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Anchorage to Homer Alaska

Jack Sawyer

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2 minutes ago, BradB said:

One of my most favorite routes , you captured it very well Jack . I see you have some of your airports into V4 , any issues with Homer that you could see ? .





Thanks John but this was not the beta OF.  Just Orbx's Alaska.  Hopefully soon.

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10 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Jack. What an ominous looking sky. Glad you made it. Orbx rock in Alaska.

Thanks Karl, you bet, Orbx is amazing, it was so immersive and windy too.

8 hours ago, adambar said:

Super shots and flight Jack! :)

Thanks Adam!

4 hours ago, paulb said:

That is a super series of shots Jack. Great variety. I liked it! :)

Thank you Paul!

3 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set these.



Thanks Iain!

2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent flight well captured Jack.

Some beautiful scenery under those darkening skies.

Thanks Martyn, it sure is, made this flight many times, it's one of my favorites.

1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Fantastic light (again) Jack, and skillful flying in that unlovely weather. I see you sticking with the proper colour, and for the sake of your passangers you omitted the usual moves.


Near miss of us both, though:


Thanks Gerold, I saw your post, outstanding!  I love yellow for some reason and I think I'll have to do some more unorthodox flying soon! 

1 hour ago, Neptune6 said:

Yeha in Yellow this trip is awesome Jack and color sky from ASK dream .



Thanks Patrick, glad you liked.

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