beautiful Australia is in the summer!







Nice view from the "office"





Descent into weather and rain!





Yup, of course!





Like an easy peasy F-15!



Martyn's buckets out





Love this rain effect!







Thanks for coming along




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I've heard of the Bridge Approach into SFO , but I did not know that the Brissy Airport had one too . I guess you learn something everyday around this forum . I bet it was a tad bit noisy in the office with the TCAS blaring , huh Jack . :rolleyes::o;):(:lol:  Anyway ,  another brilliant set of shots from your tour of OZ my friend . :):)





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54 minutes ago, BradB said:

I've heard of the Bridge Approach into SFO , but I did not know that the Brissy Airport had one too . I guess you learn something everyday around this forum . I bet it was a tad bit noisy in the office with the TCAS blaring , huh Jack . :rolleyes::o;):(:lol:  Anyway ,  another brilliant set of shots from your tour of OZ my friend . :):)





Thanks John!  Yes, it was very noisy, "Too low!"  "Pull Up!"  GPWS was going off and I was enjoying myself. :)

54 minutes ago, lifejogger said:

Super shots Jack...... Did the passenger have to pay extra to get fly under the bridge?

Thanks John!  Nope, I paid them! :D

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Buckets of fun in this set Jack.:)

I bet the passengers looked a little pail after flying under the Gateway Bridge.:rolleyes:

I expect you thought they could handle it ok.;)

What magnificent scenery flying out of Hervey Bay.;)

I flew to Bundy from there yesterday, 8/8 at 900ft and raining.:lol:


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1 minute ago, VH-KDK said:

Buckets of fun in this set Jack.:)

I bet the passengers looked a little pail after flying under the Gateway Bridge.:rolleyes:

I expect you thought they could handle it ok.;)

What magnificent scenery flying out of Hervey Bay.;)

I flew to Bundy from there yesterday, 8/8 at 900ft and raining.:lol:


Thanks Mr. Punman!  You had me laughing at this post!  Glad you liked them though.

This is my kind of flying, rainy and cloudy.

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14 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Mr. Punman!  You had me laughing at this post!  Glad you liked them though.

This is my kind of flying, rainy and cloudy.

Yes, me too with the rain Jack. Just as long as there are not too many lumps in the ground.:o

Glad I made you laugh.:D

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Great flight here Jack, from taxiing to the end. It seems the takeoff runway was quite tight for you, but this was obviously not the final challenge for the paxes nerves. At least you did not clean up the cabin from cookies before landing with your usual manouvre.

Good to see the brilliant scenery as well as the blurryness when you were rushing over Brissie a little fast - I also have to cure blurryness in my (barebone) P3D installation now.

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11 hours ago, adambar said:

Great looking captures there Jack, well done! :)

Thanks Adam!

9 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Super set of shots Jack as always I enjoyed your trip nice one under the bridge well done regards stewart

Thanks Stewart, the pax wanted it. :D

8 hours ago, paulb said:

A great flight with some super shots there Jack! That rain effect is cool! :)

But I am sorry my friend, I have reminded you before, you must think about your passengers before flying them under bridges! ;):lol:

Thanks Paul, it looks great while moving too.  My passengers were gonna mutiny if I didn't fly under the bridge! :D

6 hours ago, Torchy821 said:

Nice shots, Jack.  Now go and get your best uniform on for an interview without coffee!!!



Thanks Kev, the only "uniform" I have is hiking clothes, and I can't drink coffee, maybe it's because I'm so mild mannered? :D

6 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Great flight here Jack, from taxiing to the end. It seems the takeoff runway was quite tight for you, but this was obviously not the final challenge for the paxes nerves. At least you did not clean up the cabin from cookies before landing with your usual manouvre.

Good to see the brilliant scenery as well as the blurryness when you were rushing over Brissie a little fast - I also have to cure blurryness in my (barebone) P3D installation now.

Thanks Gerold!  I took my time in taking off, I mean if a 737 can do it this little plane can do it too.  Soon on the cookies flight, and the pax wanted it, that paid extra for it.  As for the blurries, I never noticed it till you mentioned it, hardware/software maybe?

3 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots Jack.



Thank you Iain!

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33 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I never noticed it till you mentioned it,

This is the best what can happen: If it doesn´t bother you, don´t care.

I just notice it for my own motivation (which is needed, since I struggle heavily with P3D setup & getting it to work).

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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

This is the best what can happen: If it doesn´t bother you, don´t care.

I just notice it for my own motivation (which is needed, since I struggle heavily with P3D setup & getting it to work).

I just really never noticed it, now that you mentioned it I can see it.

But I’d rather have it blurry than no sim anyway.!:unsure:

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