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No more planes, more Orbx

Jack Sawyer

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After reading JV's announcement that the next version of P3D, I assume the 64-bit version will be no charge and it's all simply handled by FTXv3 I decided to focus spending on Orbx.


So last night I bought 74S, Anacortes and ENNO.  Haven't checked out ENNO yet but user's a nice 14.5 miles flight from Anacortes to Friday Harbor.

A2A 182 - AS16 on - Adam's 20_10 preset - Summer - and it was fun.









































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Good luck Jack.  That is on your goal to not buy anymore planes.  It's sort of like a bug...once started, hard to stop.  In a post a few days ago, I swore I wasn't going to buy anymore planes for two months.  I can see now, it is a goal that I am bound to fail at.  No willpower here.  Anyway, good luck on your goal.

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9 minutes ago, PDX Flyer said:

Good luck Jack.  That is on your goal to not buy anymore planes.  It's sort of like a bug...once started, hard to stop.  In a post a few days ago, I swore I wasn't going to buy anymore planes for two months.  I can see now, it is a goal that I am bound to fail at.  No willpower here.  Anyway, good luck on your goal.

:lol: PDX, I know exactly what you mean!  I was this close to buying the CS727 but decided I have way too many planes to learn as it is!  Besides, with P3D 64 seemingly imminent those planes will just be wasted money.  Unless someone or LM comes up with some kind of backward compatibility.  This is my biggest fear.  Lots and lots of gorgeous Orbx land but just the PMDG 747 to fly over it, way too high over it.

1 minute ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots.



Thanks Iain!

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Just now, oldboy43 said:

Hi Jack very nice screens. I have a question. The problem was built GTN 750 to A2A 182 cockpit panel? 

Is that some major software as in the case of Turbo Duke?


Best regards



Hi Karoly, thanks.  Several of the A2A planes allow you to choose which GPS unit to use.

I'm using the Flight1 GTN750 which is a separate purchase.  The RealAir Duke and Lancair also use it too.


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2 minutes ago, paulb said:

Hi Jack,


I have been toying with the idea of purchasing the Flight 1 GTN750. Is it much better than those that come with some payware aircraft eg the Flight 1 B200 or C182T?

Well, I have the older version.  I don't update anything on Earth until I do very detailed and extensive research.  The new one is full of bugs.  I was even told by the developer to hold off till a new version was released.  No idea when it will be.  But I can say this, After Orbx scenery and airports this little device is my all-time favorite flight sim add-on.  If I had a real plane I'd do whatever it took to buy a real one.  This is just my personal opinion, I like nice GPS's.


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24 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Well, I have the older version.  I don't update anything on Earth until I do very detailed and extensive research.  The new one is full of bugs.  I was even told by the developer to hold off till a new version was released.  No idea when it will be.  But I can say this, After Orbx scenery and airports this little device is my all-time favorite flight sim add-on.  If I had a real plane I'd do whatever it took to buy a real one.  This is just my personal opinion, I like nice GPS's.



Thanks Jack, It sounds like I should hold off for the moment then. Having said that, I am still getting to grips with the G1000 in the F1 aircraft (B200/T182T/Mustang) !

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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

I can understand your philosophy re buying new planes currently.

I can also enjoy your magnificent pictures.

Thanks Gerold!  Maybe today I'll be posting some KSAN ones!  


But yeah, I'm very anxious about 64 bit over the plane issue.  I'll have to buy another SSD and I have no idea if I could even have 3.4 and the 64 bit version on one PC.


On the one had it'll be glorious to have all my Orbx maxed out and not worry about that dumb VAS but on the other hand I'll have just the default (YUCK) P3D planes.





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Top shots Jack, great news too about the free upgrades. They really look after us here.

A bit of a quandary isn't it about the planes. It will be like starting over again.

How much more ORBX scenery have you got to buy, it seems like every day you are getting a new one. I thought you would have had them all by now!:D

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12 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Top shots Jack, great news too about the free upgrades. They really look after us here.

A bit of a quandary isn't it about the planes. It will be like starting over again.

How much more ORBX scenery have you got to buy, it seems like every day you are getting a new one. I thought you would have had them all by now!:D

I have a lot, it would be easier to say what I don't have.  I still need most of the UK and all of Oz, and a few little strips in the PNW and a couple more bigger stand-alone ones but yeah, I'm heavily invested in Orbx by now.  But who is better?  No one.  And look what they're gonna do for us?  Who in the world does this?  No one.  

Yeah, a real quandary it'll be.  These aircraft I have are irreplaceable.

The only hope is the post Andy made about a possible module they could program in where we could use them, I hope they do something like this.


3 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

A top-sky set of caps and I like the parking captures!

Thanks Erik!  Glad you liked them.  I've seen a lot of guys do that behind the fence shot so I thought why not?

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I, too, have sworn off plane purchases but am sure to be unsuccessful!


My flight sim to do list is huge without new plane distractions - AI files to add or update, scenery to install and or tweak or design, railcars to place in freight yards once I can figure out how, the freeware C-47 to update...so I need to focus.


