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Here we go... go to Goilala


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Out of Jacksons...


... into the mountains. Maybe "real weather" was not such a good idea...


... so after landing in Ononge I changed to Orbx weather 2.



Going on to Woitape (a relief to land after that first one)...


... and Fane.


With GoogleEarth proving the scenery is authentic. Great to see, after the thrilling flights.



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20 hours ago, Voyager said:

Every flight, new angles and new views like these here. Wonderful!


From iPad


19 hours ago, RJ said:

Great ride and great images! :)


19 hours ago, pgreenwo said:

No2 is a beauty Gerold!


15 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

Great flight and screenies, real weather is tough, especially around Kosipe, nearly always low cloud and rain, no wonder they call it the worst place to be a pilot


13 hours ago, gumbypickett said:

Very good set. I always use real weather now, but

sometimes its just to hard to land especially in these regions.




11 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots.




7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Top set Gerold.

A very exhilarating area to fly in.


Thanks, mates, I am sure most of you also try flying in this area regularly now. Except the one man who constructed it, had might have done his homework earlier. And left all those wrecks around.


I went back from using real weather in this area, difficult enough to spot the airstrips and to guess a good approach.

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19 hours ago, Bugdani said:

Great job!

Not as great as your paint jobs, Bug!


18 hours ago, BradB said:

It looks like a very interesting place to fly Gerold . I enjoyed all of your views , especially the Bird'sEye in shot #5 . 



A very low bird´s eye, now you know why chicken curry is served regularly there.


16 hours ago, Orbxtreme said:

Very nice shots, sure is a demanding area. Good idea the comparison with Google, even the paint on the building is there

I was very pleased to see this on Google. Though I prefer a comparison with real shots, taken by anyone in the forum here... who is close by?

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23 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Verry nice set Gerold


8 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Crackerjack shots from Papua!


8 hours ago, Tim Harris said:

Great shots of the highlands!


Thank you boys. Flying there is a challenging fun.

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