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Goheen & Portland

Jack Sawyer

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Just bought W52 after seeings Caleb's videos.  Well worth it, I should have bought this a while ago.


This is all Orbx stuff and Iain's HDR settings, no PTA.  P3D 3.4


Sorry for so many, I'm a sucker for screen shots!


Oh, and yes, it's time.....:)




Look at the detail on these hangars.



People Flow



And who doesn't like tires painted white for parking spots?  Great idea!





Heading to the grass strip



Beautiful little farmhouse







What a cool view!





Here we go!



Now for something completely different





Let's buzz PDX



Hi guys, lookit me!  I'm upside down!



Do I push the stick forward or aft?



Let's head for the city.



Easy peasy



Steady hand...








Now let's have a look at downtown Portland





Now let's land at KPDX





Love this golf course



On final





Who could possibly say this isn't a beautiful plane?



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10 minutes ago, fly37 said:

Wow what a shots.. really great!

Thanks Gianni!  Glad you liked them.

1 minute ago, Ken Hall said:

Great flight Jack,, your enthusiasm is awesome.

Thank you Ken, yeah, I get real enthused about flying a cool plane over the most beautiful scenery.  This WA52, how in the world did I not buy it?  I just like having a lot of fun.

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1 hour ago, adambar said:

Sigh! :(  Some nice flying there Jack, great shots! :)

Thanks Adam but why the long face, heck, I was having fun. :D

55 minutes ago, BradB said:

These are all "Pure Jack" shots . :D:D






BTW - Jack your 10K milestone is fast approaching , we have your smoking jacket and key card waiting for you . :rolleyes::lol:

Thanks John!  :D  I see that, smoking jacket and key card!  :lol:.  That will be cool, never had something like this before.

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2 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

Mind-bending bunch of shots to look at! Made my morning to see this beautiful scenery. I knew you were up to no good after reading your introductory words.

Thanks Erik! :lol:  Up to no good, with me it's all good, well to me at least. :D

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7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set these Jack.



Thanks Iain, your HDR, love the way it looks.

6 hours ago, paulb said:

That is an impressive series of shots there Jack!

Thanks Paul!

6 hours ago, ruudmeij said:

Another great set Jack.




Thank you Ruud!

4 hours ago, Mark Abdey said:

Great location, great plane... hard to judge the flying without being there, but we'll assume it to be awesome... as are the caps B)

Thanks Mark, it was most awesome.

3 hours ago, Bluebear said:

Absolutely nice shots, Jack !!




Thanks Bluebear!

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Just now, PDX Flyer said:

Bravo Jack.  But how did you install Portland into V4?  I am fairly new to V4 and didn't realize you could install this into V4.  Thanks for enlightening me.



Thanks PDX!  This is 3.4. I have been regularly putting in the sim version in the tag line.  Like everyone, I'm patiently waiting on the airports from V4 but since I have so many in 3.4 I figured I can wait quite a while.   I have more than enough areas to explore, and since I just bought this one the other day I figured I'd see if it OOM'd when I got to KPDX and the city, didn't even come close so that was good.  I tried to give you an upvote but again for some reason it says I have exceeded my 50 per day limit when I know I haven't even come close to that.  Sigh.  You get a like anyway PDX.

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks PDX!  This is 3.4. I have been regularly putting in the sim version in the tag line.  Like everyone, I'm patiently waiting on the airports from V4 but since I have so many in 3.4 I figured I can wait quite a while.   I have more than enough areas to explore, and since I just bought this one the other day I figured I'd see if it OOM'd when I got to KPDX and the city, didn't even come close so that was good.  I tried to give you an upvote but again for some reason it says I have exceeded my 50 per day limit when I know I haven't even come close to that.  Sigh.  You get a like anyway PDX.

Thank You.

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4 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set Jack both on the ground and in the air.

Some mighty fine detail at Goheen and plenty of bridges to keep you amused.

Not a very beautiful plane though, see there is always one!:rolleyes:

Thanks Martyn!  Not a very beautiul plane?  Seriously, I read on a Wiki site, for what it's worth, that this plane was voted most beautiul ever in its class.  I love the way it looks.  Hope they port it over to V4 soon.

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