And I've been spending way too much time with X-Plane 11 and its great (but not Orbx great) freeware scenery, lighting, 64-bit-ness etc.


In any case congrats on Anacortes...it's gorgeous as are your shots!


Go fly under the big bridge! ;)



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7 hours ago, adambar said:

Yea yea yea, i've heard that one before Jack, there are a lot of nice planes in the works. :D


Beautiful shots from the PNW my friend, nice work! :)

Thanks Adam, no really, I have too many I don't fly anyway and like I said if P3D 64 is coming out soon my hangar will be useless.

2 hours ago, Republic DC-9 said:

I, too, have sworn off plane purchases but am sure to be unsuccessful!


My flight sim to do list is huge without new plane distractions - AI files to add or update, scenery to install and or tweak or design, railcars to place in freight yards once I can figure out how, the freeware C-47 to update...so I need to focus.


And I've been spending way too much time with X-Plane 11 and its great (but not Orbx great) freeware scenery, lighting, 64-bit-ness etc.


In any case congrats on Anacortes...it's gorgeous as are your shots!


Go fly under the big bridge! ;)



I'm the same way Steve.  I even have a list I keep on my phone of P3D to-do items, where and what to fly in Orbx land.

I tried X-Plane years ago when it came on something like 20 DVD's and the learning curve was so steep I gave up on it.  I don't know if the interface has changed but I'm sticking with P3D for now.

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Great shots Jack.

7 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

but if P3D goes 64 will Carenado ever modify the planes?

I think they will since they make them for Xplane too.

I will at least purchase one plane for my old FSX: the Milviz Beaver. Maybe that will be my last one but as Steve, I'm also a bit weak. :)

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On 22/02/2017 at 7:09 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

On the one had it'll be glorious to have all my Orbx maxed out and not worry about that dumb VAS but on the other hand I'll have just the default (YUCK) P3D planes.

Hi Jack,


first, some great pix there. As often happens, they made me think about getting another ORBX area until I checked and found I'd got it already (74S). Nearly ooops.


As to the 'planes issue - my take will be that if I find my huge hangar is made obsolete by any 64-bit P3D I plan to run both systems in parallel. I'll use v4 (or what/whenever) for those areas where I need the VAS relief, but the current v3 is pretty damn fine for most of the ORBX world and I'll be more than happy to stay flying here. I can quite see pushing big tin round the big airfields in v4 but quite happily hopping around the smaller strips in the legacy/fury/sopwith/paramotor/cessna/piper etc etc in v3 until they take my frozen remains out for recycling.


However it pans out, it's all good!

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8 minutes ago, andy1252 said:

Hi Jack,


first, some great pix there. As often happens, they made me think about getting another ORBX area until I checked and found I'd got it already (74S). Nearly ooops.


As to the 'planes issue - my take will be that if I find my huge hangar is made obsolete by any 64-bit P3D I plan to run both systems in parallel. I'll use v4 (or what/whenever) for those areas where I need the VAS relief, but the current v3 is pretty damn fine for most of the ORBX world and I'll be more than happy to stay flying here. I can quite see pushing big tin round the big airfields in v4 but quite happily hopping around the smaller strips in the legacy/fury/sopwith/paramotor/cessna/piper etc etc in v3 until they take my frozen remains out for recycling.


However it pans out, it's all good!

Hi Andy, I agree with your sentiment 100% but there might be a small fly in the ointment.  We may not be able to have both version on one system.


I was planning on doing exactly as you say but if I can't have both V3.4 and V4 (potential 64-bit) then I'll have to mkae a huge financial decision.  I've spent an aboslute ton of coin on planes through the years and I'd say 99% of them will never be upgraded.  I even saw on A2A that they said it take an entire rework of their planes and even they're not commited to doing it.


So it'll be nice if we can have both.  I'll have the PMDG 747 in 64 and everything in 32 IF they can both be ran on one PC.


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I'm not a programmer, but perhaps telling is how Carenado/Alabeo have handled their offerings.


I've been spending (too much) time with X-Plane 11 which is quickly growing on me (but I sure wish it had Orbx products!) and I fly numerous Carenado/Alabeo planes in 64-bit there and they seem nearly identical to the P3D offerings - the 3D modeling, paint, etc. seem exactly the same - what I'm not sure of is how much of the behind the scenes coding is different or what it would take to "tweak" to 64-bit.


We will have to see I guess.



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2 minutes ago, Republic DC-9 said:

I'm not a programmer, but perhaps telling is how Carenado/Alabeo have handled their offerings.


I've been spending (too much) time with X-Plane 11 which is quickly growing on me (but I sure wish it had Orbx products!) and I fly numerous Carenado/Alabeo planes in 64-bit there and they seem nearly identical to the P3D offerings - the 3D modeling, paint, etc. seem exactly the same - what I'm not sure of is how much of the behind the scenes coding is different or what it would take to "tweak" to 64-bit.


We will have to see I guess.



Hi Steve, I'm not a programmer either.  That's a good question.  I wonder how much it really would take.  All I know is I want to forget I ever heard the acronym VAS.  It's been the bane of my flight sim experience.


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