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The female monarch is in my hangar

Jack Sawyer

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Started out being silly.  No tutorial, just hand flying with minimum fuel.

Of all places Bonner's Ferry!  And it lifted off!

Then placed it at KPSP, took off and made a pattern and landed and called for the service vehicles.










Now, come on, you guys just knew I had to get silly for a moment.  No 747's were injured in this screenshot. :D














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25 minutes ago, RJ said:

Bug heavy shots, Jack! :)


Thanks RJ!

12 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:


Runway 2/20 at Bonners Ferry is 4,002' long.

Calculations I have seen suggest a lightly loaded 747 may need around 4,738' to take off.

Why did you not end up in the hill at the end of the runway?:)


Nice shots BTW.


Hi TTM!  Ah, well, you see, I had JATO's?  No.  You know how I am, I was gonna try Siletz!  But actually, I used the CDU to set the lowest fuel load then stood on the brakes and blasted the throttles to the firewall and hoped for the best.  Betty was screaming at me that the runway was too short. So I pulled up at the last second and man I gotta tell ya, if they modeled this thing right this plane has some serious power.  From now on it'll be more sensible shots.  I just wanted to be silly for my wife.

9 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

You're up to no good in these shotz Jack!  :P;)

Thanks Erik!  What's life without a little fun?  I just wanted to make people laugh and really also to test it at a ridiculously short runway.  This thing rocks.  But I'd trade it for Innsbruck B)

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Top marks as usual for these fun shots  Jack.


There is no rule book as to what you do on your sim, great to see you stick it up some of the fly by the book "pilots'' I see on other sites that look down on us fun types.

Ctrl+E rules. OK:lol:

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I saved for this one for a long time & rolled it out yesterday.

Still reading the manuals but have done a couple of test flights.

Very very smooth & realistic . Those wings flex!!


Anyway, on most of my P3Dv3.4 aircraft, hovering over a Cockpit live switch brings up text:  a description & whether it is On or Off.

I am not getting that so far in the 747. I get the curled hand to indicate something is live, but no text.

Do you  get text?


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7 hours ago, farman said:


Thanks Farman!

6 hours ago, adambar said:

Say what, there went my supper again! :wub:  I swore I would never ride with you again the last time. :wacko:


Great shots Jack! :D

Sorry Adam, I thought I was Hoovering a little bit.  :lol:  Glad you liked them.

5 hours ago, Guinea-Pig on Glideslope said:

Great pics, Jack. I really love each detail on them :-)

Thanks! Yes, the detail is astonishing, like a flying Orbx!

5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Top marks as usual for these fun shots  Jack.


There is no rule book as to what you do on your sim, great to see you stick it up some of the fly by the book "pilots'' I see on other sites that look down on us fun types.

Ctrl+E rules. OK:lol:

:lol: So right Martyn!  I "sometimes" like to fly strictly by the book but you're right.  We are fun types!

3 hours ago, Torchy821 said:

Nice shots, Jack......did you win the lottery?  That is a seriously expensive aircraft!  Now I want one, but my military pension says not this month!:rolleyes:



Hi Kev, man do I wish I won the lottery!  It was money the wife got refunded on something she bought for me for Christmas so I went ahead and bought it.  I can completely understand as we're on a fixed income too.

1 hour ago, TigerTigerM said:


I saved for this one for a long time & rolled it out yesterday.

Still reading the manuals but have done a couple of test flights.

Very very smooth & realistic . Those wings flex!!


Anyway, on most of my P3Dv3.4 aircraft, hovering over a Cockpit live switch brings up text:  a description & whether it is On or Off.

I am not getting that so far in the 747. I get the curled hand to indicate something is live, but no text.

Do you  get text?


Hi TTM. Yep, I'm getting no tool tips in 3.4 either.  I'm getting exactly as you describe.  I like too tips and use them a lot.  Maybe they did this for realism?  If you find out please lemme know.

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I was almost disapointed Jack.  From the title, I was expecting butterfly pictures.  But "Oh Well" I guess I will have to settle for 747 pictures.  BTW, they were very entertaining shots.  For the sake of the folks living down near Siletz Bay, I am so glad you didn't choose that airport.

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4 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Will do


Thanks TTM!

3 hours ago, sightseer said:


fantastic set, Jack.  not what I was expecting from the title. 

Thanks Gerold!  It was fun!

3 hours ago, BradB said:

That is one big bug Jack . :rolleyes::D





Sure is John!  But you gotta admit, it's a beautiful plane.

3 hours ago, PDX Flyer said:

I was almost disapointed Jack.  From the title, I was expecting butterfly pictures.  But "Oh Well" I guess I will have to settle for 747 pictures.  BTW, they were very entertaining shots.  For the sake of the folks living down near Siletz Bay, I am so glad you didn't choose that airport.

I get it, monarch flutterbys! :D  Thanks PDX and I would have started at Siletz but I think the wings would have mown down some trees.

2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Well sometimes it happens that these big birds accidently land on too-small-airfields. And you prove that they can get out ther, too!

Yup!  It was an amazing takeoff out of that small airport.  But I think this 747 is smaller isn't it?

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Tool Tips - Looks like they can be switched On & Off in P3D.

Need to find where.



Addendum P3D Set Up notes  - 

To display cockpit ToolTips

  1. In the General Settings dialog box, select the Show cockpit ToolTips check box.
  2. Click OK.


Well, I have the box ticked, but no Tool Tips.

Might be something in the 747 set up - there is quite a bit at the front of one of the guides about tweaks to P3D to have the 747 run ok

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1 hour ago, TigerTigerM said:

Tool Tips - Looks like they can be switched On & Off in P3D.

Need to find where.



Addendum P3D Set Up notes  - 

To display cockpit ToolTips

  1. In the General Settings dialog box, select the Show cockpit ToolTips check box.
  2. Click OK.


Well, I have the box ticked, but no Tool Tips.

Might be something in the 747 set up - there is quite a bit at the front of one of the guides about tweaks to P3D to have the 747 run ok

Same here.  I always fly with them on but I guess they overrode them somehow?

Thanks TTM!

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