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Test flights

Jack Sawyer

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Looking very good Jack.

There are so many overlapping products now in the Textures & weather fields, I lose track & sometimes am not sure which ones are working in a flight.

(Eg, Envtex, Rex Textures Direct & Airport Buildings & Weathers & Soft Clouds, AS/ASCA etc)

Which "Rex" are you using??


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7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

It all goes together really well Jack.

Excellent set of views.

Thanks Martyn!

6 hours ago, fly37 said:

I think this are the best shots you did!

Thank you Gianni my friend!

4 hours ago, paulb said:

I have to say that the colours look excellent Jack! Well done! :)

Thank you Paul, I kinda like 'em too.

1 hour ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots Jack.



Thank you Iain.

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5 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Looking very good Jack.

There are so many overlapping products now in the Textures & weather fields, I lose track & sometimes am not sure which ones are working in a flight.

(Eg, Envtex, Rex Textures Direct & Airport Buildings & Weathers & Soft Clouds, AS/ASCA etc)

Which "Rex" are you using??


Hi TTM, here's screens of my settings.


First, everything was Orbx, then I was using Adam Bank's latest PTA, and as for REX I'm using Iain's em3 but slightly modified.  Here's the screens, ASCA setting included.









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13 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Very realistic looking shots, Jack. And thanks for sharing your settings - soon I´ll come back to that (when I cross the river towards P3D).

Thanks Gerold!  Yep, I look forward to your new sim and shots!

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Very interesting screen grabs Jack.

This was P3D v3.4?

It looks to me as though Envtex & Rex Texture Direct cover similar territory.

I have the Entex in v3.4, but Rex is back burnered.

I think I will try the Rex TD with Soft Clouds in v4.

If you have Rex TD with Soft Clouds & AS16/ASCA both active, who's clouds are you getting?? Or do they play together nicely??


Since you are a dab hand at the settings screen grabs I may request a few from your v3.4 set up.

Just need to sort out which ones.


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24 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:

Very interesting screen grabs Jack.

This was P3D v3.4?

It looks to me as though Envtex & Rex Texture Direct cover similar territory.

I have the Entex in v3.4, but Rex is back burnered.

I think I will try the Rex TD with Soft Clouds in v4.

If you have Rex TD with Soft Clouds & AS16/ASCA both active, who's clouds are you getting?? Or do they play together nicely??


Since you are a dab hand at the settings screen grabs I may request a few from your v3.4 set up.

Just need to sort out which ones.


Hi TTM.  I'm using P3Dv4.


I never liked Soft Clouds, even in 3.4 so I always used ASCA.  And I should untick the two cloud boxes in REX because ASCA overrides REX's clouds anyway.


What screens grabs do you need?  I don't use REX anymore in 3.4 or ASCA, just AS4 for weather with the default cloud set from P3D 3.4.


Nor do I use a PTA in 3.4, I've been spending most of my time in V4 trying to get it looking good, all I really need is Orbx's stuff and I'll be finished with 3.4.  So in 3.4 I've been using Iain's HDR settings and nothing else really.



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3 minutes ago, adambar said:

Fantastic combination you have there Jack, really nice! :)

Thanks Adam, it took a while but it's about as good as it'll get unless I learn PTA.  Waiting for Adam Bank's new PTA and see how that looks.  Hopefully tomorrow I can fly to my two new airports, bought 'me the other day but been so busy I haven't had a chance to go there, and it has to be in 3.4 too but I keep a close eye on VAS.

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"Untick the 2 Rex boxes" -  handy info re clouds.

I'll come back later today with screen grab request & just do what you can.


I put Simstarter NG into v4 yesterday & dealing with the 'oops" - not quite that bad, but Simstarter & PTA were wresting in the dust a bit & I had some weird elevations. S45 in a canyon. It didn't turn up on the Vector list so I uninst/reinstalled & that fixed it. Simstarter NG in v3.4 has been tamed & does a good job feeding in the parts of the world I want in a flight & keeping the others out.


My main problems in v4 are that I am getting scenery  shimmering ahead of the aircraft when viewed from 'following the aircraft" view, & airport white lines do a 'break dance' as you fly over them.

Plus massive stuttering out of Southampton.

So I am casting about for a good set of  v4 settings hoping that may fix things.

As more stuff is added on to v4, things can get a bit messy.


When I first loaded v4 & had very little in it I was getting 100 fpfs out in the country. Now I get about 50 fps & drops down to 30 or a bit less around towns.


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Screen grabs - only if they don't drive you nuts.

Very interested in your settings.


P3D v3.4

P3D Scenario Set Up - Options - Settings -

1 each of Graphics, Scenery & Lighting.


P3D v4

Options - Graphics

1 each of Display, World, Lights.




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3 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:


Screen grabs - only if they don't drive you nuts.

Very interested in your settings.


P3D v3.4

P3D Scenario Set Up - Options - Settings -

1 each of Graphics, Scenery & Lighting.


P3D v4

Options - Graphics

1 each of Display, World, Lights.




Easy peasy TTM, I'll probably email them to you, but gimme a few hours as I have real stuff I need to do.

Also, I use a bunch of graphics settings, one for heavy jets, one for low and slow short flights, and others.  So it will be image heavy.


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35 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Easy peasy TTM, I'll probably email them to you, but gimme a few hours as I have real stuff I need to do.

Also, I use a bunch of graphics settings, one for heavy jets, one for low and slow short flights, and others.  So it will be image heavy.


Email is good.

We are probably a bit off topic now. :)


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23 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Adam, it took a while but it's about as good as it'll get unless I learn PTA.  Waiting for Adam Bank's new PTA and see how that looks.  Hopefully tomorrow I can fly to my two new airports, bought 'me the other day but been so busy I haven't had a chance to go there, and it has to be in 3.4 too but I keep a close eye on VAS.

Jack, I usually ending up tweaking the PTA to my liking anyway in the graphic section. Like Adam said, every system is different and it is.:)

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