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Northern California is beautiful in OF2

Jack Sawyer

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P3Dv4.1 - Global, Vector, NCA, NA L/C, Orbx's airports. KEKA to KFOT, Chase Plane, AS4, all sliders totally maxed out for more OF2 details.  And loving it.


Oh, and a blue plane for @VH-KDK and @BradB :)


Hit lots of clouds and weather was less than delightful at Fortuna but loved every minute of it.

















































Special thanks to Roger, @Wakashi for showing me how to use FltPlan Go on my iPad, this is a wonderful little free app!



And finally, I know it's goofy but I put little stickies on my real Jeppesen maps so I can get a big picture to see where I want to go next.




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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Special thanks to Roger, @Wakashi for showing me how to use FltPlan Go on my iPad, this is a wonderful little free app!

Real nice shots Jack!  Glad you’re enjoying the app also!  I like it because you can do so much before starting up the sim and flying.

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2 hours ago, mikewies said:

Great selection of shots Jack, it tells a compelling story of the flight beginning to end. Appreciate the inclusion of your Jeppesen maps also!

Thanks Mike, these are real old maps, given to me be a real 767 driver a while ago.  He's a good friend.

1 hour ago, paulb said:

Excellent Jack! Great variety of shots and an enjoyable flight. I like the way the weather changed during your flight. :)

Neat idea with the maps ;).

Thanks Paul, I did too but it was a difficult landing, no ILS so it was dive and drive while the GTN was screaming at me to Pull Up!

49 minutes ago, Wakashi said:

Real nice shots Jack!  Glad you’re enjoying the app also!  I like it because you can do so much before starting up the sim and flying.

Thanks Roger, I am but please elaborate how you do a lot with it before starting the sim.

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3 minutes ago, BradB said:

Wow - Now your talking my kind of language : Low and slow in a blue plane , thanks you Mr. Jack . :wub::rolleyes::D





You're welcome John!  I was hoping you would like it.  And it was a beautiful flight, I so much like Orbx's stuff and with full sliders it's just awesome. :P

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48 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Roger, I am but please elaborate how you do a lot with it before starting the sim.

The obvious of couse is the plan, you can check wind at all flight levels, terrain, metars for departing and arrival airports, procedures w/sid's & stars,  jet or victor airways, frequencies, use it to overlay the procedures on the map and know what to expect when you leave or arrive, etc, you get the picture, plan the flight, take the notes, start the sim, make the connections to the app and flyl  Like they say: (If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there), but if you plan just a little it makes for more enjoyable flight.  Believe me I don't use the app everytime but I do use it a lot.

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5 minutes ago, Wakashi said:

The obvious of couse is the plan, you can check wind at all flight levels, terrain, metars for departing and arrival airports, procedures w/sid's & stars,  jet or victor airways, frequencies, use it to overlay the procedures on the map and know what to expect when you leave or arrive, etc, you get the picture, plan the flight, take the notes, start the sim, make the connections to the app and flyl  Like they say: (If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there), but if you plan just a little it makes for more enjoyable flight.  Believe me I don't use the app everytime but I do use it a lot.

I understand now, thanks Roger.  I like the wind feathers on it, thats a nice touch.  And I just discovered how to make a plan, I like that too.  I can't believe this is free and works so well with P3D.  Amazing.

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8 hours ago, lifejogger said:

An Amazing set pf screenshots Jack and the fog looks super.

Thanks John!  I thought it was neat too but I should have diverted as it was blind flying the. whole way down.

3 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shot Jack.



Thanks Iain!

2 hours ago, RichardLouis said:

A pleasant journey Jack. Thank you.

Thank you Richard!

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3 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Nice fog you encountered from Rohnerville onwards, seems to be true NorCal autumn weather...

Great to see you enhance your simulation with real Jeppesen charts, that looks great!

Thanks Gerold!  The fog was great, I was in an out of clouds the whole way.  And the maps still have usefulness to them.  Very few of the VOR or NDB freq's have changed and it's nice to hang it on the wall and get a good idea of the distance between airports.  Imagine that's all they had not too many years ago.  Now i's all GPS and iPads.

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