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Pago Pago pt. 1

Jack Sawyer

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8 hours ago, magic1 said:

Nice shots

Thanks Magic!

7 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

nice ones thanks Jack

Thanks Ken, this is a green and lush very beautiful area!

7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

WOnderful set Jack, haven't been to Pago for ages.


Thanks Martyn, me either, and I was pleasantly surprised.

6 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Great scenery and nice shots of it.

Thank you John!

6 hours ago, BradB said:

Smashing tour's and shots Jack !! .





Thanks John!

4 hours ago, tmarshall said:

I bought Pago Pago in the recent sales and seem to spend a lot of time in the sim at the moment there or PNG; both are amazing areas.


Nice shots, and of course... you can't beat a bit of island hopping :)



Thanks Terry, it was a lot of fun in the Bell, it's a beautiful tropical paradise.  I loved it.

4 hours ago, paulb said:

Excellent shots and very pretty scenery Jack! :). It looks nice and warm there!

ThanksPaul, it was beautiful, Orbx did a smashing job on it, haven't been there for a long while so it was nice to see all those palm trees.

4 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Super set of shots nice yellow and white chopper it take it you are ok with regards to the weather conditions  regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart!  Yep, trees down and minor flooding but we're ok.  The whole time I was making these flights I was expecting power to go out at any moment.  

4 hours ago, adambar said:

I could use a pina colada about now Jack. :D  Beautiful tropical scapes my friend! :)

Thanks Adam, me too, I'd love to go there and string up a hammock and relax under some palm trees with a Pina Colada! ;)

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