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OF2 Pago Pago

Jack Sawyer

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Well, this is for @Tim Harris.  From back in August when you suggested this very route Tim.


OF beta program, All Orbx stuff, AS4 on, ChasePlane, Matt Davies' modified PTA, REX, etc.


This flight is from NSTU, Pago to NSFA Fagali'i and it was beautiful.











































































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A superb series of shots Jack! I really like your 'step by step' approach here. As though we are coming on the flight with you.


Your sim looks great now and all of the 'add ons' that you have there must make it a first class experience.


Well, 12.18 here, so I am off to bed! :D

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2 minutes ago, paulb said:

A superb series of shots Jack! I really like your 'step by step' approach here. As though we are coming on the flight with you.


Your sim looks great now and all of the 'add ons' that you have there must make it a first class experience.


Well, 12.18 here, so I am off to bed! :D

Thanks Paul, it was a very short flight for a 777 but since Tim mentioned it I thought with OF2 why not, and I had a great time.


I just wish I could figure out how to change the water to a little more greenish blue tint.  Posted at the AVSIM PTA site asking how to do this.  Wish I knew more about this little app, it's extremely powerful but it can get tedious with shutting down the sim, making one change and running the sim, and rinse and repeat.


But I gotta tell ya, Pago is so lush and green, now my wife wants to visit there!

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14 minutes ago, flyingleaf said:

Wow Jack super cool shots. Amazing orbx detail. Wonderful and well done my friend.

Thanks Karl!  It's all Orbx my friend, they give us this big beautiful sandbox to play around in and I'm like a little kid at Christmas now with the new OF2, testing all my airports.  I have almost all their stuff so I have a long way to go but it's fun.

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1 hour ago, Jeff Gilmour said:

Magnificent pictures Jack, a great advert for the product, I'm sure Tim and Ken would agree how beautiful it looks in P3Dv4 with your settings and OF2.

Thanks Jeff!  They did a wonderful job, I'm really glad I made the jump to the new OF and took Tim's advice because it's so lush and beautiful there.

1 hour ago, BradB said:

Marvelous shots Jack . :):)





Thanks John, that makes me feel mahvelous! 

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7 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Paul, it was a very short flight for a 777 but since Tim mentioned it I thought with OF2 why not, and I had a great time.


I just wish I could figure out how to change the water to a little more greenish blue tint.  Posted at the AVSIM PTA site asking how to do this.  Wish I knew more about this little app, it's extremely powerful but it can get tedious with shutting down the sim, making one change and running the sim, and rinse and repeat.


But I gotta tell ya, Pago is so lush and green, now my wife wants to visit there!


Why not just change your water texture in REX4EE Jack?


Currently I use REX4 for the water textures, ASCA for sky and clouds, and PTA for the shaders.


As you know, the different water sets in REX4 will give you different 'blues'. Perhaps best to start there and then use the shaders/PTA?


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7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

What a great flight Jack, beautiful shots of the 777.

You must be so happy to have your old ORBX haunts back again.

You make the scenery appear so lifelike in these images, well done.:)

Thanks Martyn, you bet, I'm extremely happy.  I plan on testing every last one and have a blast doing it.  I agree, Pago is paradise!

5 hours ago, stewart1 said:

What a fantastic collection of screen shots Jack I think you are on a roll with such a wonderful set of screen shots regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart!  Hopefully I'll keep a rollin'.

5 hours ago, adambar said:

Sensational set of shots Jack! :)

Thanks Adam.

4 hours ago, paulb said:


Why not just change your water texture in REX4EE Jack?


Currently I use REX4 for the water textures, ASCA for sky and clouds, and PTA for the shaders.


As you know, the different water sets in REX4 will give you different 'blues'. Perhaps best to start there and then use the shaders/PTA?


Thanks for the suggestion Paul, But what is EE?  I have TD HD.  Are the water colors that much different?

1 hour ago, Iain Emms said:

Smashing shots



Thanks Iain!

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18 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:


Thanks for the suggestion Paul, But what is EE?  I have TD HD.  Are the water colors that much different?


  Rex4 TD Enhanced Edition. You might have the same Jack? Anyway, it might be worthwhile checking out the different 'blues' for water to see if you prefer one.

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Just now, paulb said:

  Rex4 TD Enhanced Edition. You might have the same Jack? Anyway, it might be worthwhile checking out the different 'blues' for water to see if you prefer one.

Hi Paul, I already did and didn't like any of them, they all look purplish to me, way too deep blue.  I grew up on the ocean in Boston and I like to see it as kind of grayish/greenish, not this deep dark blue.  I'm afraid I'll have to live with it.

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3 hours ago, andy1252 said:

truly lovely set of shots, Jack. Another one of those areas I seem to ignore but you've inspired me - I'll have to take a visit. Certainly looks like you're all set up now - these really are great shots - very atmospheric.

Thanks Andy, I felt the same way, it's one of those remote places you never think to go but when you go there you're amazed at the lushness and green of it all.

22 minutes ago, Ken Hall said:

Glad you enjoyed the flight Jack, great photos

Thanks Ken and thanks for all your outstanding work, you make our flying experience so much better!

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