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Winjeel in Wales

Jack Sawyer

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Made some more VAS test flights and after seeing Martyn's nice flight I though I'd revisit.

With that Scenery Config Editor my VAS has improved my 50%!  I'm astonished.


I started at EGNR, Hawarden and just cruised around.



Such a neat little plane!

















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12 minutes ago, BradB said:

I love the Winjeel and your shots Jack . :wub::D





Thanks John, yeah, she sure is a little beauty isn't she?  I wonder how many are still flying Down Under?  It'd love to see one in person.  It's a joy to fly.

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3 hours ago, Orbxtreme said:

Great shots, interesting little aircraft this one! Just saw you are sick this week...I just finished mine (called H3N2 but feeling like H1000N2000:D.

Thanks Orbxtreme, I hope you're well, me, I go back and forth and now my love and gracious wife is coming down with it.

3 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful flight Jack and a great plane to go touring in.

Still quite a few of them flying down here too, fairly common at air shows.

Thanks Martyn!  I'd love to see one in person, would be cool.

1 hour ago, disinfected said:

These look great! Anxious to give this plane a try.

Thanks! You will enjoy it, it's a fun little plane.

1 hour ago, PDX Flyer said:

Sorry my Flying Friend, but today's "Batman" award has already been given.  But for these shots you get a "Hip Hip Hooray" from me.

Thanks PDX!  I'll take it! :D

51 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:

Nice set.

Missed this:

"With that Scenery Config Editor my VAS has improved my 50%!  I'm astonished "


Which editor are you referring to Jack?


Thanks TTM, the editor I use is called Scenery Config Editor.  Here's a link that Nick Cooper has been very graciously helping me learn it and it's works wonders!


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10 hours ago, adambar said:

Very nicely done Jack Sawyer, great shots! :)

Thanks Adam!

6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set of shots.



Thank you again Iain, always appreciate your comments.

3 hours ago, Kasi31 said:

Beautifl set of shots Jack!

Thanks Kasi!  Appreciate it.

19 minutes ago, paulb said:

Great shots and scenery Jack!  That Winjeel looks very nice too!

Thanks Paul, yes, it's a cool plane.  Adam banks was the one who I first saw flying it and it grew on me and Mr. Ant is amazing I tell you.

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